Sealed tenders affixed with revenue stamps worth Rs.6/- are invited for and on behalf of Governor of Jammu and Kashmir State from Registered Contractors /Self Help Groups, whose Registration are valid for the current financial year, for the works shown below ,which should reach the office of the Executive Engineer Flood Control Division Anantnag on or before 17.03.-2015 upto 2.PM The tenders shall be opened on the same day or any other date convenient to the tender opening authority, in presence of the tendrerer who may like to be present at the time of opening of tenders. The tenders should be duly appended with CDR’s equivalent to the 2% of the total value of the works, and 1% in Self Help Groups , in absence of which the tenders will be rejected. The tender opening authority reserves the right to reject one or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Further details can be had from the office of the undersigned on any working day after the dispatch of this NIT.

S. No / Name of Work / Advz. Cost
(Rs in lacs) / E/ Money / Class of Contr. / Time for compl. / M.H A/C / Cost of Tender document
1. / Construction of F.P work by way of const. of Cement Conc. L/Wall near the lad of master Sonaullah and others at Bona Dialgam on Bringi Nallah / 4.35 / 8700/= / DEE / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 500/=
2. / Construction of F.P work Hiller Shahbad by way of cement conc.R/ wall B/O of Vethvethroo Nallah. Sec 2nd . / 4.01 / 4010/= / SHG / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 500/=
3. / Construction of F.P work at village Adigam on Phaphari Nallah B/O Vethvethroo by way of const. of Cement Conc. R/Wall . / 4.45 / 8900/= / DEE / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 500/=
4. / Permanent Restoration of F.P work on Aripath Nallah at Shergund village near damaged houses L/S & u/S bridge. / 3.49 / 6980/= / DEE / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 400/=
5. / Construction of F.P work by way of const. of boulder bund with toe crates on L/S Sandran Nallah at village Bonagund Verinag sec 1st / 4.53 / 4530/= / SHG / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 500/=
6. / Restoration of F.P work by way of Const of Cement Conc R/Wall on Phaphri Nallah of B/O Vethvethroo Nallah at Banghall Devsar ( Malvan Nallah). / 4.76 / 9520/= / DEE / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 500/=
7. / Permanent Restoration of F.P work on Aripath Nallah at Shergund village near damaged houses L/S , u/S bridge sec 1st . / 4.27 / 4270/= / SHG / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 500/=
8. / Restoration of F.P work by way of Cement Conc. R/wall near the land of Ab.Salam Parray R/o Mandhole on Papharadi Nallah Vethvethroo / 3.49 / 6980/= / DEE / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 400/=
9 / Permanent Restoration of F.P work by way of const. of boulder bund with toe crates on L/S Sandran Nallah at village Makhpora U/S village Chinugund / 4.93 / 9860/= / DEE / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 500/=
10 / providing of toe crates protection to cracked /sinked L.P bund of Sandran Nallah at TB Shah near H/O Gh. Jeelani & others. / 2.26 / 2260/= / SHG / 07 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 300/=
11 / Construction of F.P work at Uril on Khidder Nallah B/O Vethvethroo by way of const. of S&B bund with stone pitching and laying of toe crates sec 2nd . / 3.48 / 6960/= / DEE / 07 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 400/=
12 / Construction of F.P work at village Bonghall Devsar on Phaphari Nallah B/O Vethvethroo by way of const. of Cement Conc. R/Wall at Amanpora and Palpora. / 3.76 / 7520/= / DEE / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 400/=
13 / Construction of F.P work by way of S&B bund, pitching with toe crates on main Bringi Nallah at Adigam Sec 1st . / 4.93 / 4930/= / SHG / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 500/=
14 / Construction of F.P work by way of S&B bund, pitching with toe crates on main Bringi Nallah at Adigam Sec 2nd / 4.93 / 9860/= / DEE / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 500/=
15 / Construction of F.P work by way of S&B bund, pitching with toe crates on main Bringi Nallah at Adigam Sec 3rd / 4.93 / 9860/= / DEE / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 500/=
16 / Construction of F.P work by way of S&B bund, pitching with toe crates on main Bringi Nallah at Adigam Sec 4th . / 4.93 / 9860/= / DEE / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 500/=
17 / Construction of F.P work by way of S&B bund, pitching with toe crates on main Bringi Nallah at Adigam Sec 5th / 4.93 / 9860/= / DEE / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 500/=
18 / Construction of F.P work on B/O Lidder Nallah at Ganaipora Mattan / 4.81 / 9620/= / DEE / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 500/=
19 / Construction of F.P work by way of S&B bund, pitching with toe crates on Hakura Nallah at Badusgam / 3.48 / 3480/= / SHG / 07 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 400/=
20 / Construction of F.P work by way of S&B bund, pitching with toe crates on Hakura Nallah at Malikpora / 3.48 / 6960/= / DEE / 07 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 400/=
21 / Construction of F.P work by way of S&B bund, pitching with toe crates on Hakura Nallah at Hakura. / 3.48 / 6960/= / DEE / 07 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 400/=

