Post Result Services 2017

Post results services are offered by the Exam Boards when you have a query about

your results. There are very strict deadlines for applications for any of these services and all requests must be made to the Examinations Officer. Requests will only be accepted with written consent from the candidate (not parent) and fee attached (exact amount available on request from the Examinations Office). All requests are at the discretion of the school so it is important to speak to your teacher who will advise whether this is a suitable option for you. You need to be aware that results can go down as well as up so the decision to request a review of marking must be considered carefully.

Exam reviews for GCSE and A-level papers will only allow an examiner to review and correct errors in marking. Full re-marks of papers will no longer occur.

In the event that there is disagreement between school and candidate as to whether the enquiry should be made the Head of Centre has the final decision.

Service / Deadline / Approximate Fee
GCE Only – Priority Review of Marking (if your university place rests on the outcome) / 24th August / £50 - £57 per unit
GCE Only-Priority Copies of Scripts to support enquiries about results (if you think you may want a review of marking after seeing the script) / 24th August / £11 - £14
GCSE Only- Priority Copies of Scripts to support enquiries about results (if you think you may want a review of marking after seeing the script)Some Boards only / 31st August / £11 - £14
GCE/GCSE – Review of Marking / 21stSeptember
(20th September iGCSE) / GCE: £36 - £46
GCSE: £36 - £52
Per unit/paper
GCE/GCSE – Clerical check (to ensure all pages and marks have been included and counted) / 21stSeptember / £8.00 - £16.50
GCE/GCSE – Copy of Scripts to support Teaching and Learning / 28th September
(14th October iGCSE) / £11 – £14

Please note: Once an awarding body has returned an original script it can no longer be subject to an enquiry about results.

If you are unhappy about the outcome of your Review of Marking the Head-teacher can appeal on your behalf. The deadline for this is 2 weeks after notification of the review. The fee for this will be in excess of £100.

For BTec and other vocational subjects contact the Exams Office if you wish to make an appeal against an internally or externally assessed grade.

Forms are available on the school website under Students, Parents and Carers/Key Information/Exams Information or from the Exams Office.

Members of the Senior Leadership Team will be available for discussion of results on 17th/18th and 24th/25th August from 9:00am until 3:00pm. The Exams office will be open 17th and 24th August until 3:00pm for post results services.