Cumbrian Lean and Continuous Improvement Forum

Application for Membership

Thank you for your interest in the Cumbrian Lean/CI Forum. To apply for membership please complete and return this form as soon as possible to:

Please note that the information you provide in the boxes with blue font will be added to the members’ online portal – it will not be made available to any other parties.

Terms of Reference for the Forum are attached to the end of this document for your information

Company Name:
Company Size:
If your company/organisation has more than 1,000 employees working in Cumbria we may contact you to discuss if membership per section/division is more suitable for you / Number of employees
☐ 10-49 Small ☐ 50-249 Medium ☐ 250-999 Large ☐ 1,000 + Very Large
Contact Address:
(including postcode)
Name of Primary Contact:
The Primary Contact is the person in the organisation currently leading/managing lean processes and/or continuous improvement and who will be the person attending the Forum most often
Role of Primary Contact:
Email of Primary Contact:
Telephone of Primary Contact:
Additional Contacts:
Please list the names and emails of up to three other colleagues that you would like to receive Forum info and have access to the members’ online portal
Current Lean/CI Standing:
Please give a brief description of where you and your organisation currently stand in the implementation of lean continuous improvement
Current Lean/CI Rating:
Please rate your current standing on a scale of 1 to 5 / ☐ 1 – Nothing in place
☐ 2 – Just starting out, some processes in place
☐ 3 – Doing well but need to go further
☐ 4 – Very good processes in place
☐ 5 – World class
Areas in Need of Development:
Please describe up to three areas of lean continuous improvement that you are wishing to develop and hope to learn more about from Forum members
Areas of Expertise:
Please describe up to three areas of lean continuous improvement where you have knowledge or expertise that you would be happy to share with Forum members
Host Venue:
Would you be willing and able to host one of the Forum meetings? / ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Possibly
Purchase Order Number:
Forum membership fee is £200+VAT per year, payable on registration and renewable every 12 months
Invoice Address:
(if different from address given above)

Please also email us your logo

Cumbrian Lean and Continuous Improvement Forum

Terms of Reference


The Cumbrian Lean/Continuous Improvement Forum (LCI Forum) aims to give companies and organisations in Cumbria the opportunity to meet informally to collaborate and share best practice and ideas in the areas of Lean Processes and Continuous Improvement.


The Forum will be a ‘closed’ group with a maximum of 30 member companies/organisations. There will also be a Forum Steering Group of representatives from three or four member companies/organisations.

Each member company/organisation will nominate a primary contact who will be invited to each Forum meeting. Should the primary contact be unable to attend then a deputy may be nominated (see also below under Meetings).

There will be an annual membership fee of £200 per company/organisation (or division for some very large companies/organisations).

All requests for membership will be considered by the Centre for Leadership Performance (CfLP - see Governance section) under the following guidelines:

Membership is open to companies/organisations that have (or will soon have) an operational site in Cumbria. The primary contact from the company/organisation should be someone whose current role involves managing or leading Lean Processes and/or Continuous Improvement, primarily within manufacturing and/or operations.

Should CfLP be in doubt as to the suitability of a membership request, it will refer the request to the Forum Steering Group.


The Forum will meet on a quarterly basis at the premises of one of the members. The venue will rotate around members. Each meeting will have a theme/topic. There will be a structured agenda allowing for:

·  Tour of premises if appropriate

·  Sharing of best practice around chosen theme/topic

·  Discussion of ideas

·  Opportunity to offer/receive support around current challenges

·  Collaboration on requirements such as training, procurement, recruitment etc

·  Opportunities for informal networking

Members will volunteer themes and/or hosting to CfLP and the Forum Steering Group will agree on a programme, initially for four meetings over twelve months.

It is expected that member companies/organisations will send just their primary contact (or deputy) to each meeting; however additional guests may be invited if appropriate, reasonable and agreed in advance with CfLP.

Governance and Facilitation

The Forum will be project managed by the Centre for Leadership Performance. They will be responsible for:

·  Membership processing

·  Forum meeting organisation including arranging host venues and deciding on themes/topics in conjunction with the Steering Group

·  Logistics and communications between members including the setting up and maintaining of an online knowledge and information sharing platform for exclusive use of members hosted on the CfLP server

·  Maintaining momentum and engagement with members

·  Review and evaluation including feedback gathering and collation

·  Facilitation at 1st Forum meeting


It is anticipated that the Forum will be reviewed after a year (four meetings). This will be carried out by CfLP in conjunction with the Steering Group and will involve feedback from all members.