Registration and wood-fired pizza dinner 17:00-20:00 Thursday 1st December at Memorial Hall (R8)

Friday 2nd December / Saturday 3rd December / Sunday 4th December
8:45 / Welcome and announcements / 8:55 / Announcements
9:00 / Plenary Lecture / 9:00 / Plenary Lecture / 9:15 / Announcements
9:45 / Session 1 / 9:45 / Session 5 / 9:30 / Session 9
10:30 / Morning Tea / 10:30 / Morning Tea / 10:35 / Morning Tea
11:00 / Session 2 / 11:00 / Session 6 / 11:15 / Session 10
12:30 / Lunch / 12:30 / Lunch / 12:30 / Lunch
13:30 / Session 3 / 13:30 / Session 7 / End of conference
15:00 / Afternoon Tea / 15:00 / Afternoon Tea
15:30 / Session 4 / 15:30 / Session
16:10 / AGM / 17:00 / End of day
17:00 / End of day / 18:30 / Conference Dinner

With thanks to sponsors:

Thursday 1st December

17:00 – 20:00

Registration and welcome dinner and drinks.

Memorial Hall (R8), Hawkesbury Campus, Western Sydney University, Richmond

Friday 2nd December

*indicates students eligible for prizes

8:45 / Announcements
9:00 / Plenary Lecture:Claudia Bieber and Thomas Ruf
Connecting ecology and physiology: the life history strategy of a pulse resource consumer
9:45 / Christopher Friesen, Nicky Rollings, Randolph W Krohmer, Emily J Uhrig, Heather L Waye, Robert T Mason, Mats Olsson and Camilla M Whittington
Sex and death in the Canadian Bush: Sex-specific telomere dynamics in the red-sided garter snake.
10:00 / Christopher Turbilland Lisa Stojanovski
Giving predators the cold shoulder: torpor reduces predation risk in mice
10:15 / Nicolas Martin*, J. Hulbert, J. E. Bicudo, T. W. Mitchell and P. L. Else
Long live the queen: influence of diet on longevity of honeybees (Apis mellifera).
10:30-11:00 / Morning Tea
11:00 / Lisa Bromfield* and Christopher Turbill
Metabolic rate of house mice in response to air temperature and food availability
SPEED TALK / Jacinta Kong*,Ary Hoffmann and Michael Kearney
Predicting egg development in the parthenogenetic grasshopper Warramaba virgo (Orthoptera: Morabidae)
11:20 / Jessica Dudley*,Bronwyn McAllan, Christopher Murphy and Michael B. Thompson
Early pregnancy in the American desert rodent Merriam's Kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami)
11:35 / Henrique Braz, Selma M. Almeida-Santos, Christopher R. Murphy and Michael B. Thompson
Uterine and Eggshell Changes Associated with the Evolution of Viviparity in South American Water Snakes (Helicops spp.)
11:50 / Camilla Whittington, Kevin Danastas, Georges Grau, Christopher Murphy and Michael Thompson
Angiogenesis in amniote pregnancy
SPEED TALK / Mohammad Khan*, Michael B. Thompson, Maria Byrne and Camilla Whittington
Evolution of maternal fetal relationships in matrotrophic viviparous invertebrate: Parvulastra parvivipara and Cryptasterina hystera as model organisms
12:10 / Melanie Laird*,Hanon McShea, Bronwyn M. McAllan, Christopher R. Murphy and Michael B. Thompson
Uterine cell adhesion dynamics during pregnancy in Macropus eugenii (Macropodidae) and Trichosurus vulpecula (Phalangeridae)
12:25 / Announcements - Craig Franklin: Funding opportunities from Society of Experimental Biology and Company of Biologists
12:30-1:30 / Lunch
1:30 / Craig White,Dustin Marshall and Daniel Ortiz-Barrientos
Selection drives metabolic allometry
1:45 / Stewart Masson*, Chris Hedges, Jules Devaux and Anthony Hickey
Mitochondrial Glycerophosphate Dehydrogenase: a new bumblebee thermogenesis hypothesis
2:00 / Elle McDonald* and Christopher Turbill
Resting metabolic rate of mothers predicts offspring growth rate in mice
2:25 / Thomas Nelson* and Roger S Seymour
Avian brain metabolism: Are birds bird-brained?
2:30 / Sean Tomlinson, Kingsley Dixon and S. Don Bradshaw
The Buzz on Honeybee Energetics: Mismatches between Models and Measurement
2:45 / Karl Jones*, Steve Cooper and Roger Seymour
Respiration in subterranean diving beetles
3:00-3:30 / Afternoon Tea
3:30 / Hugh Winwood-Smith*, Craig White and Craig Franklin
Metabolic depression on a low carb diet: a mechanism to conserve glycogen?
3:45 / Daniel Gomez-Isaza*, Rebecca L Cramp, Richard Smullen, Ridley Aqua-Feed and Craig E Franklin
Coping with Climate Change: Can Diet Improve the Thermal Resilience of Barramundi, Lates calcarifer?
SPEED TALK / Kate Umbers
Temperature-dependent physiological colour change in Kosciuscola grasshoppers.
4:05 / Announcements – Christine Cooper: IMC12 Perth July 2017
4:10 / AGM

