Architectural Drawing
basement Plan
General Directions: Basement Plan
- Add dimensions, notes, North arrow, and door and window call-outs as specified in the "Basement Plan Drawing Checklist." The Dimension Style is ARCHITECTURAL and the Multileader Style is LEADER DETAILS-48. All lettering will beupper case letters.
- Add the required information in the title block as specified in the "Basement Plan Drawing Checklist."
- The basement plan is drawn using a scale of (1/4"=1’ 0”).
- Cut a section through the structure running from top to bottom. Add section marks as specified in the handout "Architectural Symbols and Conventions." The location for the section should match the Floor Plan.
- Underline the drawing title as specified in the handout "Architectural Symbols and Conventions."
- Add appropriate architectural hatching symbols for the building materials.
- Add round steel columns with a 24" square footing. Number of columns and column diameter will be determined from calculations.
- Add the beam dimension. Beam dimension is determined from calculations.
- Add a chimney in the utility room. The chimney will contain two 8 1/2" x 18" flues. Be sure to include the chimney on the floor plan.
Documentation and Specifications
- Use the "AIA Manual" for size and spacing requirements of the chimney and flue. Photocopy the page and highlight the required information.
- Use the AIA manual to look up standard dimension of bricks. Photocopy the page and highlight the required information.
- Use the AISC steel manual to find the dimensions for the calculated beam size. Photocopy the page and highlight the required information.
Basement Plan Drawing Check List
- Add the assigned border and title block.
- Indicate the drawing title in the title block (OFFICE BUILDING)
- Indicate the scale of the drawing in the title block.
- Indicate the drawing number in the title block (A-101).
- Place the North Arrow in the upper left corner of drawing sheet.
- Show outline of foundation wall. Set the line weight to 0.020.
- Show outline of all footings for walls, columns, and slabs using hidden lines.
- Show all beams using a thick centerline. Set the layer to A-BEAM-PRIM and assign a Lineweight of 0.03 and a Linetype of CENTER2.
- Indicate chimney footings.
- Indicate all doors with the proper symbol. Show all door swings.
- Show door call out symbols (from door schedule) using the Door Identifier symbol in the Architectural Symbols and Conventions handout (1/4" square with 3/32" lettering).
- Show all exterior and interior stairs. Indicate direction UP or DOWN.
- Dimension the floor slab material and thickness using a note.
- Dimension concrete and masonry walls and partitions to the outside faces.
- Dimension thickness of the basement wall.
- Dimension thickness of the foundation footing.
- Dimension the locations and sizes (from calculations) of columns and column footings.
- Dimension the sizes (from calculations) of beams.
- Dimension the locations of doors and windows from the outside of wall facing to the edge of the door and window openings.
- Label each room or area using 1/8" lettering.
- Indicate the size, spacing, and direction of first floor joists (from calculations).
- Indicate where sections and details are being taken using the correct symbols.
- Show the title and scale of the plan under the plan view.