Big Red One Living History Organization, Inc

January 26, 2005

Article I

Names and Meeting Place

Section 1 This Club shall be known as “Big Red One Living History Organization, Inc “hereafter” referred to as The Club.

Section 2 The Club will hold 2 meetings per year,one inNovember, December or January, and one in May orJune. An emergency meeting can be called, with a 2 week notice, by agreement of any 2 of the elected officers if necessary.

Article II


We the members of The Club, do hereby adopt the following constitution to provide: a means of securing terms and conditions that allow Club members to actively participate in living history both static and tactical under a relaxed atmosphere that is non-confrontational. This Club is an extension of individuals who have an interest in US military history and deployment. The purpose of this Club is to accommodate the group’s hobby, without the rigors of strict military discipline. This Club is designed to enable flexibility to all members for participation in all events.

Section 1To honor the men and Women of the US military and in particular the U.S. Army's First Infantry Division throughout history with special emphasis on the period of the Second World War.

Section 2To pass along the traditions and history of the Big Red One through Living History and Simulated combat participation.

Section 3To respect the contributions and sacrifices of the men of the Big Red One by portraying them as accurately as possible.

Article III


Section 1All members will be considered to be "members in good standing" if they are in compliance with the dues and regulations of the club.

Section 2 An Individual member is a person that at least 18 years of age.

Section 3 Membership in the organization shall run from January 1 to December 31 of each year.

Article IV

Dues and Fees

Section 1The annual dues for regular members shall be Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars.

Section 2 Family membership is Twenty-five ($25.00) and shall consist of 2 or more immediate family members per household.

Section 3Annual dues for all members are to be paid to the Treasure by December 31st. If they are not received by the due date, a $5.00 penalty per month will be added up to a maximum of $10.00. Members not paying dues within sixty (60) days will be removed from the active rolls of the club and thus forfeit all associated rights and privileges of membership.

Section 4Members who are not in good standing may be prohibited from participation in club events or voted out of the organization by a majority of the E- Board “Elected Officers”.

Article V


Section 1The President, as the chief executive of this Club, shall preside at all meetings and maintain order. In case of a tie vote, the president shall cast the deciding vote. The president shall see that all Officers perform their duties as provided for in this constitution, appoint all standing and special committees, and perform such other duties as the Club may direct.

Section 2The Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of the Presidents duties, and in the absence of the President shall preside and perform all the duties of the president as required by the Constitution.

Section 3The Secretary shall keep a fair and impartial record of all minutes of the meetings of the club and record of all activities, write all communications and issue notice to members who are delinquent with dues. In the absence of the President and Vice President, the Secretary shall preside and perform all the duties of the president as required by the Constitution. The Secretary shall keep a complete list of all the names and addresses of all members. At the end of the Secretary’s term of office, the Secretary shall deliver to the successor all books, papers, and other properties belonging to the Club.

Section 4It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep a true account between the Club, members and all others having financial dealings with the Club; to collect all monies due to the club and deposit them when he/she is able to into the Club account separate from his own. The treasurer shall be responsible for filing of any tax, to pay all Club expenses; to keep a full and correct account of all monies received and expended and gives the Club a monthly statement of its funds and disbursements. At the end of the Treasurer’s term of office, the Treasurer shall deliver to the successor all books, papers, accounts, monies, and other properties belonging to the Club.

Section 5It shall be the duty of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer to attend all Membership meetings.

Section 6The final vote on any amendment to the Constitution shall be held by a ballot as follows.

(a)Vote by all members in attendance at the meeting.

(b)Absentee votes by mail or E-mail

(c)All votes must be received within 2 weeks of mailing.

(d)For any Amendment to pass, a (2/3) majority vote of all members in good standing must be cast the affirmative.

Article VI

Removal of Officers

An Officer of this club can be removed from office for malfeasance or neglect of responsibility by two-thirds vote of the membership.

