Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday 27th March 2013
Level 8 Meeting Room, Postgraduate Office, Ninewells
Present: / Dr Matt Lambert (ML) – ChairDr Alan Robertson (AR), Dr Hannah Naasan (HN), Mrs Fiona Anderson (FA), Dr Fiona Shearer (FS), Mr Craig Butler (CB), Dr Graham McCallum (GMc), Dr Aline Wilson (AW), Mrs Fiona Erickson (FE), Dr Jenny Cartlidge (JC), Dr Nicola Schembri (NS), Dr Nikola Henderson (NH)
Mr Rodney Mountain (RM) attended for part of the meeting.
In attendance: Mrs C Cunningham (CC)
1. / Apologies and Introductions
Dr Nikhil Patravali (NP), Dr Claire Wallace (CW), Dr John Davidson (JD), Dr Clare McKenzie (CMc),
2. / Minutes from the Previous Meeting
The minutes were then accepted as a true record of the meeting.
3. / Matters Arising
· Issues within O & G department regarding bullying. ML has emailed NP requesting clarification and examples, but no reply to date. Department will have Quality visit in May led by RM. Concerns re. safety and training issues. ML will continue to chase this up with NP.
· Website. Articles are in process of being updated and will be sent back to CC once complete.
· Career Management Group. ML will include details in the newsletter to trainees. Also get in touch with Dr McNaughton to update her article.
· GIM / Foundation Teaching Programme. New teaching programme has started, organised by Richard Stretton, and is going well. JD had previously indicated that teaching should be bleep free. Discussion took place within the group regarding teaching at the moment. FA reported that the Foundation teaching programme was being looked into and how to improve attendances and come up with a model that works for trainees. One hour of formal teaching a week was the recommendation. Offsite teaching was not thought to be the answer. FA asked the trainees for their thoughts on this. CB reported that an HR workforce planning consultation exercise was taking place at the moment. Clinical leads from each area will submit the issues. AR thought that feedback from FY trainees would be interesting. He noted that a letter from the FYs in Cardiology had been submitted to the clinical lead advising that they were quite concerned about their own training and for patient safety due to issues with staffing levels, especially when some were taken away to other wards. Trainees have been advised to complete a report of concern to the Deanery. FA suggested that these concerns could be raised through the minutes of this meeting. FA advised that changes to FY rotations on the medical floor will be taking place shortly. FY1s will not go to Ward 15 at all. FY2s will have two months in W15 and two months in their parent ward, with the aim of bringing more continuity of care across medical floor.
· Discussion also took place regarding ST rotas and the gaps therein. AR reported that this is a major issue with rotas often issued only a couple of weeks in advance and that trainees had been advised to request monitoring. / ML
4. / New Communication Portal
RM summarised this. A pilot is being run in Tayside in May/June this year. The concept is to give individual medical staff a unique ID starting in Med School and throughout their careers. This would provide a link from medical school, through Foundation years, Specialty training, colleges etc. Also linked with NES and NHS Tayside. Design is a web-based system and a trial will be run across a number of medical student, Foundation and ST trainees and Consultants giving them a unique web page. The content will contain the individual’s demographic details, their stage of training etc. Also included will be a CV builder and will include a data store for collecting and filing documents throughout their career. NES/NHST are keen to pilot in Tayside.
RM asked about the JDF website and if a useful link could be created. Mentoring would also be included. The medical students have come up with an idea for mentoring. This could be adapted for PG mentoring.
FA asked about security and was assured it was completely secure.
RM asked the group to think about how they could contribute to the concept. Carrie Marr is very keen to help from NHST point of view. CB agreed that medical education side would be keen to contribute.
RM asked for volunteers from the group to help the project.
NS advised that there is a problem with access to certain websites through NHST.
5. / Shadowing
FE advised that Shadowing week for the new FY1s this year starts in July and she has been tasked with organising this. FE asked for feedback on what trainee doctors would like to see delivered during this week. Trainees would move around in groups of eight for 45 minutes slots.
FE advised that HAN, delivered by a nursing practitioner would be covered early in the week, as would IT training. NHS mail, LearnPro would also be dealt with. IT clinical systems would be covered over the rest of the week.
It was suggested that there were too many speakers on previous years and too much biochemistry.
Suggestions had been made to include blood transfusions, infection control and good record keeping. It was agreed that blood transfusion training module would be good to include but FA reminded the group that a lot of this would be included in the first Foundation block and therefore could be repeated unnecessarily.
Death certification was also mentioned and good to include.
Raising concerns was also thought to be relevant and should be included in Shadowing week.
FA advised that NES were developing a video on Health and Wellbeing. Making sure that junior doctors were looking after themselves appropriately. Hoping video will be ready for June.
Jill Murray will cover E-portfolio.
NS asked if a talk on Radiology was still taking place that week. It was agreed this would be a useful inclusion. NS suggested she could do this.
Cross department referrals were also mentioned. This information would be useful for new trainees.
A trainee had previously delivered “Life as an FY1”. It was agreed that this would be useful.
FE finally mentioned that there were 93 new FY1’s starting that week who would be moving around the hospital in groups of eight. FE looking for “buddies” to take responsibility for some of these groups and asked for volunteers. FY2s in West Block were mentioned as possibilities.
FE thanked everyone for their time. She will pull programme together and circulate to group. / NS
6. / Website
Already covered
7. / TASME
Deferred to next meeting.
8. / Feedback from Other Meetings
GMc attended this meeting. Main issues raised had been core surgery training and issues surrounding job management and rota’ing in Medicine PRI. Deanery visit in there taking place shortly. Plans being put in place to resolve these issues.
ML reported on this. Management changes and reorganisation within the Deanery are taking place at the moment. The three Associate Deans are taking responsibility for different specialties. Dr Fiona Drimmie is taking over as A/D for Foundation, her specialties have been split between Dr Leese and Mr Mountain.
Changes in rotations for FYs next year were discussed. Concerns had been raised. Swap forms have been done. One third of trainees that weren’t happy with rotations. AW reported that some trainees had done three blocks of MFE, which shouldn’t be happening. This was also happening in General Surgery and Orthopaedics too. FA advised that she would look into the repeated experiences and report back.
FA advised that this issue had been raised on a number of occasions through committees, through JDF etc. The Deanery started working with NHS Tayside in 2011.
Compulsory changes have to take place from August 2013. FY1 changes have had a knock on effect to FY2s.
c. IDT Panel
The IDT process has been changed and is now being run nationally from the KSS Deanery, through a computer based system. Dean to Dean option would still be available for exceptional circumstances.
ML asked for feedback of the new system through the JDF. / FA
8. / LaMP Website Development
Abertay students were then invited to join the meeting the present their up to date work on the LaMP modules.
JDF members were given a presentation from the students and asked for written and verbal feedback.
10. / AOB
11. / Date of Next Meeting
ML will send out Doodle poll for dates of next meeting.
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