International Reinsurance and Insurance System

Version 5.11 Upgrade (AS/400)

Installation Guide

Distribution: IRIS Customers

Applicability: IRIS v5.11

Reference: \\TRPS491\UUW\IRIS Support\New Versions of IRIS\v91\InstallationGuide5.11.doc

Version: 01

Date 18th October, 2001

Author: Amanda Jenkins

Authorised by: Rebus Date: / /

©Copyright Rebus Insurance Systems Ltd. 2001


Only signed hard copies and electronic masters of documents will be controlled.

Any other copy may not be current

IRIS Version 5.11 – Upgrade Installation Guide Version 5.11

Document history

No / Date / Amendments / Document
02 / 14th December 2001 / Second Edition
Q:\IRIS Support\New Versions of IRIS\v5.11\

-  b –

Document: Q:\IRIS Support\New Versions of IRIS\V11\InstallationGuide5.11revised copy.doc

Version: 01

Rebus Insurance Systems Limited

IRIS Version 5.11 – Upgrade Installation Guide Version 5.11



Throughout this guide the following conventions have been used:

AS/400 commands which are to be entered exactly as shown are displayed with a Bold typeface e.g. CHGLIBL LIBL(QTEMP)

Any commands which require a generic parameter to be substituted by specific parameter are displayed with a Normal Italic typeface enclosed within curly brackets e.g. {IRIS Data Library}, {Tape Device}.

Any AS/400 commands where a parameter needs to be entered where one does not exist are displayed in a Bold Italic typeface. This generally only occurs on AS/400 screen displays where the screen is initially displayed without a parameter and one is selected from a list e.g. *DEV *TAP

On AS/400 screens where the existing parameter requires amendment, the existing parameter is displayed in a Bold Italic typeface and is enclosed in curly brackets e.g. {XUNMSYS}. The value that needs to be substituted is given in the accompanying text.

-  b –

Document: Q:\IRIS Support\New Versions of IRIS\V11\InstallationGuide5.11revised copy.doc

Version: 01

Rebus Insurance Systems Limited

IRIS Version 5.11 – Upgrade Installation Guide Version 5.11


1. Overview 3

IRIS Release Naming Convention 3

IRIS Upgrade Applicability 3

2. Expected Time 4

3. Installation Materials 5

Enclosed Items 5

Other Items Required 5

4. Installation Pre-Requisites 6

5. Installation Requirements 7

Current Version of IRIS 7

Exclusivity 7

6. Installation Instructions 8

General Instructions 8

Installation Application Strategy Options 11

6.1.1 Environment (Mode) 11

Pre-Installation Procedures 11

6.1.2 Integrity Checks 11 To initiate the integrity checks 12

6.1.3 IRIS Preparation 16

6.1.4 Back-up IRIS System 16

Installation Preparation Procedures 17

6.1.5 System Preparation 17

6.1.6 Restore Library XUNMTOOLS from tape 12

Applying the Installation Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.1.7 Conversion Menu Options 8

Installation Steps 17

7. System Library Changes 20

APD Users 20

Non-APD Users 22

System Library Renaming 23


9. User Defined Queries 26

10. Post Upgrade Procedures 27

Set Printer Files to HOLD if required 27

Delete UZIPEZ* programs from QUSRSYS 27

Installation checks 27

Contact Rebus 27

11. Data Areas 28

12. Progress Flow Sheets 31

13. Assistance Contacts 33

14. Files Affected/Updated 34

New Database Files 34

15. IR’s Addressed 35

16. IR Release Notes 36

17. Fix Programs 40

18. Appendix 43

Library Naming Convention 43

19. Supplement 44

Progress Flow Sheets 44

1.  Overview

IRIS Release Naming Convention

Because of the development of a GUI (Graphical User Interface) version of the IRIS database, it has become necessary to introduce a revised naming convention for the releases of the IRIS software. Previously the naming convention consisted of two parts:

·  a Version number and

·  a Release number

For example e.g. IRIS 8.1.

