Proforma for the Transfer Review meeting

Please complete this form, scan and submit electronically within 2 weeks to

Conversion of Statements and Learning Difficulty Assessments to
Education, Health and Care Plans
Child or young person’s name:
Current school/setting/FE Provider:
Date of Birth: NC Year:
Name(s) of parents/carers:
Address if different from above:
Tel: Email:
Date of review:
Is the child or young person looked after? Yes / No (please delete as appropriate)
Who took part in the review:
Name / Designation / Attended meeting / Report completed
Y / N / Y / N
All reports must be attached to this form.
Recommendations from the review meeting:
(to be considered at the end of the review meeting)
1. the LA should cease to maintain the Statement -
If not the statement will be converted.
2 a change of educational provider is anticipated because the child or
young person is approaching:

a)  transfer to their next phase; or
b)  parental preference has changed.
(evidence should be included within the reports as well as risk assessment)
3 amendments to the Statement (use tracked changes on the
current statement)
Signature of person chairing the meeting:
Parent / carer signature:
Young Person’s signature:

All about me

Things which are important to me now and for the future (my aspirations)
Things that I am good at
Things that I find most difficult
What people who are important to me think
How I communicate:

Review of the child or young person’s progress

a)  Early Years phase only:

Area of learning and development: / Last review / Current EYFS age / stage bands
Communication and Language:
·  Listening and attention
·  Understanding
·  Speaking
Physical development:
·  Moving and handling
·  Health and self care
Personal, Social and Emotional:
·  Self-confidence and self awareness
·  Managing feelings and behaviour
·  Making relationships
·  Reading
·  Writing
·  Numbers
·  Shape, Space and measures
Understanding the World:
·  People and communities
·  The World
·  Technology
Expressive Arts and Design:
·  Exploring and using media and materials
·  Being imaginative

b)  Primary phase only

Academic progress
Exceeding / expected / working towards
Last review / Current

c)  Secondary phase only

Academic progress
Exceeding / expected / working towards
Last review / Current

d)  Post 16 only

Academic progress
Grade or level e.g. distinction, merit, pass.
Last review / Current
Main programme

Educational outcomes and the special educational provision:

Desired outcomes over the next 12 months: / This is what (insert child’s name) needs / How often will this happen? / Who will provide this support? / By when? / Resources and annual costs

Health outcomes and provision:

Desired outcomes over the next 12 months: / This is what …. needs / How often will this happen? / Who will provide this support? / By when? / Resources and annual costs

Social care outcomes and provision:

Desired outcomes over the next 12 months: / This is what …. needs / How often will this happen? / Who will provide this support? / By when? / Resources and annual costs

Summary of discussion (particularly where there are differences of opinion or concerns about meeting a child or young person’s special educational needs).

Appendix 1

Consent Form

Consent to seek and share information about children and young people undergoing an Education, Health and Care assessment or have an EHC Plan or Statement:

Durham County Council has a responsibility to you and your family to ensure that we manage your personal information sensitively. This includes sharing your information appropriately with other services and storing your data securely.

We are required to adhere to the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 to maintain confidentiality and to obtain your consent when sharing your information with other professionals and organisations.

All information relating to your Education, Health and Care Assessment/Plan/Statement will be securely stored, and will only be accessed by professionals involved in the assessment and the provision of services to your child.

We must also share the assessment advice, Education, Health and Care Plan or Statement with your child’s current and future nursery, school or college to ensure they have the full information to allow them to meet your child’s needs. This will happen following the completion of the statutory assessment or review.

The information collected regarding my child’s Statutory Assessment process may also be used for the planning/evaluation of provision for children and young people with SEN or disabilities.

In some exceptional circumstances, for example, where there is a significant risk to a child or young person’s safety, we may need to share information without consent.

Your consent (tick as appropriate)

I have been made aware that Durham County Council will share personal information from my child’s assessment/review, Education, Health and Care Plan or Statement with other professionals and with contracted external organisations to help meet my child or young person’s future education and support needs. This includes the professionals who were involved in the original assessment or review.

Please confirm your agreement for us to share this information as specified over page:

Role / For completion by parent / carer / young person (please tick)
Yes / No
Head Teacher or Principal of the current Nursery, School or College
Head Teacher or Principal of the future Nursery, School or College
Durham County Council Educational Psychologist
Consultant Paediatrician
Speech and Language Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Worker
Social Worker
SEN Transport (as applicable)
Other (please list below):

*Please note that refusing to share information with professionals involved in providing services to your child may limit Durham County Council’s ability to provide an effective service.

Child /young person’s name:
Signature (if over 16):
Parent/carer name:


Please send a copy of this document with the highlighted information still relevant from a Statement, parent/carer and child young person’s views, professional reports and up to date costed provision maps with support timetable to all those invited to the review.


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