1.  The tender documents containing rate list/Qty schedule and other details can be had from the office of the

Executive Engineer Flood Control Division Anantnag on any working day from _09.03.2015 to 14.03.2015 upto 2 PM against cash payment on the production of CDR, Tin No, Sales tax clearance certificate ending 3/2014and valid Registration card without which no tender document shall be issued by this office. In case of any Holiday /Hartal or any other unavoidable circumstances the tender document shall be issued on next working day upto 2.PM

2  The details of NIT can had from the departmental web site at

3  The tenders should be accompanied with the CDRs pledged to the Executive Engineer Flood Control Division Anantnag from any schedule/Nationalized Bank.

4  The lowest tenderer shall have to start the execution of works immediately on the next day after issuance of allotment order/ Letter of Intent and shall have to complete the job within the stipulated time as shown against the work in the NIT under reference as time is the essence of the work. The contractor is bound to complete the allotted work within the stipulated periods of time , in case of failure to start the work no further notice will be served and the CDR shall be forfeited immediately and blacklisting of his registration Card shall be recommended. ,and the contract with the successful agency shall be deemed cancelled.

5  The Successful agency shall have to execute the agreement with the department before start of work.

6  The payment shall be released as and when funds are made available by the competent authority.

7  The allotment shall be issued in favour of the successful agency subject to the condition that he will give written consent to the effect that he will wait for the payment till the same is released by the competent authority.

8  The tender with below rates , AT PAR Shall be rejected , only reasonable rates shall be accepted.

9  The tenders with erasing, cuttings, over writings and ambiguous rates shall be straightway rejected. However Tenders should be written cleared and legible both in words and figures.

10  The tenderers should attach P/S copy of Sales tax clearance certificate ending 7/2014 and record Tin no/Income Tax Pan no on the tenders.

11  The tenderers should seal the rates quoted with transparent tape .Besides correction slips appended with Tenders in the Tender box requesting for raising and lowering the rate shall not be entertained in any case.

12  In case of unavoidable circumstances/holiday, the tenders shall be received on next working day.

13  In case of any dispute etc which may cause delay in execution of work no enhancement of rates shall be entertained by the allotting authority after contract is fixed with the executing agency.

14  Any damage that may be caused to the work by any reason during execution and prior to handing over the work to the department shall be the sole responsibility of the executing agency and the department shall not be liable to compassionate for any loss on account of such damage.

15  No increase in carriages will be entertained beyond estimated provision both mechanical and manual if involved

16  All other terms and conditions shall be the same as laid down in the detailed NIT No.02 of 2010-2011issued under No. 2359-85 dated 22-07-2010 and P.W.D form No.25 shall also hold good.

