Study Guide: Classical Civilizations

Classical Civilizations

c. 800 B.C – A.D. 500

pp. 350 – 359

Pre-Questions: Class Discussion

1.  List all the Greek cities you can remember.

2.  Rome is located in what country?

3.  What was the Odyssey about and who wrote it? What was his nationality?

On your own….Please write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Number the answers.


Trojan War Julius Caesar

Pericles Homer and Virgil

Delphic Oracle Roman Empire

Peloponnesian Wars Golden Age of Athens

From your reading, answer the following questions.

From the timeline on pp. 350 – 351

1.  Find the date that historians believe was the time when Homer was alive.

2.  When was Rome founded?

3.  When was Sophocles born?

4.  Who was victorious in the Peloponnesian War?

5.  Who lost the Peloponnesian War?

6.  **Trivia Bonus** If you saw the movie 300, who fought whom and where?

7.  Approximately, when did the Roman Empire become Christianized?

8.  When was the fall of the Roman Empire?

Historical Background, p. 352

9.  Who were the Minoans and where did they live?

10. Who were the Mycenaeans and where did they live? **Bonus** What is their “claim to fame”? HINT: Involves EPIC battle!! J

11. What contribution did the Phoenicians make that the Greeks later adapted into something we all use today?

12. Athens and Sparta, two powerful Greek city-states, fought the invading Persians. Which of the two was the most successful in defeating the Persians?

13. Which Athenian statesman was the leader responsible for the Golden Age of Athens?

Rome, p. 354

Did you know that Rome was first ruled by kings, then became a Republic, then was ruled by an Emperor! Compare this political evolution to what you know about England form of government and America’s struggle for independence!

14. Who were the Etruscans?

15. When the Roman Empire finally fell, which tribes overran the Western Empire?

16. Greeks and Romans were polytheistic. Define this term.

Literature, p. 357

17. What did the word “lyric” originally mean?

18. Who were Socrates, Plato and Aristotle?

19. What was the title of Virgil’s Roman account of the Fall of Troy?

20. From your reading, what comparisons can you make between Ancient Greece and Rome? Please make as many connections you can!!