Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 7BH / Drs Evans, Thomas, Percival, Henshelwood, Ford, Nixon, Berry & Morton /
Child Okeford Surgery, Upper Street
Child Okeford, Dorset, DT11 8EF
Autumn 2012
Welcome to the autumn edition of our newsletter.We hope that you find this informative and welcome any feedback you may have regarding the content.
Carol Tilley
Practice Manager
We draw your attention to the new yellow signs in the car park.
We continue to have a problem with unauthorised parking in our private car parking.
The Practice may employ the services of an authorised wheel clamping service if the problem continues.
453 appointments were wasted between June and August due to patients not attending and not cancelling.
If you need to cancel your appointment you can:
v Telephone the main surgery number and pressing option 3.
v Text to 07968 225548
v Using the Practice website ;
Are you looking after someone who cannot manage without your help?
A carer is someone who provides unpaid help to a relative, partner, neighbour or friend.
The person may need help for a number of reasons:
· Their age
· They have a physical disability
· They have learning disability
· They have an illness either physical or mental
· They have an addiction
· They require help with washing, dressing, cooking, shopping, washing and ironing clothes, housework, and managing money
If this describes you, you are one of the estimated 40,000 carers living in Dorset (six million across the whole country). A range of support and information is available to you; for example:
· Are you registered as a carer with your GP practice? If not, please register with the surgery.
· Have you had a Carer’s Assessment? If not, contact the Adult Access Team at Dorset County Council on 01305 221016. They who will be able to tell you what to do next.
· Carers Direct provides a wide range of information to help you in your caring role, including advice on keeping yourself well. They can also be contacted by free phone on 0808 802 0202. / CHANGES TO OUR TEAM
Dr Sword has completed his GP training with us; but we are very pleased to say that he will still be holding some surgeries for us at both sites.
Dr Podmore has joined us at Child Okeford. Dr Podmore is a qualified doctor who is undertaking his final year of practical training as a GP.
Victoria Greenwood is joining our nursing team. Julie Coubrough and Eleanor Hitchings are joining our dispensary team. Eleanor has a dual role and will also work in our nursing team. Tina Bugg is joining our reception team.
Measles cases in the UK are on the increase. Measles is a highly infectious viral illness. It can be unpleasant and possibly lead to serious complications, including blindness and even death.
Most cases occur in children who are not fully vaccinated with the combined MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine and so could have been prevented.
If you plan to become pregnant, please check you have had a MMR. If you are pregnant and have not had a MMR; if you have contact with someone with measles; do seek GP advice.
· Contrary to popular belief medical receptionists are not 'dragons at the gate'; but don't expect an early appointment unless your problem is urgent.
· As doctors in the UK have only about 7 minutes to spend with each patient, you should request a longer appointment if you think you will need more time.
· There is every chance that you will require some sort of examination so, owing to the pressure of time (see above), it's best if your clothing is loose fitting and the minimum necessary.
· If new to the practice or taking preparations you have bought "over the counter" the doctor will want you to tell him or her about your medication.
· The last thing you want is to miss your appointment.
· It is essential to be alert and ready for your summons to the consulting room.
· Provided it is short and clearly written it is helpful if you list your main problems on a piece of paper for the doctor to read. This way you will not forget to mention something important.
· It can be helpful if you take a pen and paper with you to record some of the doctor's statements about your condition. This may be useful for future reference. / FREE FLU JABS
Certain groups of people are more at risk of getting the flu and it being severely damaging to their health. These people are entitled to a free flu vaccination from the NHS. You are in an at risk group if you:
· Are 65 years of age or over
· Are pregnant
· Have a long-term medical condition, such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, kidney or neurological disease.
· Have a weakened immune system (due to HIV, medication or cancer treatment).
· A carer for someone who falls into these groups.
· A healthcare worker.
If you are unsure if you are in an at risk group please contact your GP.
Special flu clinics will take place:
· Child Okeford - 13th October
· Blandford - 20th October
Ring 01258 452501 (after 11am only please) to book.
If you cannot make our flu clinics, then please ask the nurse / doctor at your next appointment, who can arrange for you to receive your vaccination.
· You may wish to take someone with you when you attend.
· This is fine but remember, "Two's company, three's a crowd" etc, etc......
· It's sometimes a delicate subject but you'll be appreciated when the part to be examined is in a presentable condition. (Note - The doctor often wants to make a comparison so always wash both sides please!)
· Occasionally you may wish to have a home visit.
· If so, it helps if your house number is clearly visible from the road.
· Homes with a name and no number are especially difficult to find.
Cervical Smears:
Women over the age of 25 are offered screening every three years until the age of 49, then every five years until 64.
Breast Screening:
The NHS Breast Screening Programme provides free screening for breast cancer for all women over the age of 50. If you're between 50 and 70 you should be routinely invited for a mammogram every three years. Women over 70 are encouraged to make their own appointments.
Colo-rectal Screening:
The NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme is now fully rolled out and most people in their sixties will have already received an invitation from the programme.