SECTION 0178 19
1.1Related Documents
1.3Basic SLA Requirements
Technical Specifications for SITA WorksSection Number 0178 19
Revision 0Page 1 of 6Service Level Agreement
SECTION 0178 19
1.1Related Documents
A.The following sections include requirements which relate to the work of this section:
1.All the issued tender documents for the construction of the works covered in this SLA
A.As part of the Construction Contract a number of highly complex systems will be designed, installed and commissioned. As the correct functioning of these systems is critical to the operation of the systems, Operations and Maintenance (O&M) services will be procured from one or more experienced external party/ies. This section defines the outline of the Service Level Agreements (SLA) to be entered into.
B.The Operations and Maintenance obligations will need to ensure that the system(s) meet the design and operational criteria as defined in the respective specification sections. The Employer intends to seek O&M support for all systems provided in the Contract but reserves the right to only enter into agreements for a limited number of systems. For each system concerned a Service Level Agreement will be entered into at time of contracting detailing:
1.O&M objectives
2.O&M fee in terms of periodic payments
3.Penalties in relation to the above
4.Grounds for termination.
C.In the Bill a rate shall be entered for the SLA. The SLA is part of this contract and it will be used in the adjudication of the bid. No offer for the SLA means the cost is deemed to be included in the total bid amount.
1.3Basic SLA Requirements
1.The following entities are contractual parties to this Service Level Agreement:
a)SITA, hereafter called “The Employer”
b)The Operations and Maintenance Contractor for the System hereaftercalled "The Contractor".
1.This Agreement will become valid immediately after the start of operations of thecomplete Generator System.
1.This Agreement will terminate five years (60 calendar months) after thecommencement date.
2.The Contractor agrees to take on a further O&M agreement if the Client so indicatesat least 2 months prior to the end of the initial agreement. (Five years)
3.For any possible extension of the SLA new fees will be agreed prior tocommencement.
1.The Contractor is obliged to appoint only qualified personnel with ample experiencewith the concerned systems and maintenance procedures. He is responsible for theproper education and supervision of his personnel.
2.Contractor personnel shall adhere to safety and security policies in place at the sites. Failure to do so will be grounds for replacement of such personnel.
3.In well founded cases, the Employer is authorized to demand replacement ofindividual personnel. Rejection is at the sole discretion of the Employer.
4.The Employer assumes no legal obligations towards Contractor staff.
1.Call out: The failure of the system will be logged to the contractor first through a telephone call from SITA, followed by an electronic mail (within 24 hours of the incident) from SITA with a clear description of the fault or symptoms experienced.
2.In general, the functioning of the System is in failure or reduced when the primaryfunction is no longer fulfilled, respectively available only partly.
3.The availability is not regarded as reduced when useful redundancies can be used.
4.System Service Availability
a)System Service Availability is a measure of the total quantity and quality ofservice actually operated compared with that which is scheduled to be operatedover a given time period.
b)Regarded as failure of the contractual System Service Availability are all technical defects as a result of which the Systems functionality and/or capacity is affected, or which require adequate corrective action to regain the original level of service.
c)Not regarded as failures of the contractual System Service Availability:
1)Failures resulting from incorrect operations;
2)Failures that originate from failing (technical, organizational) systemsnot under the responsibility of the Contractor, e.g. an overheated computer room.
5.System Service Availability objectives for each system have been defined as:
a)Advanced: requiring commencement of repairs within 3 hours after notification andthe system being fully restored and operational within 3 hours of notification.
1.General: it is essential that there is a mechanism to maintain and monitor efficiency and performance of the service standard detailed within this Agreement. To that end, the performance standards identified in the previous section will be measured, monitored and reported on a monthly basis.
2.The Contractor shall put into place a tracking and maintenance management system totrack failures and responses.
1.Statistics: Failures are distributed as follows:
b)Up to and including 60 minutes;
c)Greater than 60 minutes and less than or equal to 90 minutes;
d)Greater than 90 minutes and less than or equal to 120 minutes;
e)Greater than 120 minutes and less than or equal to 180 minutes;
f)180 minutes and above.
2.Registration: Identification may be by an alarm or other means such as visual inspection or notification by personnel. Alarms shall be logged. Other means of notification shall be listed in a System log.
3.Registration of failures in the monthly report will be the responsibility of the Contractor.
4.Monthly System Service Availability reports will be produced at least 2 weeks prior to the monthly review meetings.
1.Corrective action
a)For any calendar month during the Agreement that the minimum System Service Availability specified is not met, or performance records indicate it will not be met, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, promptly undertake reviews and analysis, including a review of operating and maintenance procedures, and shall propose a plan to the Employer within one month to correct the problem(s). The plan and corrective actions shall be subject to acceptance by the Employer. Corrections necessary to meet these requirements shall be made by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Employer. Immediately after the Employer approves the corrective action(s), the Contractor shall make the corrective action(s) to mitigate the cause. Corrective actions shall be documented in a failure analysis and correction report. A preliminary failure analysis and correction report shall be issued by the Contractor to the Employer when the corrective program is initiated and a final failure analysis and correction report shall be issued when the success of the corrective action can be substantiated.
b)Corrective actions shall be taken in line with the Employers Service Strategywhich will be based on international best practice.
c)Prior to taking any corrective actions the Contractor shall notify the Employer and actions shall not be initiated without coordination with the Employer.
d)In the failure analysis and correction report, equipment failures shall beclassified as either relevant or non-relevant.
e)The Contractor must troubleshoot, rectify, repair, investigate, check and analyse all breakdowns/ faults to determine their causes and their prevention. The Contractor must then submit the breakdown/fault report to the Employer by 9:30 h the next working day;
f)The Contractor shall note that the Employer may engage the manufacturers or other specialists of the systems and facilities to carry out the rectification,repairs or replacement for any major failure of the system. The Contractor shallthen provide the necessary labour for dismantling, assembling andtransportation of such works. In addition, the Contractor shall co-ordinate and supervise such works and any cost incurred shall be deemed to be included in the Contract Sum.
1.Compensation for maintenance will be paid annually post facto.
1.In normal circumstances, no penalty will be imposed on the Contractor where:
a)A failure is due to operation errors by staff not working under theresponsibility of the Contractor;
b)The system is not available due to planned maintenance periods;
Scheduled maintenance services will only be allowed by SITA during SITA approved change control windows which will be on a Sunday.
2.1Forms and Certificates
A.Job Cards:
A job card shall be produced for every incident reported and every routine service call.
B.A completion certificate shall be produced after the successful completion of the service.
Technical Specifications for SITA WorksSection Number 0178 19
Revision 0Page 1 of 6Service Level Agreement