Article VII


Section 1The president shall appoint the following standing committee of the Club: Resolution Committee.

Section 2Special committees, except otherwise provided, shall be appointed by the president.

Section 3It shall be the duty of the Resolution Committee to report all proposals to amend this Constitution with the Committee’s recommendation to adopt or reject such proposed Amendment.

Article VIII


Section 1Amendments to the constitution maybe proposed by any Club member in good standing and voted upon at the late yearJanuary or mid yearJune meeting. Passage will require a 2/3 acceptance by the members present, as long as there is a quorum as defined else where in this document.

Section 2The final vote on any amendment to the Constitution shall be held by a ballot as follows.

(e)Vote by all members in attendance at the meeting.

(f)Absentee votes by mail or E-mail

(g)All votes must be received within 2 weeks of mailing.

For any Amendment to pass, a (2/3) majority vote of all members in good standing must be cast the affirmative

Section 3 The By-Laws of this Club may be changed at any time provided such change is offered at a regular or emergency meeting, and the change is passed by Two-Thirds of the members present, as long as there is a quorum as defined else where in this document. Upon the Membership voting un-favorably to add, amend, or delete a By-Law there will be a six (6) month waiting period before that same change may be again presented for consideration.

Article IX

Order of Business

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call of Executive Board “Elected Officers”
  3. Reading of Minutes
  4. Report of the Treasurer
  5. Reports of Standing Committees
  6. Reports of Special Committees
  7. Unfinished Business
  8. New Business
  9. Adjournment

Article X

Parliamentary Guide

Except as otherwise provided, “Robert’s Rules to Order, Revised” shall be the parliamentary guide for this Club. Or to be determined by the Club.

Article XI


Ten members are need at a meeting to constitute a Quorum.

Article XII


Section 1The election of officers of the club will be held every 2 years commencing January 1, 2005.

Section 2Schedule for the Annual election is as follows.

1. October - appointment of election committee and the taking of nominations for office.

2. November - Publication or mailing of the slate of candidates.

3. December 10 (Postmarked)- Deadline of ballets for the election of officers by E-mail or mail-in ballots.

4. Results will be announced in January newsletter.

Section 3The following election rules apply.

1. Only members in good standing as recorded by the club are eligible to run for office or to vote in any election.

2. Be a member in good standing for a minimum of one (1) year.

3. Must express willingness to serve on the executive board.

Article XIII


Section 1Promotional committee guidelines. Promotion in rank can only be obtained by the following means.

A. Be a member in good standing for a minimum of one (1) year.

B.Nominated to the promotional committee by a member or members in good standing.

C.Reviewed and voted upon by a three (3) member committee consisting of the club members in good standing.

D. Committee recommendations will be forwarded to club officers to be reviewed and voted upon.

E.A passing vote shall consist of a 3/4 majority in favor of promotion in rank.

F. Notification of results will be in writing and will be effective immediately and posted in the next newsletter.

Section 2 Demotion/Expulsion committee guidelines. Demotion in rank can only be obtained by the following means.

A. Submitted to demotion/expulsion committee consisting of 3 members in good standing by a member or members in good standing.

B. Committee recommendations will be forwarded to club officers to be reviewed and voted upon.

C. A passing vote shall consist of a 3/4 majority in favor of demotion in rank or expulsion.

D. Notification of the decision will be in writing to the offender as soon as possible and results will be effective immediately.

Section 3 Vote on expenses greater then $250 is required. A passing vote will consist of a 2/3 majority vote in favor of the purchase by the quorum.

Article XIV


Section 1No part of the net earnings of the Organization shall inure to the benefit of, or to be distributable to, its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons except that the organization shall be empowered and authorized to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of its objectives.

Section 2In the event of dissolution of the organization, its assets shall be shall be donated to nationally recognized museum or memorial. Examples of these organizations are:

1. WWII Veterans Memorial - Washington, D.C.

2. D-DayMuseum - New Orleans