The MTM400 remote user interface requires the Microsoft Java virtual machine (JVM) in order to run properly. Several other Tektronix products are not compatible with the Microsoft JVM however, so the Sun JVM must be used instead. The difficulty here is in having both the Microsoft JVM and the Sun JVM reside on the same computer and controlling which one gets used when. One simple solution is to install both JVM’s and use two different browsers to access the various instruments on your network. To set this up please follow these instructions:

Step 1: If you do not already have the Microsoft JVM installed, Download and install it from the Tektronix website. You can download the MS JVM from the following link:

Step 2: If you do not already have the Sun JVM installed, download and install it. You can download the latest Sun JVM from the official Sun Java website at the following link:

Step 3: If you do not already have a second browser, download and install one. For the purposes of this example we will be using Mozilla Firefox as our second browser. You can download Firefox from the official Firefox website at following link:

Step 4: Now that you have all the necessary software installed on your computer, you need to configure which browsers will use which JVM. TO do this, open the Java control panel and click on the “Browser” tab to reveal the following window:

If you have Sun Java v1.5 installed you may have to click the “Advanced” tab and expand the “<APPLET> tag support” menu instead to reveal a window similar to the following:

From this window, you need to ensure that one browser is enabled as using the Sun JVM by default and one is not enabled. The browser that is not enabled will then use the Microsoft JVM when loading the MTM400 remote user interface. For this example we will configure Internet Explorer to use the Microsoft JVM and Firefox to use the Sun JVM as shown below:

Click the “Apply” button and confirm the changes when done. Now you should be able to access any MTM400 by using Internet Explorer and you should be able to access any other equipment that prefers the Sun JVM by using Mozilla Firefox.