Digital Communications Systems Glossary
3-D effects — Used for enhancement purposes.
Accent — Way of speaking that is characteristic of a geographic region.
Access — The act of reading data from or writing data to a storage device.
Acoustic model — Set of mathematical formulas that analyzes human voice patterns and evaluates the probability of spoken words matching words in the speech recognition vocabulary.
Active Cell — The cell ready for data entry.
Agenda — Includes the order of topics to be covered at a meeting and the individuals responsible for each topic.
Align (Justify) — Refers to the arrangement of data in relation to a fixed point. Example: Left align arranges all data so that the left side of all data begins at the same point.
Alignment — When data is entered into a cell, the default alignment is labels to the left and values to the right.
Announcement — A document created to inform individuals of an event or occasion. No response is usually required. Usually sent to individuals within a targeted interest group.
Antivirus Program — A computer program that detects viruses and repairs files.
Ascending — Sorting data in alphabetical order from A-Z or numerical order from 0-9.
Assembly – the members present at a meeting.
Automatic Speech Recognizer (ASR) — Speech recognition software, sometimes called a speech engine, which listens to human speech and converts the spoken words to text.
Backspace — delete items to left of cursor.
Barcode Scanner — Input devices that read bar codes that allow you to track both assets and inventory, check items in, manage item locations, maintain physical inventory, and control fixed assets.
Beam – method of transferring information from one handheld to another handheld.
Bibliography (also References or Works Cited) — A list on the last page of a report of all reference material used in a report.
Biometric Device — Authentication techniques that rely on measurable physical characteristics that can be automatically checked.
Bold -- Prints text darker than other copy as it is keyed.
Bold/italics -- Causes text to appear darker than other text and also letters slope up toward the right.
Bomb — A destructive computer code or virus designed to activate at a specific time.
Bound Reports — Typically longer reports than unbound reports that are bound with covers or binders.
Carpal tunnel syndrome — Painful, inflammatory condition that affects the carpal or wrist portion of the median nerve. Often associated with repetitive actions such as typing. Can be caused by physical trauma or hereditary conditions that inflame tendons around the nerve, disrupting hand function and resulting in numbness and pain.
Cell — Intersection of a row and column and is identified by a cell reference.
Cell range — A selected group of cells that form a rectangle.
Cell reference — The column letter and the row number. Example: B12
Chair (chairman) – presiding officer at the meeting.
Change case -- Used to change the case of characters.
Clipboard — store cut or copied data.
Column — Data aligned from top to bottom.
Columnar Headings — Used to identify the data in each column of a table, they appear underlined and immediately above the column data.
Command-line Interface – type of user interface in which the user types commands or press special keys on the keyboard to enter data and instructions.
Commercial Software — Software whose copyright is owned by the author/software publisher.
Communications Connectivity — A computer buzzword that refers to a program or device’s ability to link with other programs and devices.
Comparison Operators — Symbols used in search criteria. (>, <, =, >=, <=, >)
Connectors — Words such as AND, OR and NOT that join certain conditions together when performing a search.
Continuous Speech Recognition (CSR) — Speech recognition system that enables users to speak normally, pausing only to give commands and insert punctuation marks.
Copy — show data in more than one place in the document.
Copyright — Protection giving the owner the exclusive right to reproduce or distribute copies of his or her own work.
CPU (Central Processing Unit) – the “brains” of the computer where the work is done.
Cradle – piece of hardware used to synchronize information between the handheld and the desktop computer.
Currency — A numeric type which add a $ sign to number.
Cut — move data from one location in document to another location
Database - An organized collection of information.
Database Management System — Software that allows the computer to create a database; add, change, and delete data in the database; sort the data; retrieve the data; and create forms and reports using the data in the database.
Date data — Entries in a database that are formatted for data in a particular style. (i.e. 04/15/03 or April 16, 2003).
Decision-making – the ability to make a final choice.
Delegating – assigning or allocating responsibilities, time, or authority to others.
Delete — remove data from of document.
Descending — Sorting data the opposite of ascending order. (Z-A & 9-0)
Dictation mode — Enables users to dictate text into a computer application.
Digital Camcorder — A camcorder that produced video recordings with highly accurate color and crisp, clear resolution – far better than the resolution offered by television broadcast.
Digital Camera — A camera that images rather than recording on film. Once a picture has been taken, it can be downloaded to a computer and then manipulated and printed.
Discrete speech — Speech recognition system that requires the user to pause momentarily between each word.
Divider Line — A line, usually approximately 1.5” in length, which separates the body of the document from the reference (source) information located below it.
Dragon — Company, also known as Dragon Systems, that released the first continuous speech recognition (CSR) product in 1997 with over 30,000 words in its speech dictionary. The product was called NaturallySpeaking.
Drop Cap -- Used to format paragraphs to begin with large initial capital letters that take up two or more lines.
Ellipsis (…) — Used to show an omission of words from quoted material.
Encryption — Process of converting readable data into unreadable characters to prevent unauthorized access.
Endnotes — Complete documentation for a reference, formatted with superscripted numbers, which is placed at the end of the document.
Enhancements — Visual additions to attract a reader’s attention to specific text.
Entry — Data that is keyed into a field.
Enumerated Items — Numbered or listed items.
Ethics — The moral guidelines that govern the use of computers and information systems.
Field — A category of information in a database.
File — A group of related records.
Filter/Query/Search — A method to find specific data within a database that meets certain criteria.
Find — locate data in a document.
Fire Wire Device — A very fast external bus standard that supports data transfer rates of up to 400 Mbps.
Flyer — A document created to inform individuals of an event or occasion. No response is usually required. Can be sent to a targeted interest group, but may also be posted for the general public to view.
Font -- A digital typeface that can vary in type and size.