With the introduction of the GUI version, the naming convention consists of three parts:

·  the GUI Version number,

·  the IRIS version number and

·  a Release number

For example 4.9.1

The last release of the IRIS software was version 5.10 The subsequent release of IRIS is version 5.11

If the version of IRIS being used is earlier than version 5.10 then the current version of the IRIS software needs to be upgraded to Version 5.10 before proceeding with this upgrade to version 5.11 If you do not have the upgrade instructions or tape for version 5.10, then please contact either your Account Manager or those members of the Rebus staff mentioned in section 13 of this guide.

IRIS Upgrade Applicability

This documentation refers to the installation of the upgrade to IRIS Version 5.11 of IRIS from Version 5.10

The installation is achieved via a central menu, which is provided on the tape supplied. This method of operation promotes ease of use and reduces the possibility for error.

Please read the whole of this documentation thoroughly and decide on the various options presented before undertaking the upgrade installation.

2.  Expected Time

To assist with the planning of this installation, estimates of the expected time are provided for each of the major sections of the installation. This includes the preparation time before the actual install is attempted. It should be emphasised that the times provided are only estimates. The processor size of the AS/400 and the quantity of the data within the IRIS database will affect the times stated below.

Pre - Installation preparation / 6.00 / hours
Back-up of IRIS libraries / 2.00 / hours
Restore items from Installation Tape / 1.00 / hours
Apply Installation / 3.00 / hours
Post Installation Procedures / 1.00 / hours
Total / 13.00

3.  Installation Materials

Enclosed Items

The following items are enclosed:

Item Type / Title / Received
Tape / Release IRIS Version 5.11 - Upgrade
Documentation / Version 5.11 Installation Guide

If any of the above items are not received or received in a damaged condition then please contact your Account Manager or those personnel listed under Assistance / Contacts

The tapes specified above contain the following items for this installation

Tape / Release IRIS Version 5.11 Upgrade
Type / Name / Description
Library / XUNMTOOLS / U/W Utility Tools
Library / XUNMDTX011 / IRIS Data Objects
Library / XUNMSYS011 / IRIS Program Objects
Folder/ Document / USYSDOC/ USYSHLP / IRIS Help Text Documents

Other Items Required

The following documentation has been posted onto the web-site and relates to this installation.

Date / Document Identification / Title
N/A / N/A / N/A

4.  Installation Pre-Requisites

This upgrade installation has been prepared on the basis that the following conditions exist on your machine:

·  The AS/400 is currently using Version 3 Release 2 or later of the operating system

·  The person undertaking the Installation has authority equivalent to QSECOFR or QSECADM

·  The User Profile E#UW exists on the AS/400 and has authority to the following commands:




If any of the above are either not true or are not available then the upgrade installation will not run. Please contact your Accounts Manager for guidance.

5.  Installation Requirements

Current Version of IRIS

This installation can only be applied to Version 5.10 of IRIS. The current version of IRIS can be found in Data Area ZZPFRZA0. If you are currently on v5.10 of IRIS, this data area should be set to ‘5.10’. The Data area can be accessed through the Data Area Manager option within IRIS. This option is found on the Housekeeping Menu. The data area can be found within the section entitled ‘General Data Area Maintenance’ and is entitled ‘IRIS Release Status’. In the past, this data area was not updated automatically when a system was upgraded, so unless it has been updated manually, it may be misleading.


The upgrade installation cannot be applied if the IRIS system is in use. Please ensure that Users have been advised in advance of the intended date for the upgrade and that no Users are signed on to IRIS during the installation process.

6.  Installation Instructions

General Instructions

Please note that all commands must be entered in upper case unless otherwise indicated. Sign on to the AS/400 using the profile E#UW. This profile must be used to ensure that the correct authority is used when applying Release 5.11

Before the upgrade you should try to obtain a password for one of the User signons. This will be useful for checking accessibility to the IRIS system after the upgrade is completed.

Conversion Menu

6.1.1  Conversion Menu Options

Option 1. Set Parameters / Data-areas

This option allows the operator to enter the details of the conversion to be performed. These details are stored and used by the later options on the menu.

Option 2. Restore Upgrade Libraries

This option restores all libraries necessary for the upgrade to Version 5.11 onto your AS/400. The libraries are named according to the standard library naming convention (The naming standards are explained in the Appendix in section 18).

Option 3. End Journalling on Data Libraries

Journalling is ended on the data libraries to be upgraded.