17  The tender Document shall be issue only once the requisite CDR for the particular work is produced at the time of applying for issuance of Tender Document. No application will be accepted and no tender document shall be issued without CDR

18  CDR ‘s once utilized cannot be entertained .

19  The NIT if cancelled , no claim for refund of the cost of tender document shall be entertained and only such contractors prepared to accept this condition may bid for work.

20  Any typo graphical error or omission shall be dealt with strictly in accordance with the SSR of 2012.

21  The Item advertised in respect of SHG shall be liable for Rejection if it is revealed that SHG sublet the contract to any other group or Civil Contractor.

22  Any Damage that may caused to the work by any reasons during execution and prior to handing over the work to the department shall be the sole responsibility of the executing agency and the department shall not be liable to compensate any loss on account of such damage

23  Bids from Joint venture are not allowed.

24  Deductions on account of taxes shall be made from the bills of the contractors on Gross amount of the bill as per the rates prevailing at the time of Recovery. However just to give an idea to the bidders regarding recoveries , the present recovery rates are detailed below

a.  Service / sales tax @ 10.50 %

b.  Income tax @ 2.24 %

c.  Labour cess @ 1%

26. The bid / bids will remain valid for period of 90 days from the date of the receipt of the bids by the bid receiving authority.

27. Correction slips found in the tender box regarding enhancing / lowering the rate , or connected with the bid shall not be entertained.

28. The additional security deposit of the contractor shall not be refunded before the completion of the work in all respects and before the expiry of the DLP

29. Payment shall be made when funds are available with the division and no claim on account of interest in delayed payments shall be entertained.




B.A wire Woven crates 4”x4” mesh @ Rs. 18.00 per sft ( the material cost shall be deducted as per the prevalent stock rates at the time of lifting of material as shall be worked a fresh for fiscal year 2014-15)

Position of Funds: Demanded

NO.FCD/Ang/ 7700-17 Executive Engineer

Dated: 07.03.2015 Flood Control Division Ang

Copy to the:-

1Chief Engineer Kmr,I&F.C Department Sgr for information please

2. Superintending Engineer Hydraulic Circle Khanabal Ang for information please.

3-4 District Development Commissioner Anantnag/ /Kulgam/ for information.

5-9. Asstt. Executive Engineer F.C Sub-Division ______for Information.

10 Asstt. Director Information Department Srinagar for publishing the NIT in some leading news papers of the valley before last date for issuance of tender documents

11. SSP Anantnag for information.

12-15 Executive Engineers______for information

16-17 President Contractors Association ______

18. . Notice Board



Sealed tenders affixed with revenue stamps worth Rs.6/- are invited for and on behalf of Governor of Jammu and Kashmir State from Registered Contractors /Self Help Groups, whose Registration are valid for the current financial year, for the works shown in below, which should reach the office of the Executive Engineer Flood Control Division Anantnag on or before 17.03.2015 upto 2.PM The tenders shall be opened on the same day or any other date convenient to the tender opening authority, in presence of the tenderers who may like to be present at the time of opening of tenders. The tenders should be duly appended with CDR’s equivalent to the 2% of the total value of the works-, and 1% in Self Help Groups , in absence of which the tenders will be rejected. The tender opening authority reserves the right to reject one or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Further details can be had from the office of the undersigned on any working day after the dispatch of this NIT.

S. No / Name of Work / Advz. Cost
(Rs in lacs) / E/ Money / Class of Contr. / Time for compl. / M.H A/C / Cost of Tender document
1. / Construction of F.P work by way of const. of Cement Conc. L/Wall near the lad of master Sonaullah and others at Bona Dialgam on Bringi Nallah / 4.35 / 8700/= / DEE / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 500/=
2. / Construction of F.P work Hiller Shahbad by way of cement conc.R/ wall B/O of Vethvethroo Nallah. Sec 2nd . / 4.01 / 4010/= / SHG / 08 DAYS / 4711 state plan FR / 500/=