Book Study

Unit 1 IDC 4UX

Self Awareness and Personal Development

The book “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” will serve as the foundation for our academic knowledge in this unit and set the tone for how we will conduct ourselves and relate to each other as leaders in our school.

How is the book organized?

The book is broken into 4 Parts and has 10 Chapters that end with an activity or reflection section entitled “Baby Steps”. The page numbers for those are listed on the reverse.

How will we be studying it?

Your written work will involve selecting 1 (ONE) “Baby Step” each from Parts 1 and 4 and 2 (TWO) “Baby Steps” from each of Part 2 and 3 and writing a full one page (minimum) response or journal for the total of the 6 (SIX) “Baby Step” that you select. Over the next 8 weeks we will further explore the important lessons of the book in class. These lessons will be led by your classmates who have studied the book before. You are, of course, to keep up with the reading such that you have the reading done and the appropriate “Baby Steps” completed by the time we discuss that part of the book in class and of course by the time that the “Baby Steps” are due. Please carefully look over all the “Baby Steps” referenced on the back of this sheet as some of the exercises require up to a week to complete – so you will already need to begin to learn how to ‘Begin With the End in Mind’ and to ‘Put Things First’. This is a leadership class so respecting timelines is critical. The in-class lesson will also include a 10mark content quiz that IDC 4UX students will be required to take! So make notes while you read the chapters too!

Bottom-line: What am I getting marks for?

There is so much more to learning than marks – but I get where you are coming from. The written work outlined on this sheet will be collected according to the dates listed. Marks will be awarded (and deducted) based on the completing these written assignments on time, and being fully engaged in the “Baby Step” you are writing about. Your task is to actually DO the Baby Step and write about the actual experience. Include an academic title page, with your SAC Committee name and class course code, with each of the 4 assignments you hand in. Assignments are to be handed in to your Committee mailbox in the SAC office. You will also be expected to participate in an informed manner in the lessons on each chapter of the book and complete each 10 mark quiz as well. The mark you earn on the quizzes will also be part of your evaluation of course!

Chapter Names, Baby Step Pages and Due Dates for new IDC 4UX Students

Chapter Name / Baby Step Page Numbers / Due Date for Baby Steps 2016-2017
Part 1 / Select 1 Baby Step
Get in the Habit together with Paradigms and Principles / Page 28 / Mon Nov. 21
Part 2 / Select 2 Baby Steps
The Personal Bank Account / Page 46 / Wed Dec. 7
Habit #1 – Be Proactive / Page 71 / Wed Dec 7
Habit #2 – Begin With the End in Mind / Page 104 / Wed Dec 7
Habit #3 – Put First Things First / Page 128 / Wed Dec 7
Part 3 / Select 2 Baby Steps
The Relationship Bank Account / Page 144 / Wed. Dec. 21
Habit #4 – Think Win-Win / Page 162 / Wed. Dec. 21
Habit #5 – Seek First to Understand… / Page 180 / Wed. Dec. 21
Habit #6 - Synergize / Page 202 / Wed. Dec. 21
Part 4 / Select 1 Baby Step
Habit #7 – Sharpen the Saw / Page 242 / Thursday. Jan. 12

There are 40 “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens Books” on reserve and overnight loan in the library along with a few books that are to be kept in Room 512. Do the reading and note-taking during your class time and do the Baby Step writing as homework.

Level 1 (F/D) / Level 2 (C) / Level 3 (B) / Level 4 (A)
Presentation / - no title or indication of assignment type
- not typed, written carelessly / - no title page indicating name, class, committee, assignment title
- assignment partially labelled
-not typed, written neatly / - simple title page indicating some of name, class, committee, assignment title
-typed / - coloured title page indicating name, class, committee, assignment title
- -typed, double-spaced, regular font
Content / - noengagement in exercise, no analysis
- no evidence of proofreading / - less than 1 full page
- little engagement in exercise, little analysis
- many careless mistakes / - less than 1 full page long
- adequate engagement in exercise, adequate analysis
- minor grammatical errors / - min. 1 full page long
- full engagement in exercise, excellent and detailed analysis
- flawless grammatically

Baby Step Rubric