Option 4. Re-size Upgrade Files

This routine re-sizes all the new or amended physical files being delivered. This ensures that they are big enough to receive all of the data currently held in the equivalent Live IRIS file.

Option 5. Upgrade Data Libraries

This routine upgrades your Live data libraries to Version 5.11 of IRIS. All current data and data-area settings are retained.

Option 6. Run Fix Programs

This option calls the relevant fix programs to be run.

Option 7. Restart Journalling

Journalling is restarted for the (now upgraded) data libraries.

Option 8. Update Bureau Message Severities

This resets the Bureau message severities back to your preferred values.

Option 9. Print Update Messages

This option prints a report listing the current situation of the upgrade procedure, the upgraded library names and any outstanding tasks. The option can be run at any time to determine the status of the upgrade. It should be run if any of the options end abnormally.

Option 10. Display Upgrade Status Data-area

This option displays the stage in the upgrade process that has been reached.

Option 11. Tools

This is a new menu consisting of various options designed to reduce the manual work involved in the upgrade.

Conversion Tools Menu

This is a new menu that has been added since the 5.11 release to try to reduce the amount of manual job submission for the user. The Menu is accessed from the standard conversion menu. The options on the menu are not designed to be taken in sequence, one after the other, but are to be used when the manual states.

It is important to note that these options will not run unless the parameters have been set for the upgrade. This is explained later in the manual.

The menu is as below:



Select one of the following:

1. Set Spool files to HOLD

2. Check Scope (must have run option to set parameters)

3. Check for Data Library Lock (must have run option to

set parameters)

4. Rename System Library (only after LIVE upgrade)

5. Set Printer Files to HOLD

6. Copy Library List

Selection or command


F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel

F13=Information Assistant F16=AS/400 main menu


Option 1. Set spool files to HOLD

It is a good idea to run this first as otherwise any reports produced may print off automatically.

Option 2. Check Scope

This option will submit the integrity checking job, and can only be run if the parameters have been set. If files are detailed on the reports, these will need to be deleted before the upgrade can take place.

Option 3. Check for Data Library Lock

This option will display any users locking the data library. It is essential that no-one is using the data whilst the upgrade takes place, so do not go ahead whilst there are locks shown here.

Option 4. Rename System Library (only after LIVE upgrade)

The upgrade will install a new system library on your system, called XUNMSYS011.

This option should only be run following a Live upgrade

Option 5. Set Print files to HOLD

This option will prevent all print files produced by IRIS from printing automatically.

Option 6. Copy Library List

This option will copy ZCSLREP which holds the information necessary for APD into the relevant system library.

Installation Application Strategy Options

Please note that it is important to decide on the strategy to be adopted when applying this upgrade in advance of undertaking the task.

The installation can be performed in a number of ways depending on your current set up and the intended objective. It is important to decide your preferred route in advance. The factors affecting the choice are detailed below.

6.1.2  Environment (Mode)

The following options are available for the upgrade of the environments on your system.

·  Upgrade of Test Environment or Training Environment Separately

·  Upgrade of Live Environment Only

·  Upgrade of multiple Environments Simultaneously

Your selection may depend on whether you intend to test the new installation prior to its release to general Users of the system for the live business activities

Pre-Installation Procedures

6.1.3  Integrity Checks

It is advisable to run the following jobs well in advance of undertaking the upgrade procedure itself. However, no additional program changes to the IRIS database are to be applied between the time of applying the integrity checks and the time of applying the upgrade. By initiating the checks at this stage any problems that may arise can be remedied with little or no inconvenience to Users. The possibility of an avoidable complication extending the upgrade task can also be avoided

The following jobs are submitted to batch as they may take over one hour to run. Reports are produced which detail any errors.

The routine checks that the scoping of the database is consistent. All database relations (logical and physical files) must exist in the same data library. If this is not the case, then errors may occur during the delivery routines. Errors are detailed on two reports:

·  Bad physical files are ones which have logicals scoped over them from outside the data library

·  Bad logical files are ones that are scoped over physical files that exist outside the data library.  To initiate the integrity checks

Before you can submit the integrity checks, the parameters must be set for the whole of the upgrade. This is achieved by selecting option 1 from the main ‘Conversion Menu’.