Board of Directors Meeting notes
JULY 15, 2010
The first Board meeting for the 2010-2011 Rotary year was called to order at 5:30 p.m. at the Metro Broker Office, 11150 Huron St, conference room. In attendance were: Diane Lewis, President; Nancy Catlin, Liz Fuselier, Ed Leone, Steven Stokes. Absent were: Rosie Garner, Donna Hudson, Sandra Mullins, Sean Reif, and Cara Spengler.
BOARD GUIDELINES: Diane defined the two major board structures and asked for a consensus of what was preferred. It was agreed that the board would consist of the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Committee Directors. She then reminded all that all Board discussions/information of a confidential nature would be kept within the board and privacy respected. The Board will meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 5:30 to 6:30, as needed, with location TBD. Special meetings will be called as required. The scope of the Board will be to set and monitor Policy and to approve expenditures and monitor financials. This definition will be reviewed and changed, if necessary, after the Club By-Laws have been updated
BUDGET: There was discussion on projected expenses for this coming year and information was exchanged for that task. Ed said he would roll up the information once the Directors provided him with their planned expenses and have it ready for the August Board Meeting.
TREASURER: Ed presented the most recent financial reports and spent some time explaining how to read the report. He emphasized that he pays expensed from both the Operating account and the Club Foundation account to optimize our tax liability. One example is Fundraising money is directed through the Foundation account. Directors can discuss with Ed to better understand further, for their Budget preparation. There is an outstanding Check for a scholarship written July 1, 2007. Ed was directed to void/credit that Check back to the account. Ed noted another source of revenue for the Club is Advertising Boards, one on 104th and one on 120th built and maintained by Wayne Dodge. This brings in about $2000 a year.
DIRECTOR REPORTS: It is too early to provide detail until each Director has some more time to evaluate their goals. This is what was reported to date.
VOCATIONAL: Sean did report he may have a project of trash pickup in Thornton, but it would be in the Fall when it is cooler. He also will have a short activity at a meeting soon.
COMMUNITY and YOUTH: Liz and Nancy compared projects they both want to support and will fine tune the options based on a budget plan. One new project this past year, to consider, was to supply Dictionary’s to Mapleton School Dist. 3rd grade students. Blake has volunteered to direct that project and has some recommendations to enhance it. Another item of note was whether to support the Flower Power project next year. Nancy reported the past two years have seen the project go down in both quality of flowers, and interest by the Nursing Homes. It could be the program has run its coarse.
FOUNDATION: Sandra sent word she will meet with Mark Walker and acquire past material and then build on her plan.
There were no other reports at this time.
Diane’s Commitments to District 5450 at this time are:
- A net gain of 3 members by June 30, 2011
- Membership contribution to the Foundation of a total of $1500
- Club contribution to eradicate Polio of $1000
Diane passed out the criteria sheet for receiving the RI Presidents Citation Award. Each Director will review and see if they can accomplish the required points to receive the award on behalf of the Club.
We did not have enough time to cover the total agenda at this meeting but the following was covered and the remaining will be handled by e-mail or at the next board meeting.
There was discussion on whether our Club should organize or support another club for a Citizen Roast, in the near future. Consensus was to not do that at this time. In support of the Roast this past year, the Club had a net loss of approx. $1500.
Diane will remind all Directors that no one shall commit the Clubs resources or funding with out prior approval from the Board.
Shall the Club join the North Metro Chamber of Commerce? It was noted some of the club members are members of the Chamber. Diane will review the possible advantage of the Club joining and report back to the Board.
The Club By-Laws need reviewed and updated. Dennis McGuire and Ed Leone have volunteered to do this project. Ed also wants to locate and review the Club’s Charter.
It was noted our Foreign Exchange Student from Spain arrives soon. Diane will remind the Club and encourage more members to go to the airport to greet the student, along with the Dodge family, her first host family. There was a short discussion on identifying the 2nd, and possibly 3rd host family. Diane to ask the Club and also will approach the President of the Denver Metro North Rotary Club to see if there is some interest. Liz said that the primary responsibility as a host home is to treat the student like your own child. Most needs are the same.
Diane said the Assistant District Governor, Kit Hollingshead, will be our guest on July 27th.
There was a brief discussion on the Duck Derby. Liz had two flyers, for sponsors and donations, that Steven will update and have loaded to the Club website. She also had a recommended cost tier to acknowledge sponsors.
- Each Director to prepare their budget and get to Ed so he can have a roll up by the August 19th Board meeting.
- Diane to communicate to all Directors to not commit the Clubs resources or funding with out prior approval from the Board
- Diane to review the benefits of joining the North Metro Chamber of Commerce and report back to the Board.
- Liz will provide Dennis and Ed with what is thought to be the most recent copy of the Club By-Laws.
- Diane to ask the Club and the Denver Metro North Club if there is interest in being the 2nd and maybe the 3rd host home for the Foreign Exchange Student.
Disclaimer: These are notes I have from the meeting and hopefully I did not miss anything important. You can treat them like ‘minutes’ for content and I will leave it up to Rosie on how to handle them for the record.
Respectfully: Diane Lewis