St. Olaf College
Information and Instructional Technologies
The Student Computing and Network Consultant is a member of a team-oriented staff and shares in the responsibility of providing the St. Olaf community with computing services. The Student Computing and Network Consultant is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day activities of the Helpdesk and for coordinating the resources and services provided to students through public area labs and residential hall networks. The duties of this position dictate that the Student Computing and Network Consultant work some evenings and weekends. This position reports to the Assistant Director of Desktop Services.
Coordinate the day-to-day scheduling and services of the Helpdesk and serve as the technical advisor for the professional and student staff. Duties may include:
- Schedule professional staff to fill 8 to 5 shifts, as well as serve as evening on-call staff.
- Schedule student staff to cover the 70+ hours of operation.
- In collaboration with other staff, develop and implement the student-training program for student Student Computing and Network Consultants.
- Work with other staff to develop new programs and services for the Helpdesk including such things as check out equipment, on-line tutorials and documentation, new hardware and software, etc.
- Work with other staff to develop new programs and services for the Helpdesk including such things as check out equipment, on-line tutorials and documentation, new hardware and software, etc.
- Respond to user’s phone, walk-in, and Helpdesk inquiries in a timely fashion.
- Provide computing support services like consulting with users about virus and spyware problems, data transfers, and backups, etc.
Coordinate the Student Residential Hall Network Program:
1.Work with housing, the residential hall assistants, and the webmaster to prepareappropriate documentation and help guides for students.
- Hire, train, and supervise the WeekOne Student Network Connection Team. This team assists new and returning students connect their computers to the network prior to the start of the academic year.
- Coordinate the September weekend connection program to efficiently connect as many students as possible to the campus network over the first two weekends of the academic year.
- Serve as the senior troubleshooter and make room calls as needed.
Manage the IIT Student Computer Virus Cleaning service and facility
- Select, train, schedule and supervise student consultants.
- Work with other IIT staff to monitor the current virus and spyware outbreaks and ensure that IIT student staff are equipped to assist students in the removal of these programs.
- Serve as a technical expert to the program.
- Draft documents and handouts on virus and spyware removal, safety tips, etc.
- Manage the clean room facility and equipment.
Assist the IIT Computer Repair Shop Coordinator with the routine and complete maintenance and management of the public labs. This includes keeping the facilities neat and orderly, ensuring that the machines are in good physical working condition, etc.
Work with the staff of the residence halls to develop and maintain appropriate in-hall policies and procedures for hall computing activities.
Work with the Network Engineer on the timely disconnection and reconnection of student computers
thatgenerate excessive amounts of traffic due to viruses, worms, or possible peer-to-peer application use.
Coordinate the distribution and management of the public lab supplies, documentation, signage, etc.
Serve as the IIT Staff Liaison to the student body and to the various student organizations.
Recommend and assist in the development of workshops and seminars that meet the needs of the students.Conduct or assist at workshops as needed.
Serve as the IIT Staff Liaison to academic departments as assigned by the Director. Duties include:
- working with department faculty on the development of their computing skills, providing training and tutorial as necessary.
- installing department and lab software,
- arranging special workshops and sessions of interest to the academic departments
- supervising the student computing assistants
- researching. reviewing, and testing new applications and technology ideas applicable to the academic departments
- coordinating the installation of department labs
- coordinate the installation of new faculty hardware including physical set up, data transfers, special software installations, etc.
- participating in technology meetings, workshops, etc. held by and for the departments.
Manage the student printing payment system. Duties include:
- Develop appropriate educational materials for students on acceptable printer usage.
- Coordinate the monthly gathering and analysis of student printer use
- Send monthly statements to students.
- Prepare reports on printer usage as appropriate and requested.
Work with the WebMaster to provide appropriate electronic and paper documentation and information
for the programs and services available through the office of Information and Instructional Technologies.
- Attend all staff meetings.
- Participate in IIT teams as assigned by the Director.
- Prepare monthly activity reports.
- Perform other duties as requested by the Director.
- B.A. or B.S. degree
- Fluent in MS Office applications.
- Experience using multimedia tools including scanners, Photoshop Elements, I'Life, digital cameras, projectors, etc.
- 1 to 3 Years of experience supporting Macintosh and Windows operating systems.
- 1 to 3 years of experience troubleshooting PC network connections in a TCP-based environment.
- Experience with Netware and UNIX systems is a plus.
- Effective managerial, supervisory, and interpersonal skills in giving work direction to student workers.
- Effective oral and written communication skills
- Ability to work effectively in a team environment
The Student Computing and Network Consultant interacts with faculty, students, and staff on a daily basis. They also interact with Deans and department/office heads as needed.
The Student Computing and Network Consultant is a full time position.Campus Office Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.Some evening and weekend hours are required for special projects and maintenance.
PREREQUISITE: You must have satisfactory results from a criminal background check.