“Hallowed be Thy name. Adorable one.”
Name: onomain Greek “Literally or figuratively means authority, character. The name by which a person or
a thing is called as distinguished from others.
By usage chiefly the name is used for everything which the name covers, everything the thought or feeling of which is roused in the mind by mentioning, hearing, remembering, the name, i.e. for one’s rank, authority, interests, command, deeds, etc.
The name of God: is used for all those qualities which to his worshippers are summed up in that name, and by which God makes himself known to men; it is therefore equivalent to his divinity, his nature or essence, the divine majesty and perfections, so far forth as these are apprehended, named, magnified (Thayer Greek Dictionary 3686, Accordance).
Name: onomain Greek “character described by the name, implying authority, dignity, using the name as the substitute or representation of himself. ‘to be baptized in his name’ is to be baptized into someone’s faith or confession and to be identified with his character and purpose. ‘Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do,’ means he will do, not simply what we ask, but whatever is conformable to his character and to his purpose” (Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible, 3686).
Hallowed: hagiazoin Greek “hallow, sanctify, sacred , holy (Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible, 37).
1913 Webster’s Dictionary
name: the title by which any person or thing is known or designated; a descriptive or qualifying appellation given to a person or thing showing their nature and character.
Adorable: deserving to be adored, worthy of divine honor; worthy of the utmost love and respect.
One: a single unit; the entire being; individual; undivided; united; constituting a whole.
Holy - whole is Thy nature and character, Father, and Thy nature is in oneness. God is All and there is none else. Man cannot experience anything that God does not express.
“There is no other source from which anything could come. The Adorable One has no conflicting element. Within the Adorable One everything is divine. Outside of the Adorable One nothing exists. . . Oneness is un-invadable” (“Addresses and Other Writings on Christian Science,” Doris Henty, pages 88-89).
“. . . nothing inharmonious can enter being, for Life is God” SH 228:3
“. . . man’s harmony is no more to be invaded than the rhythm of the universe. . .” Ret. 61:5.
Man’s perfection and wholeness is un-optional, it is not a choice, it is divine law, a spiritual fact. In all the universe, over all the globe, including such places as Israel, Syria, the Ukraine or Ferguson, MO, including the Christian Science Movement, our Branch Churches, our school, our own families, etc. there is one Mind only, one God, one government, one law, one Father-Mother.
No plague can come nigh thy dwelling (consciousness) Ps.91:10. No Ebola epidemic, no flu or cold, no fear, can enter thought, for Life is God, Mind, and nothing evil exists or can influence God, the only true being.