Territorial Mission Resources Department Australia Southern Territory © 2015 1

Written by Christopher Trodden B.A (Bib.Stud)

Series: Christmas 2015: Unwrapped: Week 3

Sermon Outline: Introducing Jesus

Topic: / Introducing Jesus
Main Point: / We all connect to Jesus in different ways
Intended Response: / Introduce Jesus to others
Key Verse: / Luke 2:11-12 “Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
Mission Intention / Making Disciples

Intro: Clip and unwrap present

Christmas gifts: Tee-shirt: S,M,L.

We all have a right size that fits us.

  1. Relating to Jesus as Saviour

Jesus is the one who can help us get through trying times.

Point One:He is our Deliverer.

  1. Relating to Jesus as Messiah

Jesus can help turn situations around.

Point Two:He is a powerful and helpful God.

  1. Relating to Jesus as Lord

Being a disciple means following Jesus.

Point Three: He is the authoritative voice in our life.

Teaching Illustration:Three different tee shirt sizes are used throughout this sermon: Small, Medium, and Large. The S, M, L are tied to the three titles of Jesus: Saviour, Messiah, and Lord.
1. Three different tee shirt sizes would be good to hold up for each point.
2. Four presents, wrapped in distinct wrapping paper, with a title of Jesus inside. Each week, select a different member from the Corps to unwrap the present that corresponds to the sermon topic. (Other props maybe a crib, nativity scene, Christmas tree with presents underneath)
Power Point slides and a short media clip accompany this sermon
  • Resources are available at

Series: Christmas 2015: Unwrapped: Week 3

Sermon Transcript: Introducing Jesus

Introduction: / Welcome to our Sunday service everyone. We are thrilled you are joining us today.
This month we have been taking a fresh approach to the Christmas story by considering the question, “what lies within the baby who lies within the manger?”Each week we begin by unwrapping a present…
Ask a volunteer to come up the front and unwrap the gift box this week (if children are still in the service, invite 1 or 2 together). Have them hold up this week’s sermon topic and then read it out to the church: Week 3: Saviour Messiah Lord
You may have heard the phrase, “Jesus is the reason for the season.”
Everywhere you go this December, there is a chance you will encounter or be introduced to elements of the Christmas story.
  • In shopping centres: people buying presents for others, Christmas decorations hanging, photos with Santa, and music being played.
  • Perhaps you live in a suburb where they hang Christmas decorations
on the streetlights or put up a Christmas tree in the centre of town?
  • And in many homes, people put up nativity scenes, decorate the house with lights, tinsel, candy canes, and a Christmas tree.
I love this time of year. I love seeing the story of Jesus being promoted throughout our communities. The Christmas story is perhaps one of the best-known stories throughout the world.
This story introduces us to Jesus as the baby born in a manger who would grow up to offer salvation to the world. The Christmas story is a true story of how God introduces Jesus to the world.
As I thought about this, I wondered, “Do I use Christmas time as an opportunity to introduce Jesus to others? On a personal note, I wondered, “Who am I introducing?” “Who is this baby in the manger?” and “How well do I introduce Jesus to others?”
Today, I’d like to share three brief ways the Bible introduces us to Jesus, and how each one of these ways help us to relate to Him in our unique way.
Transition / So here’s how the Bible introduces Jesus. In Luke Chapter 2 verse 11…
Scripture Reading
(Luke 2:11) / Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
Tee Shirts / One of the comments I’ve heard when introducing Jesus to others is, “I’m not sure if this God thing will fit my current lifestyle?”
I’ve also heard, “I tried that religion stuff but it just didn’t feel right to me”
Every year, without fail, I get a tee shirt for Christmas. And every year it’s a surprise because I never know what it will look like or if it will fit me or not?
Some years, I get a tee shirt for Christmas that’s too Small. Either the sleeves are too short or the neck is to tight… first world problems I know!
Other years, I get a tee shirt that nearly fits but is just a bit too tight in certain areas.
Every now and then, I get given a tee shirt that’s just right. It feels good, it has a nice print; like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, it fits Me juuusssst right. But sure enough, the next year I’ll be given a tee shirt that’s two sizes Larger than I could possibly fit. I could use it as a tent or a parachute, but not to wear.
When I’m asked, “What size tee shirt are you,Small Medium or Large?” I can let the person know the one that fits me.
Transition / We all relate to God in different ways. When we look at how Jesus was introduced to the world as Saviour, Messiah, Lord, it’s almost like God was saying there is a right fit for everyone. Be it “Small, Medium, or Large”, there is a unique way for all of us.
Each one of these wordsreveals a unique aspect of Jesus and can help us relate to him in different ways. As we look at these words quickly, you might find one jumps out to you and clicks with the unique way you are wired to connect with God. Let’s have a quick look together…
1. S is for saviour
(Play clip) / Saviour Means: Deliverer
In this life, we will all face difficult circumstances. Jesus came to offer hope in all situations. There is nothing we face that God cannot save us from.
Relating to Jesus as our Saviour may look like: as the one who gets us through.
That may mean He will give us strength to get through a trying time so we don’t get swallowed up with grief, or it may mean He will pull us out of a difficult circumstance:
Testimony:this is a good place to play the 5 mins Testimony provided in the resource pack, or you could insert a testimony of someone’s life being turned around by God.
A practical way to introduce Jesus as Saviour to others:
  • To be there with people during difficult times.
  • Pray for people, and share your faith.

