Staff Role Description – Senior Team Manager
ROLE:National Senior Team Manager
RESPONSIBLE TO:BBNZ Chief Executive, Team Head Coach
In cooperation with the BBNZ office, the Team Manager assistsinthe planning, liaisonand securing of all logisticaldetailsrelated to the organisation and execution of training campsand competitions, domestically andon-siteinternationally,onbehalfoftheNationalTeamprogrammeinaccordancewithBBNZpolicies and approved budget.
TheTeamManageralsohasprimaryresponsibilitytoensureefficientandeffectiveathlete-coach-staff- BBNZ communication.
The Manager must work in close and positive cooperation with BBNZ’s national office staff and the Team coaching and support staff.
Administration and Planning
- Attend all programme related events and functions
- Attend programme planning, evaluation and other meetings related to the team programme
- Assist, where requested, in the administration and management of all programme camps and International Tour programming
- Lead the administration and management of Team camps
- Maintain effective and regular communication with the BBNZ national office and members of the team staff with respect to the planning and operation of the programme
- Respond in a timely manner to all other requests from the national office
Equipment and Supplies
- Work with BBNZ national office on coordinating the distribution of gear to players
- Manage all first aid kits, basketballs and uniforms in camp and tour environments
- Ensure that all first aid kits, basketballs and blood uniforms are returned to the BBNZ at the conclusion of the tour
- CoordinatewithBBNZofficealluniform,equipmentandsupportsuppliesforthenational teamprogramme
Developing a Culture
- Develop, implement and instill a “culture of excellence” within the programme
- Act as an ambassador for New Zealand and BBNZ, conduct oneself in a professional manner and demand appropriate behavior and appearance for members of the team
- Attending all sport science, sport medicine and general information session scheduled by BBNZ for the Team.
- With the Coach- identify athletes for participation in other NTP initiatives[MH1].
- Collectandmaintainbiographical,contactinformationandtraveldocuments(passport, visas) on allsquadand teammembers
- Coordinate all communicationto squad and teammembers regarding national team programme
- ProvidetheBBNZ officewithregularupdatesregardingathletestatus,changesto contact information, etc.
- Coordinateand administerallathleteagreements
- Administer thecompletion of athlete programme and staffreviews
- Alongside the coaching staff,
- Assist in the supervision of athletes
- Report any infraction of team rules
- Support decisions made by the team staff with respect to athlete discipline
- Establish communication with the athletes and advise BBNZ in a timely manner of any problems an athlete might be experiencing
- Coordinate all departure/return logistics (airport check-in, group baggage, travel) in consultation with the BBNZ office, ensure necessaryvisa requirementsare secured, coordinate all departure/return logistics (airport check-in, group baggage, excess luggage, travel, etc.).
- Researchlocalcultureandcustomsinadvanceofdeparture,andbriefteam accordingly.
- Oversee team departure/arrival, transfers,customs, hotelcheck-in.
- IntheabsenceofaTeamLeader,actasthegroupleaderandattend/perform anyceremonialfunction asnecessary.ContactthelocalNewZealandEmbassyorConsulateandadvisethatteamis inthecountryandinvite representativesto thegame
- Prior to departure from any location ensure that all members of your team are present and accounted for.
Tour and Camp Environments
- In conjunction with the team Head Coach develop daily schedules and coordinate athlete participation accordingly
- Develop an on-site emergency action plan and administer when necessary
- Ensure all logistic and organisational requirements are met within the parameters of the approved budget; this includes laundry, transport, medical and leisure requirements
- Ensure athlete and team staff nutrition and hydration requirements are met within the parameters of the approved budget
- Educate athletes about proper nutrition, hydration and recovery requirements
- Ensure all team accommodation and practice facilities are kept to an appropriate standard
- Make yourself available to athletes should they wish to discuss any personal problems while on tour or in a camp environment
- Provide BBNZ with a final report within 30 days of the conclusion of the programme
From January 1, 2015 a revised World Anti-Doping Code comes into force bringing major changes to New Zealand’s Sport Anti-doping Rules. There is a greater focus in the new Code on education to prevent doping.
As a BBNZ representative the Manager is required to actively support anti-doping programmes and provide anti-doping education to their athletes, in conjunction with Drug Free Sport NZ. This includes formally adopting New Zealand’s updated Sport Anti-Doping Rules to ensure that athletes and staff are bound by these rules.
- Manage the team budget and control team expenses while in preparation camps and on tour.
- Be aware of and understand BBNZ financial procedures.
- Ensure in all cases that authorization for any and all expense is received from BBNZ prior to said purchase/expenditure,
- Ensure that proper documentation is obtained for any purchase/expenditure and forward the documentation to BBNZ within 14 days of the conclusion of the programme.
- Coordinatemediarequestsasrequired.
- Assist BBNZ in the promotion of sponsor’s obligations where necessary (acknowledge sponsor support when speaking with media, wear appropriate sponsor footwear and apparel at all times while representing BBNZ, introduce sponsors at camps, etc.).
- Assist BBNZ with ensuring compliance with respect to athlete equipment and apparel usage.
[MH1]Moved to coaching duties & Reporting