Interview Documentation
Candidate: / Post:
Date: / Panel Members:
Essential Criteria: / Exceeds Criterion / Meets Criterion / Criterion almost met / Criterion not met
Desirable Criteria:
Strengths: / Development Needs:General Summary:
Offer Checklist:
Assess the candidate against these questions / Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Agree / Strongly AgreeFits the job – technically
Motivated for - the post/University
Interested in learning in the post
We can meet all the candidate’s needs – benefits, location, hours of work, training & development, career aspirations etc
Recommendation: / Offer: / On Hold: / Reject:
Reason (ref eRecruitment code):
Please refer to key on following page.
- Applicant Offered
- Application Withdrawn
- Declined Offer
- Failure to Attend Interview
- Rai – Experience Adequate But Not Best
- Rai - Experience Below Minimum Required
- Rai – Quals Adequate But Not Best
- Rai – Quals Below Minimum Required
- Rai - Redeployment of Internal employee
- Rbi – Experience Adequate But Not Best
- Rbi – Experience Below Minimum Required
- Rbi – Quals Adequate But Not Best
- Rbi - Quals Below Minimum Required
- Rbi - Redeployment of Internal Employee
- Welcome the candidate and introduce yourself and the other panel members (remember to tell them what involvement each member has with the post being recruited for).
- Brief the candidate on the duration of the interview and let them know that it will consist of:
- Biographical (Career History) section
- Technical questions
- General questions
- Us sharing information with them about the post, benefits and our expectations
- An opportunity for them to ask us questions and share their needs and expectations
- Explain that you will be taking notes throughout the interview.
- Ensure that you check that the candidate has no questions before you get started.
□ Discuss the post – explain the post, how it fits into the University and the near future – panel member to check box.
Now explain to the candidate that you are going to move onto the questioning part of the interview and begin with some general questions.
Biographical Section
Briefly talk me through the last 3 to 5 years of your career history highlighting any aspects that you feel are particularly relevant to our vacancy.(Remember to clarify any reasons for leaving or gaps in employment)
Motivation for the Post (& the University if external candidate)
What attracted you to apply for this post? Why in particular do you want to work for the University?Technical Questions:
Essential Criteria 1: ______
Essential Criteria 2: ______
Essential Criteria 3: ______
Essential Criteria 4: ______
Essential Criteria 5: ______
Criteria 6:______
Q.Criteria 7:______
Q.Desirable Criteria
Criteria 1:
Q.Criteria 2:
Q.Criteria 3:
Q.General Questions
What actions have you taken in the last 12 months to develop yourself?What skills do you feel that you may have to develop to be effective in this post?
Do you have any questions that you would like to ask us?
Do you have any holidays or other time off work planned?Note down any times that might cause a problem, for example if the candidate needs to join an induction programme
External Applicants – confirm from application form: What is your notice period? Is there any flexibility in this?
Internal Applicants: Have you discussed a release date with your manager?
- Thank the candidate for their time and ensure they have no concluding questions.
- Advise the candidate of the timescale for making a decision, and how you will inform them of the outcome.
- Advise the candidate that all offers of employment are subject to references
- Offer to take the candidate on a tour of the building, in order to promote the organisation to them more fully (if appropriate and time allows)
- If not already collected, gather the candidate’s proof of eligibility to work in the UK.
October 2013