2. M is for Messiah / Meaning: The word Messiah is not a word we normally use.
It refers to the person who is specifically set apart by God to carry out His work. In the Old Testament, they called this person “the Anointed one” or in New Testament language, “The Messiah”.
In Luke 4:18, Jesus himself defines what it means for Him to be the Messiah:
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good newsto the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free…”
Relating to Jesus as our Messiah may look like:trusting in God asthe powerful one who can turn our situation around and help us.
A practical way to introduce Jesus as Messiah to others may be:
  • Share the good news of salvation for all. The gospel does not discriminate against anyone, or any age, race, gender or background (proclaiming goodnews).
  • Campaigning for refugees and asylum seekers (freedom for prisoners).
  • Get involved in mission and outreach (sight for the blind).
  • Help the poor, needy, homeless (set the oppressed free).
Corps ministries: this is a good place to draw attention to any activity your Corps is focusing on and direct people how they can get involved (just highlight 1or 2)
3. L is for Lord / Lord means:Master, owner,supreme in authority.
For the angels to introduce baby Jesus as Lord was a clear sign that there was far more to this baby lying in the manger. This is the pointy end of the Christmas story. This is no ordinary baby who was born in a manger, this is the Son of God.
Relating to Jesus as our Lord looks likemaking Him the authoritative voice in our life. We often refer to this as discipleship: the process of growing in obeying what God has said.
A practical way to introduce Jesus as Lord is by sharing facts about Him:
  • In the first week of our series, we shared many examples of how Jesus has affected, and continues to affect the world around us.
  • Jesus is the most attested to figure in all of human history:
  • For example, classical scholars don’t doubt the existence of Caesar, Livy or Tacitus (all of whom are historic figures).
  • Yet, the closest historical writings we have of them are dated 900 yearsafter their lives events and we have less than 10-20 copies.
  • With Jesus however, the earliest writings were done just 60 years after His death, and we have over 5,000 Greek manuscripts, 10,000 Latin manuscripts, and over 9,300 manuscripts in other languages all attesting to the fact that Jesus lived, died, and was raised to life again.

Transition / So Jesus was introduced to this world as Saviour, Messiah, and as Lord.
Conclusion / We all connect with God in different ways.
Let’s remember, one size doesn’t fit all, it’s a personal experience of faith.
  • Some of us will feel more connected to Jesus by relating to Him as our Saviour, the person who gets us out of trouble or is always there to offer support and strength.
  • Others of us will identify with Jesus as our Messiah. The one who can turn any situation around and calls us to join Him in bringing hope to the last, least, and lost of this world.
  • Finally, some of us will feel more comfortable relating to Jesus as our Lord, the one in control of our lives.

Call to Action / As we think back to the illustration of the tee shirts, and are reminded that one size doesn’t fit all, can I ask you, what’s your right fit? In what way do you best connect with Jesus? As Saviour, Messiah or Lord?
Perhaps you’ve never put on the “Jesus tee shirt” as it were? Maybe you’ve never been introduced to Jesus? Or maybe you’ve tried walking with God before but feel like you are not as close to Him as you once were?
I would like to extend an invitation for anyone here today who would like to be introduced to Jesus for the first time. Or for anyone who would like to be reintroduced to Jesus.
Salvation is the most wonderful gift anyone of us can receive this Christmas.
Would you pray with me…
Closing Prayer / Dear Lord, we thank you for introducing the world to Jesus.
Thank you for sending your one and only son that whosoever calls upon His name shall be saved.
This Christmas, we ask you would help us to grow in our understanding of who Jesus is, and help us to them introduce Him to others.
We ask this all, in your son’s name,

Series: Christmas 2015: Unwrapped: Week 3

Scripture References

Luke 2:11

Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Luke 4:18

The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good newsto the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free…

Territorial Mission Resources Department Australia Southern Territory © 2015 1

Written by Christopher Trodden B.A (Bib.Stud)