Font effects -- Examples include shadow, emboss, small caps, outline.
Font size -- The way that keyboarding characters are measured (i.e. 10pt. or 12 pt.)
Footnotes — Complete documentation for a reference, formatted with superscripted numbers, which is placed at the bottom of the same page and preceded by a divider line.
Format painter — copy selected formatting of text.
Formula — Equations with symbols for math operations. Example =B6+B7+B8+B9
Form view — A method of viewing or inputting data that displays only one record at a time.
Freeware — Software that is given away free of charge, but whose author still retains all rights.
Function — Special formulas that do not use operators to calculate a result. i.e. A shortcut formula. Example: sum(A6:A9)
Gavel – used by the president to call a meeting to order.
Global Positional System — By using three satellites, GPS can calculate the longitude and latitude of the receiver based on where the three spheres intersect.
Go to — move to selected area of document.
Grammar checker — mark possible grammar errors and offers suggestions for correction.
Graphical User Interface — a menu based interface known as icons (pictures that appear on the desktop environment).
Graffiti – method of entering data using stylus.
Hacker — A person who secretly gains access to computers and files without permission.
Handheld Computer (Pocket PC) — A portable computer that is small enough to be held in one's hand. Although extremely convenient to carry, handheld computers have not replaced notebook computers because of their small keyboards and screens. The most popular hand-held computers are those that are specifically designed to provide PIM (personal information manager) functions, such as a calendar and address book. The most popular are IPAQ and Palm.
Handwriting Recognition — The technique by which a computer system can recognize characters and other symbols written by hand. In theory, handwriting recognition should free us from our keyboards, allowing us to write and draw in a more natural way. It is considered one of the key technologies that will determine the ultimate success or failure of PDAs and other hand-held devices.
Hard buttons – part of the handheld that will initiate some of the applications by pressing with your finger.
Hard Copy — a printed page of text or graphics.
Hardware — the physical equipment of a computer system that you can touch.
Hoax — A program intended to scare users into thinking they have a virus.
Impact Printers — a printer that strikes the paper in order to form images. Example: Dot Matrix Printer
Incidental motion – a motion that arises out of a pending motion.
Input Device — used to enter information into the computer. Examples are keyboard, joystick, modem, mouse, scanner, voice recognition, touch screen, microphone, light pen, and stylus.
Insert — place data in select areas of document.
Interactive Whiteboard — Whiteboards that are connected to a computer and input can be accomplished by writing or tapping on the whiteboard through interactive software.
Invitation — A document sent to specified individuals in order to inform them and request their presence at an event or occasion. A response (reply) to the invitation is often required to indicate whether or not the individual will attend.
Invoice — A form that the seller/supplier completes and sends to the buyer during the month indicating how much is owed for items bought or services rendered and the due date for payment/payment terms.
Italics -- Prints letters that slope up toward the right.
Itinerary — A list which includes the dates, times, schedules, lodging, and method of travel to be used on a trip.
Jargon — Unique vocabulary includes technical terms, slang, and phrases not used by the general public. Also called shop talk.
Job Application — An employment form used by employers to document information pertaining to job applicants.
Keyboard — an input device that enters data with letters, numbers, symbols, and special function keys.
Label — Text, symbols, dates, or numbers not used in calculations.
Language bar — Speech recognition or voice control center providing easy access to speech and handwriting recognition tools in Microsoft Office.
Laptop Computer — A small, portable computer – small enough that it can sit on your lap. Laptop computers are more frequently called notebook computers.
Launcher – soft button used to go to the main screen that displays all of the applications.
LCD (liquid crystal display) — A type of display used in many portable computers and flat screen monitors. LCD displays utilize two sheets of polarizing material with a liquid crystal solution between them. An electric current passed through the liquid causes the crystals to align so that light cannot pass through them. Each crystal, therefore, is like a shutter, either allowing light to pass through or blocking the light.
Lernout & Hauspie — Early leader in the development of speech recognition and translation software. Pioneered many speech recognition technologies and translation tools with Microsoft. Pioneered Natural Language Technology (NLT) commands in its Voice Xpress software.
List view — A method of viewing or inputting data that displays several records at a time.
Long Quotation — A quotation within a report that is four or more lines in length.
Main Heading (Primary Heading) — Keyed in all capital letters, this is the main title of the table.
Media Storage Device — Objects on which data can be stored. These include hard disks, floppy disks, CD-ROMs, smart media, flash disks, memory sticks, and tapes.
Memo Pad – application on handheld computer used to write messages.
Minutes — A summary of the events and business conducted during a meeting. Minutes are the official record of a meeting and are kept by the secretary of an organization.
Modem — computer hardware that allows information to be passed through the telephone lines.
Monitor — the video screen of the computer.
Motion – a formal proposal by a member in a meeting on which the group takes action
Mouse — a pointing device used primarily with graphical interfaces.
Natural Language Technology (NLT) — Commands that make speaking to a speech recognition system almost as natural as talking to a person.
NatuallySpeaking — First accurate, continuous speech recognition product with over 30,000 words in its speech dictionary.
New Line command — Ends the current line of text and moves the insertion point to the next line.
New Paragraph Command — Ends a paragraph and moves the insertion point to the next line. Generally, there is more white space between paragraphs than between lines within a paragraph.
Non-impact Printer — a printer that forms images without striking the paper. Example: Laser or Inkjet Printers. (Laser printers are considered to be the Cadillac of all printers)
Notebook Computer — An extremely lightweight personal computer. Notebook computers typically weigh less than 6 pounds and are small enough to fit easily in a briefcase. Aside from size, the principal difference between a notebook computer and a personal computer is the display screen. Notebook computers use a variety of techniques, known as flat-panel technologies, to produce a lightweight and non-bulky display screen.