Theme: InfrastructureKey task / Lead / Outcome / Completed
1. Facilitate the development of the ASD Operations Group / HSCWB Co-ordinator / Co-ordinated approach to develop ASD Action Plan / ongoing
2. Facilitate the development of the ASD Stakeholders Group / HSCWB Co-ordinator / Sharing and disseminating good practice across all provision and settings
Service user engagement / ongoing
3. Identify long term capacity needs to progress work programme successfully and implement any recommendations – subject to funding / HSCWB Co-ordinator / Sustain infrastructure for proactive strategy development / July 2009
4. Establish reporting mechanisms to HSCWB Partnership Board / HSCWB Co-ordinator / Robust governance, accountability and monitoring arrangements / May 2009
Theme: Service and Needs Analysis
Key task / Lead / Outcome / Completed
4. Identify and record the number of children, young people and adults who are known to have ASD based on the WAG Baseline survey / All key agencies involved – coordinator to be identified / Robust ASD numbers in accordance with identified national prevalence numbers / Review annually
5. Improve systems to identify and record ASD need and estimate current needs and future trends / ASD Operations Group / Improved methods of identifying ASD prevalence across all groups / March 2009
6. Update the scoping study on provision of services for children and young people with ASD , commissioned by the Gwynedd and Anglesey Autism and Asperger Support Group, produced at the end of 2007. / Dr Susie Nash / Establish parameters for provision and need in relation to ASD in Gwynedd / June 2009
Theme: Diagnosis and Care Pathways
Key task / Lead / Outcome / Completed
7. Facilitate training in diagnostic tools (ADOS/ADI) to raise ASD diagnostic rates to UK standards / Dr Dawn Wimpory / Increased capacity within Gwynedd to diagnose broad spectrum ASD in line with WAG identified national levels / March 2010
(subject to WAG funding)
8. Develop a Care pathway for children with ASD / Dr Chris Gilbert / Locally based multi agency/disciplinary Care pathway for children with ASD / September 2009
9. Research and develop a care pathway for adults with ASD / To be identified / Locally based multi agency/disciplinary Care pathway for adults with ASD / Funding to be identified
Theme: Education
Key task / Lead / Outcome / Completed
10. Develop Welsh medium educational resources for children with autism and the staff who teach them based on ABA curriculum / Dr Elin Walker Jones / Availability of Welsh resources to support both staff and pupils
Ability to assess children through the medium of Welsh using systematic and standardised methodology.
Increased information and practical staff skills / March 2010
11. Review the Applied Behaviour Analysis Services in Gwynedd. / Dr Maggie Hoerger / Implementation of appropriate teaching and learning strategies for children with autism
Suggestions of service expansion / June 2009
12. Increase provision of Musical Interaction Therapy / Dr Dawn Wimpory / To facilitate social interaction between children with ASD and their carers/classroom staff. / Subject to funding
Theme: Specialist Training
Key task / Lead / Outcome / Completed
Speech & Language Therapy training - ELKLAN
13. Implement a model of training and collaborative working that empowers the ‘team around the child’ to work together and seamlessly in a learning environment designed specifically to meet the individual needs of each child who has a diagnosis of ASD and attends mainstream schools. / Stephen Jones
Ysbyty Eryri, / Trained personnel; parents, classroom assistants, SENCOs, classroom teachers.
‘Team around the child approach’ to ASD.
Implementation of strategies into the classroom situation and home to enable a child with ASD to fulfil their potential within their environment. / March 2010
14. Train front line staff to equip them to better understand and deal appropriately with ASD with respect to facilitating social engagement, teaching appropriate skills and managing challenging behaviour
Training could include both structured and interactive ways of working eg: TEAACH, PEAACH, behaviour management, Intensice Interaction, Musical Interaction Therapy / To be agreed / Staff and parents able to teach/work appropriately with people with ASDs.
They will acquire skills including structured working, behaviour management and facilitation of social interaction/communication / Funding to be identified
Theme: Transition Arrangements
Key task / Lead / Outcome / Completed
15. Review and update existing protocols and develop new ones with regard to the transfer of young people to adult services / Iona Griffith / Clear pathway and multi agency understanding of the transition arrangements of transferring young people to adult services for both the young person concerned, their family and agencies / May 2009 and training to follow
16. Explore the development of a Key Worker to work specifically with children / young people with ASD.
. / Iona Griffith / Access to correct information and specialist advice for young person and carers to inform decision making
Young people able to make informed choices
Person centred care planning
Individual and family support
Co-ordination of health and social care available to child / young person and carers / September 2009
Theme: Employment
Key task / Lead / Outcome / Completed
17. Identify and scope the supported employment needs of adults with ASD in Gwynedd / To be identified / More adults with ASD in employment
Improvement in the mental health and well-being of Adults with ASD
Improvement in social skills / To be agreed
Theme: Awareness Raising
Key task / Lead / Outcome / Completed
18. Increase basic awareness training for Local Authority and NHS staff / Gwynedd Social Services Training Unit (in collaboration with Health Service training unit) / Increased awareness of the needs of children/young people/adults with ASD / On going
19. Specialist awareness training for key Local Authority and NHS
personnel e.g. key workers / Key providers / Increase capacity skill to better address ASD needs / On going
Theme: Information
Key task / Lead / Outcome / Completed
20. A5 Awareness Raising Leaflet on ASDs in public places / Autism Cymru
Social Services Executive Officer / Promote a greater knowledge and understanding of ASD amongst the general public / June 2009
21. Develop information website / Gwynedd and Môn Aspergers Support Group / Improve access to local information and support available to children/young people/adults with ASD and their carers and families / July 2009
Theme: Support
Key task / Lead / Outcome / Completed
22. Appoint a Vulnerable Groups Key Worker and include the needs of adults with ASD within the remit / Learning Disabilities Manager / Increased support for ASD adults within Social Services and increased capacity to signpost to other services / organisations
Strengthen links with other key personnel e.g. in Health and Education to provide a more integrated service for adults with an ASD
/ August 2009
23. Conduct a feasibility study for a Family Support Worker to develop and provide a Family Support Service for parents / carers of a child or young person and adults who have an ASD and live in Gwynedd / ASD Operational Group / Family Support Service in Gwynedd/Anglesey.
Information, advice and support to parents and carers of a child or young person and adults with an ASD.
Support to families once their child has received a diagnosis by arrangement.
To provide support to an adult who has received a diagnosis by arrangement.
To identify the need e.g. respite care and occupational therapy, and make the referral to the relevant professional.
To co-ordinate and liaise with all local agencies who provide services for children, adolescents and adults with an ASD. / November 2009