April 21, 2008
The Haven Town Board met at the Haven Town Hall on Monday, April 21, 2008. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Eric Meyer. Members present: Eric Meyer, Jeff Schlingmann, Randy Linn, Mike Zniewski, David Meyers and Tammy Schefers.
Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann made a motion to approve the agenda. Supervisor Randy Linn seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Supervisor Randy Linn made a motion to approve the minutes. Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann seconded the motion. The motion carried.
There was one building permit.
The Deputy Sheriff Chris Aleshire and Captain Joel Brott gave the Annual Haven Township Report. The Board also asked if the Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office would be interested in having a sub-station attached to the Haven Township Hall. The Board should talk with Sherburne County Sheriff Bruce Anderson if interested in this. The Deputy Sheriff also said that if there are any concerns don’t hesitate to call the Sheriff’s Department.
Mike Zniewski$ 525.00
Mike Zniewski$ 139.24
Tammy Schefers$ 365.00
Tammy Schefers$ 32.52
Eric Meyer$ 915.00
Eric Meyer$ 104.42
Randy Linn$ 405.00
Randy Linn$ 34.23
David Meyers$ 375.00
David Meyers$ 20.00
Penny Weihrauch$ 715.00
Penny Weihrauch$ 114.91
Jane Korte$ 225.00
Richard Martinson$ 225.00
Dawna Schoborg$ 225.00
Diane Reed$ 120.00
Tom Machula$ 70.50
Bogart, Pederson & Associates Inc.$ 240.00
B & G Excavating$ 5,540.76
Sherburne County Citizen$ 130.25
Rinke Noonan Attorneys at Law$ 1,149.00
Connexus Energy$ 156.42
XCEL Energy$ 394.74
Frontier$ 55.31
Wells Fargo Bank$ 5.00
Election Systems & Software$ 540.28
Sherburne County Auditor/Treasurer$ 20.00
Continental Press Company$ 292.88
Jeff Rhodes$ 4,963.50
PERA$ 197.63
Supervisor Randy Linn made a motion to pay the outstanding bills. Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann seconded the motion. The motion carried.
CUP Vesterra, LLC – No new updates.
Citizen Committee – The group will meet in May.
No Mow Ditch Policy - Jane Korte talked with Carmelita Nelson from the DNR (she is in charge of Road Sides for Wildlife) on options for this issue. They discussed on using prairie grass or other types of flowers in certain areas of the Township ditches. Road Sides for Wildlife has a program that would pay up to 75% of the cost for the seed if the Township uses MN grown grass. The Township must fill out an application for this program. American Legions, Pheasants Forever and the Soil & Water Conservation Department also might help support funding for the project. Prairie Grass is very expensive. Fred Bengtson offered to help if the Township wants to do this. The Township would have to hire a company to do the job. Jane Korte had three places that do this type of seeding. If the Township wants to do this, the DNR will send out a technician to study and analyze the ditches and evaluate what would be best to plant in each ditch. The Board will discuss this issue again next month.
54th Street Bridge – Still in discussion.
APO – None
Zoning – Road Rite, LLC – The Planned Unit Development permit was approved at the County Level. Tom Muchula / Amcon Block request to amend that C.U.P. was also approved at the County Level.
Airport Update – Dave Johnson talked about the helicopter facility and the operation of the flight plan. The Airport new crosswind runway plan might have to move south from the original plan.
Roads – Chairman Eric Meyer talked about Haven Township Road Conditions. He had a map made up of repairs needed for each Township Road. After discussion on this issue, Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann made a motion to approve $21,560.00 plus taxes $1,509.20 for a total of $23,069.20 to purchase the Crack Sealing materials from Brock White. Supervisor Randy Linn seconded the motion. The motion carried. Then Supervisor Randy Linn made a motion to approve and accept the crack sealing quote given from Driveway Services for .75 a pound to install the materials. Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Dog Control Problem – David Meyers spoke about the Dog Ordinance for Haven Township. The Board talked about how to deal with dog issues. Betty Kilan lives in Kilan Addition and has three dogs on her property. They stay in a kennel most of the time. A neighbor Ed Hennek (29th Street SE) says the dogs bark all the time. For the past 2 years this has been going on. They bark on an average of 2-3 hours a day. Ed Hennek asked if there was something that could be done to keep the dogs quiet. He likes dogs, but this barking has gotten way out of hand. Bill Jussila (30th Street SE) another neighbor said that the dogs have been doing this for longer than 2 years. The dogs do bark almost all the time. He hears the dogs early in the morning around 2 a.m. barking also along with during the day. Wanita Hartgers (30th Street SE) made the comment that the dogs bark almost all the time and anything will set them off. Betty Kilan made the comment that she did not realize the dogs were upsetting the neighbors. She lived there for 63 years. The dogs are just doing their job. She feels they are a benefit for the neighbors. The dogs are locked up at night. When she is in the yard, they don’t bark. She did buy shock collars for the dogs and she has an electrical fence around the property. After discussion on this issue, Betty Kilan will try to keep her dog barking under control. Betty Kilan and Ed Hennek will report back next month to the board on how this has been working.
Dick Martinson made the comment that Widdes Trailers no longer gives out burning permits.
There was a question asked if the Township had a drop-off site for leaves and brush. No there is not. It was suggested that a local farmer might let people drop stuff onto their fields if they contact them first.
NorthStar Corridor – No new updates.
Road Tour is set for Saturday, April 26, 2008 at 7:00 a.m. at the Copper Lantern.
May 3, 2008 will be Clean-up Day for Haven Township.
Chairman Eric Meyer and Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann met with two Professors from St. Cloud State University on Ground Water Testing. One of the Professors was a specialist on surface water and the other was a specialist on ground water. They discussed about how the water flows in Haven Township and the St. Cloud area. Hwy 10 is the dividing line between two surfaces. The West side of Hwy 10 all flows and drains into the Mississippi. The East side of Hwy 10 all flows and drains into the Elk River. After talking with the Professors, Chairman Eric Meyer and Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann felt better knowing that when there is mining into the water table there is no effect on the water if the mining does not go below the clay level. The Professors will continue to work with Haven Township on any concerns about water issues.
Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann went to the Parks & Trails Meeting. They had a tour of the Parks in Sherburne County. There will be a new County Park on County Road 8 (Gohmann Farm). Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann made the comment that if anyone would like a nice afternoon, check out the County Parks.
Supervisor Randy Linn stated that if there was interest in the Sherburne County Sheriff’s Department having a sub-station in with the Haven Township Hall that there are grants that can be applied for to help with the funding.
The Board talked about qualifying for a grant to protect green space. This information is on the MATT website.
Sherburne County Planning & Zoning
- Agenda
Bonestroo – Engineering Services
It was moved by Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann, seconded by Supervisor Randy Linn to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:29 p.m.