Saturday 3rd December

*indicates students eligible for prizes

8:45 / Announcements
9:00 / Plenary Lecture: Steve Swoapand Elissa Hutt
Diving Mice vs. Torpid Mice: A Comparison of Cardiovascular Regulation
9:45 / Phillipa K Beale*, Karen Ford, Ben Moore and Bill Foley
Interaction between plant secondary compounds and thermoregulation in mammalian herbivores.
10:00 / Zenon Czenze*, Mark Brigham, Anthony Hickey and Stuart Parsons,
Aren’t You Cold? Seasonal Torpor Expression and Roost Choice Differ Between Populations of New Zealand Bats
10:15 / Fritz Geiser, Kristina Gasch, Claudia Bieber, Gabrielle L. Stalder, Hanno Gerritsmann and Thomas Ruf,
Do hamsters bask?
10:30-11:00 / Morning Tea
11:00 / Steven Portugal
Bright nights, costly mornings: night-time body temperature increases correspond with moon phase and cloudless nights in wintering Barnacle Geese (Branta leucopsis)
11:15 / Clare Stawski, Taylor Hume, Gerhard Körtner, Shannon E. Currie, Julia Nowack and Fritz Geiser
Post-fire recovery of the behaviour and physiology of a small marsupial
11:30 / Christine Cooper and Philip Withers
Control of evaporative water loss by a heterothermic dasyurid marsupial
11:45 / Qiaohui Hu, Roger S. Seymour and Edward P. Snelling
Ontogenetic scaling of femoral blood rate in western grey kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus), eastern grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) and red kangaroo (Macropus rufus)
12:00 / Elia Pirtle*, Christopher R Tracy and Michael Ray Kearney
Quantifying the influence of physiology and behaviour on reptilian evaporative water loss rates.
12:15 / Nicholas Wu*, Rebecca L. Cramp and Craig E. Franklin
Living with a leaky skin: Upregulation of ion transport proteins during sloughing
12:30-1:30 / Lunch
1:30 / Pieter Arnold*, Phillip Cassey and Craig White
Experimental evolution of dispersal-related traits in a model insect: morphological, physiological, and behavioural responses to spatial selection
1:45 / Gerhard Koertner and Fritz Geiser
Does aridity affect home range size? The spatial ecology of Australia's dasyurid marsupials
2:00 / Edward Narayan, Asumi Willis, Corinne van den Hoek, Mandala Hunter-Ishikawa, Richard Thompson and Tuan Bendixsen
Conservation physiology of Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus): Monitoring stress and behaviour in bears rescued from bile farms in Vietnam
2:15 / Philip Withers, Luke Kealley, Christine Cooper, Harriet Mills and Dominique Blache
Effects of behavioural and physiological traits on release behaviour for ash-grey mice (Pseudomys albocinereus)
2:30 / Kristen Petrov*, James Van Dyke, Natasha Malkiewicz, Jessica Lewis, Michael Thompson and Ricky Spencer
Diet generalisation and specialisation in a freshwater turtle (Emydura macquarii)
2:45 / James Van Dyke, Michael Kelly, Kristen Petrov, Fiona Loudon and Ricky-John Spencer
The Mechanistic Bases for Maternal Effects in Turtles
3:00-3:30 / Afternoon Tea
3:30 / Julian Beaman*, Craig R. White and Frank Seebacher
Evolution of plasticity: mechanistic link between development and reversible acclimation
3:45 / Rebecca Cramp, Edward A. Meyer and Craig E. Franklin
Life at low pH: The mechanistic basis for tolerance of extremely low pH by Limnodynastes terraereginae larvae
4:00 / Jules Devaux*, Tony Hickey and Crystal James
Hypoxia tolerant species take advantage of intracellular acidosis to maintain mitochondrial function.
4:15 / Ensiyeh Ghanizadeh Kazerouni, Frank Seebacher and Craig, E. Franklin
Parental environment affects offspring's responses to UV-B
4:30 / Crystal James*, Anthony Hickey, Jules Devaux, Christopher Hedges and Stewart Masson
Is hypoxia tolerance reflected in New Zealand Triplefin brains? (Tripterygiidae): Analysing enzyme activities and metabolites
4:45 / Jessica K. McGlashan*, Michael B. Thompson, Fredric J. Janzen, James Van Dyke and Ricky-John Spencer
Synchronous hatching in freshwater turtles: metabolic and endocrine mechanisms
5:00 / End of Day
6:30 / Conference Dinner at The Sebel Resort, Windsor

Sunday4th December

*indicates students eligible for prizes

9:15 / Announcements
9:30 / Yugo Watanabe, Bert De Groef and Sylvia V.H. Grommen
Regulatory elements that drive corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 2 gene expression in avian thyrotropes
9:45 / Melissa Cameron and John Donald
Does the spotted gar, Lepisosteus oculatus, express a functional endothelial nitric oxide synthase?
10:00 / John Donald, Noor Khalidah Abdul Hamid and Janet McLeod
The role of leptin and ghrelin in appetite regulation in the Australian Spinifex hopping mouse, Notomys alexis, during long-term water deprivation
SPEED TALK / Lesley A. Alton, Rebecca L. Cramp, Emma Ceccato, Frank Seebacher and Craig E. Franklin
DNA damage induced by ultraviolet radiation is repaired faster by enzymatic photoreactivation than by nucleotide excision repair in an amphibian species
10:20 / Ellyse Noy*, Melissa Scott, Diana Rayment, Sylvia Grommen, Kylie Robert and Bert De Groef
The hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis in the fat-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata), an Australian marsupial
10:35-11:15 / Morning Tea
11:15 / Craig E. Franklin, Essie Rodgers, Lily Bentley and Ross Dwyer
Diving in a warming world: Environmental and physiological determinants of dive duration in crocodiles
11:30 / Michael Kearney, Warren P. Porter and Stephen A. Murphy
An estimate of the water budget for the endangered night parrot of Australia under recent and future climates
11:45 / Pippa Kern, Rebecca Cramp and Craig Franklin
Stressor interactions shape upper thermal limits
12:00 / Gillian Renshaw, Jules Devaux and Anthony Hickey
Mitochondrial plasticity as a determinant of surviving climate change.
12:15 / Final announcements and award presentations
12:30-13:30 / Lunch and end of conference