“The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain”.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Bell 1
End of Year Failure Warnings Due
Freshmen Retreat VIII
Varsity Lacrosse v Judge (A) 3:45-5PM
Freshmen Baseball v Prep (H) (Pachella) 4-5PM
JV Lacrosse v Judge (A) 5-6PM
Activities and Events
If you were seated at Table 12on Fridaynight and did not receive your prom favor, please see Mrs. Brown ASAP! This offer expires tomorrow, Friday the 20th at 2:41PM.
CSC and AOH are sponsoring a canned food drive in conjunction with the AOH Hibernian Hunger Project in Philadelphia. Please drop off your donations in the designated boxes during homeroom now untilFriday April 27. The homeroom that collects the most cans will receive a free breakfast in May.
Chessis postponed until next Thursday, April 26thafter school in the library.
St. Francis Inn- We will be going on 4/23. We leave after school and return around6:30. Please see MissKuvik to sign up.
Sacred Heart Home- We will be going to the home on 4/30, 5/7, and 5/21. Please see Miss Kuvik to sign up.
Coach Hoban would like to meet with all members of the golf team that do not have other sports today, April 19th, after 8th period in the cafeteria. Any information regarding the upcoming fundraiser golf outing please bring with you.
Are you a sophomore or junior interested in the nursing field? Thomas Jefferson University is offering a free summer training and enrichment program. If you are interested stop in the guidance office or email Mrs. Desmond.
Juniors and Seniors
For information about an after school job in Center City, see Sr. Jane in theGuidance Office as soon as possible.
There will be an information meeting with representatives of the service academies to explain the nomination and admission process. The meeting will take place at the George Washington High School on Bustleton Avenue onSaturday, April 28th from 10:00 to 12:00 Noon
Dante & Luigi's Restaurant in South Philly has Bus Person positions available.
The list and found bin in Student Services is sick! It is overpopulated with winter jackets, hoodies, wind breakers, winter hats, duffel bags, the three and a half pairs of sneakers. Yes, that’s right – three and a half pairs. Come on up and take a look!
There will be a mandatory NHS meeting for junior members onlytoday, 4/19, in Rm 39.
OnThursday April 26th, SADD will be sponsoring a Health Fair in the courtyard available for all students during their lunch periods. The Health Fair will have tables set up with interactive games to demonstrate how dangerous distracted driving is, information on teenage auto insurance rates, effects of trauma due to car crashes. The day will be centered around the theme that everyone can be hero. Make sure you come out and learn how you can be an everyday hero!There will be door prizes and give-aways.
Trans passes for the month of May can be picked up during student lunchesApril 18th - April 24th. A representative from Student Services will be stationed in the hallway outside of the cafeteria for pick up.
Please see Ms. Renee in Student Services with any questions.
Ms. Canavan’s 1stand 4thperiod to the class, 3rdand 7thperiod to the library, 8thperiod dismissed
Ms. Sulaj’s 2ndperiod to the café, 3rd, 4th, 6thand 8thperiod to the library
Mr. Corrigan’s 2ndperiod to the café, all others to the class
Mr. Beaver’s 6thand 8thperiod to the library
Dr. Bell’s 4th, 5thand 6thperiod to Room 65 all others to the class
Mr. Coyle’s7thand 8thperiod to Room 18, all others to the class
Mr. Murphy’s 5thperiod to Room 20 and 6thperiod to Room 26, all other’s to the class
Mr. Durkin’s 1stand 2ndperiod to the café, 5thand 7thperiod to the library, 3rdperiod to the class
Friday, April 20, 2018
Bell 1
Tennis v St. Joseph Prep (H) 3:30-5PM
Outdoor Track and Field Jack Armstrong Meet Abington HS 4-6PM