Religious Education Advisory Committee Insert official (not abbreviated) name of committee

CONFIDENTIALITY NB: Where the chair of the meeting has confidentiality concerns in respect of part of these minutes, the relevant agenda item in the minutes should note the chair’s view and record whether or not the view receives assent from the committee (see example ‘Confidentiality note’ at Agenda Item 4). If minutes with confidentiality concerns are being considered for proactive public release – they must be forwarded to the Legal and Administrative Law Branch for consideration. The Manager may consider it appropriate to create a copy suitable for proactive release. The amended copy will note where information has been deleted, and why.

Date/Time: / 18 November 2009, 1.30pm
Location: / Level 2, Room 4, 80 George Street, Brisbane
Attendees: / Department of Education and Training, Queensland Teachers’ Union, Australian Christian Churches, Queensland Catholic Education, Southport State School representing Education Queensland districts, Catholic Bishops of Queensland, Anglican Province of Queensland and Anglican Schools Commission, Queensland Council of Parents and Citizens Association, Lutheran Church of Australia, Queensland Association of State School Principals
Apologies: / Buddhist Council; Scripture Union, Queensland Secondary Principals’ Association, Christian Brethren Assemblies, Salvation Army, Brisbane Sikh Temple – Gurdwara, Christian Outreach Centre, Association of Special Education Administrators in Queensland, Youth and Children’s Ministry Unit of the Uniting Church, Presbyterian Church of Queensland, Seventh Day Adventist Church, Apostolic Church of Australia, Queensland Regional Baha’i Council, Churches of Christ, Traditional Aboriginal Spiritualities, Islamic Council of Australia, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia
Secretariat: / Margaret Milne; Bree Parker List name/s of secretariat officers, observers, others
Agenda Item/Topic / Discussion/Outcomes / Action Officer / Due Date
1. Welcome and Apologies / The Chair welcomed members to the meeting and noted apologies as listed above.
The Chair welcomed members to the meeting and noted apologies from …
2. Confirmation of Minutes from Previous Meeting / Minutes of 19 August 2009 amended with apology noted from Lutheran Church of Australia. The minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record of last meeting.
Indicate if the meeting accepted the minutes as a true and accurate record of the previous meeting.
3. Business Arising from Previous Minutes / Actions:
3.1  Amend Religion Fact Sheet template with drop-down menu of prompts in Beliefs section and email to members. Completed sheets to be available on Student Services website with teachers as target audience.
3.2  Organisations to submit a fact sheet on their religion for discussion at future meeting (no time frame for submission).
3.3  Email Contact List to all REAC members.
3.4  Clarify definition of “local” in “application to become a local employing authority of chaplains” in The Advisory Committee for Employing Authorities of Chaplains (ACEA) process document. / DET
4. Document Review: Religious Instruction in School Hours Policy and Religious Instruction in School Hours HandbookSuccinct self-explanatory title only / Draft documents discussed including current edits. REAC members advise that the Handbook (the “Blue Book”) be available on DET website.
4.1  Members to email suggested amendments to Religious Instruction policy and Religious Instruction in School Hours: A handbook for state school communities.
One line only statement of action, if any, from this agenda item. / All
5. Agreement for Chaplaincy Services / Draft Agreement for Chaplaincy Services tabled. Agreement intended to formalise arrangements between DET and accredited employing authorities for provision of chaplaincy services in state schools.
5.1  Clarify requirements for review and evaluation in draft Agreement for Chaplaincy Services. / DET
6. Other Business / ·  Proposed meeting dates for 2010 – 24 March; 19 May; 25 August, 17 November
·  Venue to be advised
·  Suggested Agenda item: for 24 March 2010: Survey Results (Jonathon Sargeant) Members may raise items of other business which should be listed under succinct titles OR no other business.
Next Meeting / Wednesday, 24 March 2010, 1.30pm (venue to be advised) List the location and date of the next meeting.

Meeting closed at: 3.15pm Time meeting closed


A summary of actions is provided below

Ref / Actions / Responsible Officer / Due Date
3.1 / Amend Religion Fact Sheet template with drop-down menu of prompts in Beliefs section and email to members. Completed sheets to be available on Student Services website with teachers as target audience. / Executive Officer / January 2010
3.2 / Organisations to submit a fact sheet on their religion for discussion at future meeting (no time frame for submission). / All / As available
3.3 / Email Contact List to all REAC members. / Executive Officer / December 2009
3.4 / Clarify definition of “local” in “application to become a local employing authority of chaplains” in The Advisory Committee for Employing Authorities of Chaplains (ACEA) process document. / Executive Officer / January 2010
4.1 / Members to email suggested amendments to Religious Instruction policy and Religious Instruction in School Hours: A handbook for state school communities. / All / December 2009
5.1 / Clarify requirements for review and evaluation in draft Agreement for Chaplaincy Services. / Executive Officer / January 2010

These minutes are a public record. However the Department of Education and Training (DET) may redact information from the publicly released version of these minutes if DET intends to claim an exemption from disclosure under the Right to Information Act 2009. If such a claim is made by DET it will be noted at the relevant part of these minutes.

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