DOCENT GENERAL MEETING MONDAY, Date Monday October 19, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm BOARD ROOM 2nd FLOOR


Attendance: 31

Regrets: Sibilla Korulis, Doug Gibson

I. Welcome and Call to Order: Joelle Guidini-Raybaud, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m., welcomed everyone and thanked and congratulated Myrna Lo, who had received tour related congratulations from Cheryl Blackman. A flood of accolades followed: David Grafstein commended Margaret Bush and Marguerite Low regarding a letter of thanks from the Alzheimer’s Association, as well as Cynthia Teeter and her colleagues for raising over $6 000 in the Run for ROM (Cynthia urged other docents to participate in the run next year) Diane Hughes reported on comments from ROM shop personnel who quoted ecstatic remarks from visitorswho had attended Museum Highlights; Mari thanked Jane Doherty for the tour tip of raising one’s hand to guide large groups en route to each stop; Rosemary Seston felt ROM staff should be kept informed of our success stories.

II. Approval of the Agenda: Agenda approval: moved by Rosalyn Wosnick, seconded by Vera Hall and carried.

III. Approval of the Minutes of September 21, 2015: Margaret Bush pointed out a correction needed regarding the Corey Keeble Library (now corrected) Approval of the minutes was moved by Mari Silverstein, seconded by Barbara Milstein and carried.

IV. Business Arising.

OWLS Tours: Joelle informed docents that these tours will be scheduled through Group Sales.

Pompeii tours for January 1, 2016: Joelle announced that four docents will be needed.

V. Reports. Please see Appendix for reports and further discussion.

VI. New Business.

Evening spot tours: Joelle reported that Sibilla was one of the docents who had participated in the last one and found it interesting and not too taxing. Eva commented that it went well, with no cliques, as the participants were from various places and showed an interest in the galleries. It was agreed that it would be difficult to know ahead of time what the attitude of a group might be. Joelle emphasised that rests could be incorporated into the three hour time slot for future events.

Evening Docent General Meeting: Joelle reported that a request for a resumption of two evening or weekend docent meetings, allowing docents who have other day jobs to participate, had been received. She subsequently sent out an e mail to assess interest and received 5 or 6 responses. Vera suggested a return to the November and March Saturday meetings, but the general opinion was that these had not been well attended by evening and weekend docents. Joelle plans to organize an informal meeting for interested evening and weekend docents in November.

P.A. Tour announcements: Rosemary Seston commented that Visitor Guides have been enquiring when these might recommence. David Grafstein will look into the matter and get back to us. He also commented that construction will commence in January.

“Free Tours Today”: Rosalyn Wosnick raised the point that tour information signs need to be placed where visitors can see them. Discussion ensued on rolling video information signs, and a possible large information screen at the entrance, still to be funded. The Visitor Guide desk will soon get an “Information” sign. Their holders for the “list of today’s tours” sign have disappeared.

South Asia Gallery: Lynn Murdoch announced that there is a new exhibit in this gallery.

VII. Adjournment. David Grafstein moved adjournment of the meeting at 10:45. Seconded by Vera Hall and carried.


DMV EXECUTIVE REPORT OCTOBER 2015 submitted by David Grafstein, presented on October 19 by Vera Hall

DMV News

1. Can You Dig It?

October 17 and 18 are the next Big Weekend at the ROM. The theme is “Digging the ROM” to celebrate with International Archaeology Day.

Many DMV members have already volunteered to participate, but a few volunteer spaces are still open to assist with Wayfinding. If you are available to help, go to the DMV website and sign up on the DMV Special Programs schedule under “BIG WEEKEND OCTOBER”.

2. Pompeii Success

“Pompeii: In the Shadow of the Volcano” continues to be popular, with nearly half the visitors to the ROM going to see the exhibition since it opened. The docent-led tours in English continue to be very popular, and docents have agreed to provide these tours through the Christmas break.

