Changing Opinions

Author: Sara Chavarria

Editor: Stephanie Nardei

Time: / 2 class periods.
Preparation Time: / Photocopy Handout 1
Materials: / Handout 1 – Descriptor sheets


This Apply lesson has students reflect on their previous perception of the Native American experience in the United States and their new perspectives after research into episodes of Indian movement in the previous lesson.

Purpose: For students to address inaccurate preconceptions by emphasizing the importance of research to further expand on prior knowledge.


Students will be able to:

i.  Compare their preconceptions of Native American movement with their current perceptions and identify why they have changed.

National Council for History in the Schools:

Historical Thinking Standards

·  Standard 5E: Formulate a position or course of action on an issue.

United States History Standards

·  Era 6 Standard 4: Federal Indian policy and United States foreign policy after the Civil War.

Teacher Background

If applicable

Related and Resource Websites

Native Americans on Wikipedia:

Indian Removal Act of 1830:

Indian Removal Act:

Indians and the American Revolution:

American Indian Studies at California State University:


Day 1

1.  Give students a copy of Handout 1. Have them follow instructions to carefully read each word or phrase and circle as many words they think represent the U.S. government and Indian Relationship in history.

2.  Return their first sheet from the start of the learning cycle and have them compare the two sheets.

3.  On a separate sheet of paper, they will comment on how or why their answers may have changed by performing the following reflections:

a.  They will pick 5 items they circled the first time but did not circle the second time and explain why.

b.  They will pick 5 items they circled both times and explain why.

c.  They will pick 5+ items they circled the second time only and explain why.

d.  They will pick 5 items they never circled either time and explain why.

4.  They will conclude with a final reflection addressing how they define the Native American experience in history.


Day 2

5.  Have students share on their experience in learning about Native American history. Address how different their answers were in their handouts and why that may have been so. Pose the question: Was any of this information new to them?

6.  Finally, Ponder: Are there other instances of forced migrations or movements taking place today? Where?

Embedded Assessment

Student reflections can be assessed.

Student participation in discussions can be assessed.


If applicable