Pine-Strawberry Wildfire Fuel Reduction Fundraiser a Success.
Contacts; Interim Fire Chief Gary Morris 602-803-7366
Fuels Reduction, Inc: Chairman: Mel Palmer 602-527-9792
Saturday, June 14th saw a large turnout of Pine and Strawberry residents to a fund raiser at the Bear Steakhouse in Pine. Over $11,000 was raised to support the brush pickup and removal project for the two communities. The event started at 1:30 in the afternoon and the 200 scheduled barbeque rib meals sold out by 5 PM. Other residents simply chose to come and enjoy some entertainment and leave a financial donation.
The Pine-Strawberry communities are well aware of the risk of a wildfire and for years have extended a self-preservation approach to protecting the two communities. They were one of the first communities in Arizona to complete a 300 foot wild fire break around the two towns to prevent a wild fire from penetrating the communities. In 2004, residents formed Pine/Strawberry Fuel Reduction, Inc. in order to pursue federal grant money to pick up and dispose of brush. The Pine-Strawberry Fire Department assisted by writing the first grant application which was approved. In 2005, working with the Pine-Strawberry Fire Department, the Pine/Strawberry Fuel Reduction Inc. took the lead role in managing the brush pickup and disposal. On average 18 tons of brush per week was removed and taken to the Buckhead Landfill where it was burned when weather conditions allowed it. Over the years, the brush removal has resulted in a considerable reduction in the risk of fire spread within the two communities.
Unfortunately, the federal grant moneys ran out in October 2013 and much of the brush removal ceased. Earlier this year, in order to continue the project, the Pine/Strawberry Fuels ReductionInc. mailed letters to all property owners requesting a financial donation. Property owners responded and $15,000 was raised to start up the project.
In April, a two person crew began removing brush from curbsideand discovered that more brush had been put out than predicted in both towns. This meant the initial funding would be inadequate to complete the pickup and disposal process. Thus, the need for last Saturday’s fund raiser.
The Bear Steakhouse restaurant in Strawberry was the venue for the event. Live music was provided throughout the afternoon by the group “Trouble in Paradise”. A variety of donate items were raffled off along with a silent and live auction of a number of art works in early evening.
Residents should note that the brush pickups in Strawberry will be completed by this weekend. Thecrew will next move to Pine and is expected to complete these routes in August. It’s uncertain if the Pine/Strawberry Fuels Reduction, Inc. will be able to continue this service in the future as funding for this effort is uncertain at the present.
For those homeowners seeking assistance in removing brush their properties, particular after the Fuels Reduction crew completes their work in August,the Pine-Strawberry Fire Department (928-476-4272) has a list of companies, and individuals, which can do so for a fee. Homeowners who may have put out brush after the brush pick up crew has been through their neighborhoods will have to address the removal. Limited funding will not allow the crew to return to a cleared neighborhood.
Residents of Pine - Strawberry should also know that the “Brush Pit” off of Control Road south of Pine has filled to capacity and is now closed. The pit will remain closed until safe weather conditions will allow the brush to be burned. Residents may call Regional Payson Area Project at 928-468-8694 to check the future availability of the Brush Pit.
18June 1030