
The Chief General Manager,

Gujarat Telecom Circle,

Navrangpura, Ahmedabad.

Cir.Office Ref: Genl/U/38/Corr/2012/4-2 dated at AM the, 23.11.2012,

Our Earlier Ref: SNEA/Guj/12-13/12a12 dated: 10/12/ 2012, (Part-1)

Letter No: SNEA/Guj/12-13/12a12 dated: 10/12/ 2012, (Part-2)

Subject:In connection to above letter & in continuation of our Part-1, our further submission for the core issuealong with suggestions pertains to BSNL interest (CDR) for appropriate decisions.

Respected sir,

In connection of above cited subject, your good self have already initiated corrective measures on the various core issue of CDR relatedto improvement in monitoring based on actual CDR base data and there by addressing customer grievance,growth of net connections and revenue.

In this continuation we are submitting further more issues with the expectation for a permanent solution, for smooth functioningof day to day / regular activity of the system for a longer run in a uniform way by adopting innovative techniques as much as possible. Below given issues are based on various inputs from various field units, we have tried to summarize these core issues which are essential to be developedimplemented in CDR..

1 / Presently there is no provision in CDR system, for Initial testing of BROADBAND Complaint/Faults.
Presently BB-faults are being handled automatically in new technology switches i.e. OCB / AT&T etc and faults are directly routed to Outdoor or Indoor based on test result parameter.
Thus this system is having major flaw that it does not contain testing of ADSL / Port, which are having maximum possibilities of such faults, hence BB-fault related to ADSL / Port / Configuration / Modem etc are not being properly diagnosed, so the complaints resulting to either delay or repeated without satisfaction of customer.
While provision is available in CDR for handling BB-Complaint/Faults in CDOT / E10B switches with privilege of manual Initial testing at MDF.
As well as in the case of BB-fault Maintenance through BBAs, it will provide the detail for evaluation of penalty and performance of BBAs.
This is essential & possible as it was prevailing in earlier system. / This is useful in successfully handling of all type of the BB-fault. And to achieve this it is very much essential to have conversation with the BB customer and accordingly the complaint can be routed to either Indoor / Outdoor.
Consequently it is essential that all BB- Complaint/Faults related to ADSL / Port / Configuration / Modem etc are to be handled manually at MDF and after initial testing / conversation with customer it is to be routed to Indoor - BBCC / Outdoor, which may result to optimum % of successful attending Broadband Complaints.
In this relation it also essential to ensured availability of TTY at each MDF for all the Exchange Type. / Clarity
IT / pending
2 / In continuation of above -1, subsequently for enabling Centralize monitoring / control through BBCC for BB maintenance through Departmental / BBA. / As above
One new task is to be added at clarity so depending upon initial test results, complaint can be route to BBCC / Centralized monitoring nod of SSA. / Clarity
IT / pending
3 / Presently there is no provision in CDR system for BB-modem installation by BBA, the mandatory attribute 'modem installed by '.
This is essential & possible as it was prevailing in earlier system. / This is useful for generating the monthly reports, to evaluate performance of BBAs. / Clarity
IT / pending
4 / Presently while installing Modem, if customer wants change of Modem Option, Order has to be routed through whole channel i.e. MDF --- Indoor--- and than to Commercial Officer. Instead of that Outdoor should be able to send order directly to Commercial Officer. to avoid delay.
This is essential & possible as it was prevailing in earlier system. / This is useful to avoid delay in execution and for change of modem there is no role of MDF / indoor at all. / Clarity & IT / Pending.
5 / Presently we are giving 2 yrs replacement warranty and three years AMC on modem. There is no provision in CDR for maintaining history of modem replaced during warranty / AMC period. / This is useful for keeping track of the modems used by customer and replacements done. / Clarity & IT / Pending
6 / Presently there is no provision in CDR system, for the project Parivartan like activities.
This is essential & possible as it was prevailing in earlier system. / This is useful for monitoring and retention of closer without manual paper work, and there by to fulfill the purpose of introducing this project.
CDR base activity is to be incorporated in CDR system / Intermediate Server with all automation features to route the issue to concern officers (Outdoor, Accounts). / CRM / Intermediate Server
IT / Pending
7 / Presently there is no provision to make the ISD deposit billable for Govt Telephone Connections and EB Customer.
This is essential & possible as it was prevailing in earlier system. / In both of the case if customer has sufficient deposit, then demand note should not be generated.
This is useful for expeditely provisioning of ISD-facility mainly for the Government organization and EB Customers. / CRM
IT / pending
8 / Presently in CDR system, "163" Lineman Reporting service through IVRS is not working despite provision. / This is essential, so that LM can directly dial and get pending complaints as well as can clear the booked complaint in CDR over phone/WLL.
This will help LM to handle complaint independently as well as considerably reduce fault duration, / CRM / Clarity / IVRS / pending
9 / Presently there is no provision in CDR system about periodic synchronization & reconciliation of all 3 databases pertains to customer’s detail / facilities wise status.
Due to this possibilities of wrong & no billing are increasing, and resulting to revenue loss. / This is essential for, reducing master-less cases and to avoid revenue loss. / CRM / Clarity / PMS / Billing / pending
10 / Presently in CDR system, (a) SMS for billing amount are being sent In fractions amount with paisa (Rs.16.24).(b) This is also forwarded as soon as bill is generated by ITPC,but not sent for printing by concern SSAs.
