IOOS Association Board Call
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
3 pm ET/12 pm PT/11 am AT/9 am HT
Attending: AOOS- Holly Kent (non-voting member), Carol Janzen (non-voting member); CariCOOS - Julio Morrell, Roy Watlington; CeNCOOS - David Anderson; GCOOS - Mike Spranger, Chris Simeniollo (non-voting member); GLOS - Ronald Baird, Marvourneen Dolor (non-voting member); MARACOOS - Carolynn Thoroughgood; NANOOS- Jan Newton ; NERACOOS - Ru Morrison, Steve Lohrenz; PacIOOS - Melissa Iwamoto; SCCOOS Julie Thomas, Jennifer McWhorter (non-voting member); SECOORA - Debra Hernandez, Conrad Lautenbacher; IOOS Association - Josie Quintrell, Abbey Wakely
Ru Morrison called the meeting to order at 3:05 PM ET
Guest Presentation - Planning for the New Administration - Margaret Davidson, NOAA Senior Advisor
Margaret Davidson, NOAA Senior Advisor, discussed transition approaches for IOOS to considered when planning for the next administration. There is chaos that occurs with every Presidential transition. The best approach is to organize as a community and to go beyond normal collaborations and propaganda material. Key will be to develop a short wish list, following the common themes, but avoid being so common it makes your organization irrelevant. She recommends focusing on issues that are closer to shore such as green infrastructure, technology development/ innovation, inundation, beach nourishment, etc. Margaret further recommended connecting with those that are mapping the ocean. NOAA and NOS will focus on resilience, although it may go under a different term. Sea level rise and flooding will continue to be a major issue for coastal communities.
She noted that national infrastructure would be a key focus of a Clinton administration. IOOS might be termed the “Fitbit for the Ocean.”
Connecting with the Democrat and Republican transition teams is important. The candidates are developing their transition teams now, so it will be important to identify people who can participate on both teams.
Margaret recommended coordinating with other Federal agencies such as Army Corp, USCG, and more to help grow support for coastal observations.
Approval of Minutes from March 3, 2016
Motion: To approve the minutes from the March 3, 2016 meeting.
Roy Watlington moved the motion. Julie Thomas seconded the motion.
Vote: Passed unanimously.
Update on Honorary Directors - Jan Newton
The Honorary Directors - Norman Dicks, Mary Glackin, VADM Paul Gaffney, and VADM Conrad Lautenbacher - have met twice. The initial meeting in January was focused on messaging IOOS, improving relations within NOAA, and the FY 17 appropriations request. The second meeting in June focused on transition planning, strategic partnerships, and the gaps campaign. The Honorary Directors are providing high-level advice, recommendations, and helping link IOOS with strategic partners.
Treasurer’s Report - Ru Morrison (filling in for Molly McCammon)
The Finance Committee - Molly McCammon, Kelli Paige, and Roy Watlington - reviewed the financial statement for May 2016. Josie reviewed the details and explained that expenditures are tracking well except for travel. The Association has increased our presence in Washington DC to champion the Filling the Gaps campaign, and as a result, expects to overspend the travel line. The Finance Committee recommends reallocating $6,000 from the reserve account to the Travel line to cover expected travel to the end of the fiscal year.
Motion: To transfer $6,000 from the reserve account to in the Travel and Mileage budget line in the FY 16 Operating Budget.
Roy Watlington moved the motion. Julie Thomas seconded.
Vote: Passed unanimously.
Josie Quintrell then reviewed the preliminary draft restricted and unrestricted budgets for FY 17. The Association dues will be increasing to $9,000 for restricted funds and $1,000 for unrestricted funds starting in October 2016. The increase of funds provides long-term support for the part-time Program Coordinator Position (Abbey Wakely) and grows the Association’s presence in Washington DC by finding office space. There will be funds dedicated to special projects that can assist with the Filling the Gaps Campaign, transition planning and other activities. NOAA is providing $40,000 of one time funding in FY 17. The Finance Committee and the Executive Committee will be working on the budget over the summer with a proposed draft for the Fall IOOS Board meeting.
Update on FY 17 Congressional Request
Josie Quintrell noted that the FY 17 targeted request for high-frequency radars worked well and for the first time, both the House and Senate Appropriations Committees increased the IOOS regional line by $2 million. The House mark, unfortunately, included cuts to the NOS budget so it’s particularly important that regional IOOS line received an increase. Thanks to all the RAs and Board members who worked hard to make this happen. Senators Wicker (R-MS) and Senator Cantwell (D-WA) introduced an amendment to Senate CJS budget to allow for “up to $8 million” to be spent on high-frequency radars and gliders. The budget is likely to be a Continuing Resolution.
Fall Meeting Plans
Holly Kent provided an overview of the IOOS Association 2016 Fall Meeting. Below is a brief overview.
RA Directors Retreat
· Saturday, September 24: RA Directors Travel to Anchorage, AK (Stay at Hotel Captain Cook)
· Sunday, September 25: RA Director’s Travel to Knik River Lodge for Directors Only Retreat - Knik River Lodge (Transportation Provided - Costs TBD)
IOOS Association Meeting
· Monday, September 26: IOOS Association Meeting (Anchorage, AK)
· Tuesday, September 27: IOOS Association Meeting Continued and Evening Reception (Anchorage, AK)
Field Trips
· Wednesday, September 28: Optional Day Field Trip #1 to Seward, AK - Behind the Scenes Tour of Alaska SeaLife Center, tour Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery for demonstration of Burkolator Ocean Acidification monitoring system, and take wildlife tour of Resurrection Bay with AOOS investigators. Return to Anchorage for dinner and flights home or travel on to Homer for Optional Field Trip #2. (Transportation Provided - Costs TBD)
· Thursday and Friday, September 29 - 30: Optional Field Trip #2 Overnight to Homer, AK – Spend night in Homer on Wednesday & Thursday. Take water taxi across Kachemak Bay for full day tour of NOAA's Kasitsna Bay Laboratory on Thursday. Return to Anchorage on Friday. (Transportation to be coordinated among participants - Costs TBD)
Meeting adjourned at 4:00 PM Eastern.