Appreciation has been expressed by ROM regarding docent willingness to offer Pompeii tours during the Christmas Holiday period,

3. Showing the Way

A large proportion of those attending the DMV’s September intake session have applied to be DMV Members. Applicants have been invited to attend one of the two orientations sessions, during which they will tour the ROM, learn more about the how the ROM operates and have training in some of the ROM’s policies.

4. Good News/Good News

Marianne Mader, Managing Director, Earth and Space, was to have been our guest speaker at the DMV’s Fall Evening General Meeting. However, Canadian astronaut, Commander Chris Hadfield, has asked Marianne to speak in his Generator show at Roy Thomson Hall on the same night (see This is a great honour for Marianne and a tremendous opportunity for the ROM's research to be highlighted in a big way. So it is understandable that Marianne has had to postpone her presentation.

Fortunately, Sascha Priewe, Managing Director, World Art and Culture (among other ROM hats he wears), has stepped into the breach. He has agreed to speak to us about Dale Chihuly, the world-renowned glass artist, whose work will be the next ROM blockbuster, starting in June 2016.

5. About Riverdale

Liz Muir, long-time member of the Friends of Canadian Collections and a former President of the DMV, has recently published a book on the Riverdale district of Toronto and will be sharing her knowledge of the area in a lecture on Thursday, November 12, 2015, at 11 a.m. in the Eaton Theatre.

The lecture is part of “ROM Daytime”, a new lecture series free with admission to ROM visitors and to DMV members on Thursday mornings. Lectures are usually followed by a short reception with coffee and treats, and exclusive guided access to some of the ROM's newest exhibits!

6. Run Run

A few DMV members have already signed up for the fourth annual RUN for the ROM on Sunday, October 18. You can walk or run in the 5 km, half-marathon or full marathon in support of the Museum. As well, you support participants in the Charity Challenge. ROM staff and volunteers can designate 100% of funds raised to the ROM research area or project of their choice! To register or sponsor a participant go to: or contact Katie McMullen at .

7. Board of Trustees

We are pleased to announce that former President Elizabeth Mitchell has been appointed to the ROM Board of Trustees. She joins two other DMV members on the Board, Nita Reed and Anne Lindsay.

8. Reminders

a) Several locks and keys are still missing from the DMV. If you have inadvertently placed one in your bag or pocket, please return to the Reception desk drawer. No “mea culpa” or public acknowledgement required; just appreciation.

b) Don’t forget to enter your extra hours in the “Extra Hours” section of your committee’s website section. “Extra Hours” are those periods you are doing extra duty, outside of your regular committee duties, e.g., learning new script, updating knowledge on artefacts, etc.

9. Got a Good Idea for an Exhibition at the ROM?

A call for exhibition proposals has been received from the ROM and ideas are due by Friday, December 19th.

The committee is looking for submissions for the following halls/dates:

*Garfield Weston Exhibition Hall – starting Spring/Summer 2018 onwards

*Roloff Beny – Summer-Fall 2018; Winter 2019 onwards

*Third Floor Centre Block – Summer 2019 onwards

*European Temp – Fall 2016 (proposals need to relate to Europe)

*Levy Gallery – late Fall 2018 onwards (proposals need to relate to the ROM’s Asian Suite of Galleries)

*Wilson Temp (Sigmund Samuel Gallery) – Fall 2018 onwards (proposals need to relate to Canada)

Selection criteria include: Does it drive attendance? Does it fit with the ROM’s mission, vision, strategic plan? Does it relate to ROM research, collections, and/or areas of expertise? Is it up to ROM’s standards? Does it link to Centres of Discovery? Is it logistically feasible/workable? What are the potential risks, if any? Is it sponsor-able?

See the Proposal Template posted on ROM Insite (Bulletin Boards>Exhibitions>Exhibition Proposal Template) for further information.

ROM News

1. It’s Friday Night Live Again

DMV members and their friends are welcome to enjoy this season of FNL!

We can obtain 8 free tickets for use on Friday evenings until November 27, 2015.