Due to this the Cheque brought by customers in Rs – paisa, while this is not being entertained by the CDR system. / This is essential for, (a) Avoiding chaos type situation at CSCs, because customer payment is not materializing.
Hence appropriate round off amount is to be announced by system. Instead of Rs and fraction of paise.
(b) SMS for Rounded off amount should be sent only after one week. / PMS / IVRS / Billing / pending
11 / Presently in CDR system, The BB usage is not being updated regularly @CRM as well as @Web Self Care and Total night usages are not being shown separately, rather they are shown with delay of 24 hrs.
This is essential for customer requirement & earlier same was shown immediately after 15 minutes on portal. / This is essential for, estimation of pending usage, by customer and to avoid excess billing. / CRM / Web Self Care / Pending
12 / Presently in CDR system, In case of "shift when reconnection is feasible" and if new area is TNF, then old number is not disconnected, due to this bill for old no. is being generated by the system.
Hence in this condition, old number remains working with monthly rent, despite customer are not interested, and there are possibility of misused of that number by some other party. / Hence necessary modification is to be made in CRM. Such that disconnection order should be allowed for completion and new number may be put in "Waitlist”. / CRM / Clarity
IT / pending
13 / Presently there is no provision in CDR system for analysis of CRM orders with status like "OPEN" / "In Process" / "Submission in progress”.
There are many cases observed which are not being hit to Clarity and remain at CRM with status as mentioned above. Basically these are happening due to human mistake, or due to Server to server inter connectivity interruption. / This is useful for avoid delay & duplication of task by generating report / query of orders with status like "OPEN" / "In Process" / "Submission in progress”. Is to be added as a part of CRM-menu.
A mechanism should be adopted so that this type of order status should be avoided; meanwhile the Pending (up to service order created) / Hanged order list should be available to menu of that CRM user so that they can be known to that user and able to take appropriate action.
As well as it is also to be ensured that Server to server inter connectivity should be without any interruption. / CRM / Intermediate Server
IT / pending
14 / Presently there is no provision in CDR system, regarding various CO activities through CSCs which can be empowered to CSCs. Hence CO Approval is to be done at CSC level by concern user or In charge
This is helpful for expeditely handling customer’s requests.
This is essential & possible as it was prevailing in earlier system. / This is useful for quickly provisioning of facility at CSC-it self, without multiple efforts of customers as well as our staff. Theseis also required for single window concept also and also help us to handle customer’s requests, and to reduce customer complaints. / CRM
IT / pending
15 / Presently there is no provision in CDR system for checking of free / available numbers at CRM, for fulfilling customer’s choice, and to avoid duplication of activity.
This is essential & possible as it was prevailing in earlier system. / Necessary modification is to be made in CRM.
For this link for Query for Free number list should be available at CRM separately without creation of CA /BA in CRM. / CRM / Clarity
IT / pending
16 / Presently there is no provision in CDR system for (i)FTTH services, (ii) Also VPN charges in CDR.
Hence presently there are different systems for different services, even though these services are a part CFA. / This is essential for, handling all these customers for provisioning to billing activity which should function uniformly at par with all other services in CDR, / CRM / Clarity / Billing
IT / pending
15 / In CDR project good number of IP phones handsets are provided to each SSA, as per planning these are to be utilized before warranty period. / For timely proper utilization of material at appropriate requirement, policy decision is to be taken. / CFA
IT / IT Section, Circle Office
16 / Presently there is no provision in CDR systemfor quick updating of bill payments made at post office. To avoid DNP, duplication of work & late payment charge to be borne by the customers despite, bills are paid at post office within “due date”.
As, now a day almost 30% customers with overall 15 to 20 % revenue are opting postal payment facility. / This is possible by regularly obtaining Soft copy of post office payment at the end of day (to be taken up at circle level).
For each customer postal Department is charging Rs.10/- per bill.
Hence we may take up this issue with the Hon’ble CPMG-Gujarat, so that soft copy is to be daily providing to concern TR-unit at SSA level.
This is useful for reducing man power, time, manual mistake, BSNL-resources. / PMS
IT / Hon’ble CGMT-Gujarat to Postal Authority.
17 / Presently in CDR system, CLSNP cases wants to restart the telephone service after payment of the outstanding amount either by self motivation or through Telephone Adalat, is not being reconnected as per existing record of the customer.
And it is materializing as a fresh NTC.
This is essential for customer requirement this is possible as it was prevailing in earlier system. / This is essential, becausefor such cases there is no awareness amongst Customer as well as majority of our concerned staff.
Thus customer is waiting & perusing but his case is not getting materialized.
Resulting to either delay in getting revenue or we are losing the customer.
Hence provision is to be made to reconnect such cases without insisting of new CAF, on existing record immediately. / CRM
& TR / Pending

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

(B.G.Patel). (A.N.Bhavsar)

Circle Secretary SNEA (I)-Gujarat. Circle President SNEA (I)-Gujarat

Copy to:

(1)The Sr.General Manager (HR/Admn.) O/o CGMT Gujarat Telecom Circle for inf. & N/A Pl.

(2)The Principle General Manager (Finance.) O/o CGMT Gujarat Telecom Circle for inf. & N/A Pl.

(3)The Sr.General Manager (CFA) O/o CGMT Gujarat Telecom Circle for inf. & N/A Pl.

(4) The Sr.General Manager (Operation) O/o CGMT Gujarat Telecom Circle for inf. & N/A Pl.

(5) The General Manager (EB) O/o CGMT Gujarat Telecom Circle for inf. & N/A Pl.