Meeting Held: August 11, 2014

Directors & Staff (P= Present, A= Absent, L=Late, E=Early departure)

Forrest Benson / P / Mike Deck* / P / Tom Meldrum / A / Gene Zambarda* / P
Jim Burke* / A / Jim Golding / P / Andrzej Ogiba / P / Terry Collins / A
Pete Calinski* / P / Tom Halter / L / Mark Walsh / P / Rick Szudzik* / A

* Member of the Architectural Committee

Resident’s Forum: Four residents attended the meeting

·  Ed D. In order to collect assessments Charlesgate uses a lawyer, Bill Illeckt (sp) who will garnish the wages of those that won’t pay. (AI#1 Jim G.)

·  Ed M.

o  Do we pay for the landscaping along Smith Road across from the RO homes? No that is Town property

o  Status of the Lawsuit Settlement. Still in process

·  Mike Volunteering for open board position.

o  Lived in RO since 1980

o  Has degrees in engineering and finance

o  Managed sales for large company across WNY and NWPA

o  Retired

o  Instrumental in blocking the Wall-Mart.

The Meeting Was Called to Order at: 7:18 by Mark

·  July Minutes Approved

President, Mark Walsh:

·  Mike Deck will change to Landscaping

·  Tom M. sent an email announcing he is resigning effective September 1

·  Andrzej questioned, if Tom is not at this meeting and will not be a member by the next meeting; shouldn’t the position be filled now?

·  Mark appointed Mike Hartman to the board and designated him as Architectural

·  These changes will be reflected in the next Newsletter

·  Not discussed but on the agenda, Mark will retire from the Board December 9th

Vice President, Gene Zambarda:

·  A complaint was filed in court against 6 Whispering Court regarding the truck with advertizing

·  A certified letter sent to 23 Doral Court regarding refuse around the house was refused by the resident. Gene will pay them a visit (AI#2 Gene)


Treasurer, Jim Golding:

·  Budget

o  We are $ 6k Under budget

o  We are under spent on the capital budget by $26k

o  Overspent on

§  Pool repairs

§  Legal

o  We will hold off on capital expenditures

·  Fining

o  A small survey of a few residents indicated it is not liked

o  A larger survey may be done but only after some education

o  Charlesgate has fining but it is the third step in a long process of attempting to correct problems.

o  The last time we tried this we attempted to make many other changes. Perhaps if we stick to just this issue we can get it through

Secretary, Pete Calinski:

·  Website update. Terry Collins has been asked for an estimate to update the website because:

o  It has been 20 months since the rollout

o  Of the 60 or more plug-ins that makes up the site, typically 5 or 6 are updated each week. In the process, some functionality has been lost for unknown reasons

o  The pictures are old. New pictures raise us for search engines.

·  Storm Sewer Activities

o  Gene and Pete met with the Town and picked about 22 drawings out of over 100 that show storm sewers in Ransom Oaks to some lesser or greater detail.

o  Digital versions have been uploaded to the website in the Residents section.

o  Also 6 or 7 large hard copies. Using them it is easier to get the big picture of what the drawings show.

·  Storm Sewer Committee

o  Purpose, to create a policy for future storm sewer problems. Basically the homes with the problem or causing the problem are responsible for fixing it.

o  Gene could just write the policy but that exposes us as “Dictators”

o  Gene and Pete have a deal. We will create the policy he wants and I’ll get the residents to “buy in”.

o  Have a 10 member committee do it

o  Met July 17

o  One member wrote a draft “letter to residents with a problem”

o  Refining the draft now.

Facilities, Tom Halter (T&K):

·  22 liens were put in place

·  There were some minor issues with the pools

·  Pool hours may have to be restricted as lifeguards return to school

·  The Greenwood tennis courts have been resurfaced

·  Other minor projects, venting of pump rooms, hot water heater, repair of an internal wall at Eveningwood.

·  The BoD walk around will be August 21 at 6:00 PM. The sequence (for late arrivals) will be:

o  Ransom Oaks

o  Bramhill

o  Greenwoods

o  Glen Oak Playground

o  Eveningwood

Unfinished Business:

·  When an opinion or vote is solicited via email, all board members should respond promptly. Vote Yes, No. or Abstain. Do it without any extra requests.

·  There was a family that thought they could bring 10 or so guests to the pool. Normally only 4 guests are allowed at a time. They contacted Forrest who ascertained that the pool was not busy so he approved the extra people. It was later confirmed by Tom H.

The meeting closed at 7:15

Next meeting: Monday September 8.

Executive Session:

We have a counter offer from GCC

We do not have a counter offer from 26 Shady Oaks.

Should we accept the last GCC offer or make another offer? A vote was taken:

Accept offer: Mark, Jim G., and Andrzej

Make another counter offer: Mike, Gene, Forrest, Pete (and Jim B. via text message)

Action Items
Action items will remain on the list as long as they are Open
If they become Closed or OBE they will remain one more month so the minutes reflect that
Then they will be eliminated from future month’s minutes
OBE=Overtaken By Events
Number / Assignee / Description / Status
May 2012
2 / Forrest / Create policy for free verses charging for add/notices/charities. Will re-email it as of the September 2013 meeting. / Open
September 2013
1 / Jim B. / Written procedure for payments to the Newsletter editor / Open
2 / Terry / Email reminder for us to supply contractors / Open
December 2013
3 / Mike / Resolve problems with 70 Bramhill deck / Open
June 2014
1 / Tom H. & Jim G. / Entertainment Committee / Open
2 / Tom H. & Andrzej / Preventive maintenance program for the winter / Open
4 / Forrest / Resolutions for cul-de-sac Improvements / Open
July 2014
1 / Gene / Contact Auditors regarding audit / Closed
August 2014
1 / Jim G. / Collect assessments by garnishing wages / Open
2 / Gene / Visit 23 Doral Court / Open