These tickets are not available online, only from the admissions desk between 10 AM and 5:00 PM daily. If there is a line up at admissions, please join the line, or come back later in the day.

2. ROM Game Jam

On October 2-4, the 3rd ROM Game Jam was held. Each of the Game Jams (2013: Foretelling the Future, 2014: The Evolution Revolution, and 2015: Space Rocks) built on the previous years’ success and has leveraged continuous community engagement.

Participants said this was the best Game Jam they attended. The ROM is anticipating many high quality games to choose from for upcoming programs, including a pilot school visit on November 24 in the Earth Rangers Studio that will use the games as inspiration for students to create their own digital response to ROM’s collections.

A recap of the event and highlights: You can also search #ROMGameJam hashtag on twitter.

3. ROM Says “Go Jays”

Take a look at Futalognkosaurus’s new costume as a Blue Jays mascot. Bathed in blue for the first playoff game, he (she?) has now donned a Blue Jays’ cap. (Futa is so tall; you may have to go to the Dino gallery on the second floor to see the cap!)

The original bathed in blue tweet:


has reached more than 1.7 million people, with over 5K engagements (retweets, clicks, favourites, replies, etc.) and is now the ROM’s most successful tweet ever.

The bathed in blue picture is also posted on:

Facebook ( and

Instagram (

4. Wildlife Returns to the ROM

For the third year, the ROM will host the acclaimed Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibit, November 21 to March 20, 2016.

Most exciting… three Canadian winners this year, contributing 9 images of the 100! And, the overall winner, Don Gutoski, is Canadian – from London, Ontario.

5. ROM Restructures

With the recent departure of Xerxes Mazda, the ROM has instituted an interim restructuring arrangement for the next few months until a more permanent solution is put in place.

Managing Directors will report to the Interim Deputy Director Collections & Research, Chen Shen; Exhibition Development & Project Management and Programs, Events & Commercial Services will report to the Deputy Director Operations & CFO, Nick Bobrow; and Audience Development, Learning, and Creative will all report to the VP Marketing & Communications, Sandy Bourne, who will in turn report to the Interim Director & CEO, Mark Engstrom.

5. Staff Changes

Mark Keating, formerly with the Peel Board of Education, has been appointed Chief Information Officer. This is the first time the ROM has had a CIO, a position considered important as the ROM moves increasingly into digital activity.

Alan Hurst, formerly with BMO Financial Group, has been appointed head of Membership, Group Sales and Promotions. Alan will play a key role in the development and execution of the ROM’s plans to grow this area of the museum.

(n.b. Vera announced that ROM is close to announcing its new CEO. She also encouraged us to visit the new Dawn of Life exhibit, one of the purposes of which is to raise funds for the new gallery.)

6. Support the United Way

Visit the staff entrance on Friday, October 30th for the United Way Treats and Treasures Bake/Book sale. A home-baked goodie and coffee/tea can be purchased for a toonie ($2). You can also buy books and raffle tickets for some fun prizes.

Channel your inner Swashbuckler, Count Dracula, Spiderman or even a Minion and received a sticker – “I’m dressed this way, for the United Way”.

Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving,

David, Vera, Pam, Tom and Toni

The DMV values all its members and recognizes the right of each to be treated with respect and courtesy without abuse, harassment or discrimination

Secretary Report: Valerie Fairclough.

The secretary thanked all who sent reports ahead of the meeting.

Sharon Harding has been granted a LOA from October 10, 2015 - January 10, 2016

Janice Lehman-Knowles has been granted a LOA from October 1, 2015 – March 31, 2016

8 former Emeritus Docents have been removed from the list as of October 1, 2015, as they are no longer involved, for various reasons. They are: Diana Wurtzburg, Glen Sinclair, Janet Genest, Joy Barrie, Margo Howard , Pat Haug, Sally Tuck , Monica Carr

Chair’s Report: Joelle Guidini-Raybaud No report