DATE TO BE REVIEWED / 5th September 2017
CONTACT / Internal Management Committee
ORGANISATIONS NAMEpolicy seeks to establish a foundation for employees and volunteers behaviour and sets out, in principle and the standards of conduct expected at all times.
In order to support the vision, mission and values, and the achievement of organisational goals, employees, volunteers and agency workers must perform all duties associated with work roles skilfully, impartially and diligently.
This code aims to clarify for all employees, volunteers and agency workers the conduct and behavioursto be exhibited in the performance of duties. In keeping with the Code of Conduct, ORGANISATIONS NAMEaims to maintain trust and confidence in the integrity and professionalism of the services provided to our residents we care for.
This policy is universal and applies to all employees, volunteers and agency workers.
The Code of Conduct is to be distributed to all employees, volunteers and agency workers during induction. The Code of Conduct must be addressed during induction and orientation and where appropriate; integrated through our various employee education programs.
The Manager of ORGANISATIONS NAMEresponsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Setting an example to other staff and volunteers in their own observance of this Policy
- Ensuring that staff have access to copies of the Code of Conduct and other relevant documents and policies.
- Ensuring that the requirements of the Code of Conduct are reflected in the day- to-day management and leadership of staff.
- Ensuring staff at all times maintain high standards of conduct in the workplace.
- Investigate corrupt conduct and ensuring that employees who disclose information regarding corrupt conduct are supported.
- Taking appropriate steps to resolve any conflicts that arise in the workplace and ensuring that all efforts are focussed on maintaining a healthy and harmonious work environment.
Personal and Professional Behaviour
As employees and volunteers of ORGANISATIONS NAME, personal and professionalconduct strives to create a harmonious, safe and productive workplace that models our ethos and organisational values. As employees and volunteersit is incumbent upon us to:
- Respect the dignity our residents, families and or representatives, volunteers and other employeesby treating them with courtesy, honesty and sensitivity to their rights.
- Treat others in the workplace fairly and with respect. In accordance with anti - discrimination legislation employees and volunteers are not to harass, victimise,bully or discriminate against fellow employees or volunteers, residents or others whomay work at or visit our work places or services on the grounds of sex (includingpregnancy), sexuality, transgender status, race, colour, ethnic or ethno-religiousbackground, descent or national identity, marital status, disability, age, politicalconviction or religious belief, or other grounds that may be covered by relevantlegislation.
- Maintain and develop knowledge in our role and area of responsibility.
- Exercise our best judgment in the interests of ORGANISATIONS NAMEand our residents.
- Make decisions ethically, fairly and without bias using the best factualinformation available.
- Maintain adequate documentation to support decisions made.
- Comply with any legislative, industrial or administrative requirements, andlawful and reasonable directions given by persons in authority.
- Be aware of the requirements of Anti-Discrimination and Work Healthand Safety legislation and the responsibilities these place on each of us.
- Implement and abide by ORGANISATIONS NAMEpolicies and procedures.
- Act responsibly when becoming aware of any unethical behaviour orwrongdoing by any other volunteer or employee and report such conduct oractivities to the Manager of ORGANISATIONS NAME
- Comply with any and all conditions of access to ORGANISATIONS NAMEcommunication systems including e-mail.
Privacy and Confidentiality
All employees have a right to expect privacy and confidentiality in respect to personalinformation obtained by ORGANISATIONS NAMEin the course of employment. Employee and volunteers have a duty tomaintain the confidentiality, integrity and security of information.
Unless authorised to do so, no employee or volunteer is to disclose or use officialinformation (in the form of paper, documents, registers, files photographs, microfilm,data or information stored in hardcopy or electronic form, or passwords), which wouldnot normally be available to the public, or other employees other than as part ofofficial duties. Formal disclosure mechanisms include legislation or court orders suchas subpoenas.
As employees we must never take improper advantage of, any official information,which we may have access to as a result of our work, in order to gain a financial orother benefit for ourselves or any other person or group. To do so may be in breachof privacy legislation formal disciplinary action will be taken which may result in the termination of the employee’s services.
Conflicts of Interest
Where an employee engages in activities or advances or inhibits personal interestsat the expense of ORGANISATIONS NAMEinterests, formal disciplinary action will be taken which may result in the termination of theemployee’s services.
Employees, volunteers and agency workersare required to disclose to the Manager of ORGANISATIONS NAMEimmediately any financial, personal or other interest or potential interestwhich could directly or indirectly compromise the performance of duties or conflictwith ORGANISATIONS NAMEinterest. The managers must effectively resolve any conflicts ofinterest that arise in their work areas. Possible action may result in arrangementsbeing made to remove the employee from the duties where the conflict has arisen.
Conflicts of interest may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Personal interests
No employee is to use or manipulate his or her position in order to gain personalbenefit.
Relationships between employees and residents
Under no circumstances are employees permitted to develop personalrelationships with residents, including after hours. Employees found to breachORGANISATIONS NAMEpolicy with respect to relationships with clients will beterminated.
Personal and family relationships between employees
ORGANISATIONS NAMEis aware that situations may arise where employees are working with family members or with personswith whom they develop close relationships. Where such relationships existbetween employees, the matter must be dealt withby the Manager of ORGANISATIONS NAME
Use of Resources
It is the responsibility of all employees to ensure that resources (e.g. materials, funds,personnel, equipment, plant, facilities, e-mail, internet, organisation logo andletterhead etc.)entrusted to them are used efficiently, carefully, lawfully and honestly.
Unless authorisation has been granted, ORGANISATIONS NAMEresources are not to beused for private purposes.
Acceptance of gifts and benefits
It is unethical for employees or volunteers to solicit any gifts, benefits or additionalmoney for them-self or another employee. Under no circumstances are employees toaccept gifts or benefits, where others could see a gift as an inducement or which may in any way obligate, compromise or influence ORGANISATIONS NAMEin theirofficial capacity. Employees must not influence or try to influence their workcolleagues by giving gifts, or other inducements.
Gifts of nominal value generally used for promotional purposes by the donor ormoderate acts of hospitality may be accepted. Often it is difficult for individuals todetermine whether they have been compromised through receipt of a gift or benefit.
Gifts of more than nominal value and benefits or other inducements offered orreceived by employees should be reported to the Manager of ORGANISATIONS NAME.
Alternate Employment
ORGANISATIONS NAME employees are permitted under certain conditions to engage inoutside employment, provided such employment does not adversely affect their workperformance or give rise to a conflict or potential conflict of interest.
Obligations after Leaving Employment of ORGANISATIONS NAME
Employees and volunteers must not disclose any official information afterleaving the organisation that was our duty not to disclose whilst in the employ ofORGANISATIONS NAME.
Former employees should not use or take advantage of personal, confidential orofficial information they have obtained in their capacity as organisation employees.
All employees must be careful in their dealings with former employeesand make sure they do not give them favourable treatment or access to personal,confidential or official information.
Employees must not use their position to advance their prospects for futureemployment, or allow their work to be influenced by plans for, or offers of, externalemployment which would conflict or compromise in any way the best interests ofORGANISATIONS NAME.
The code of conduct is designed to reinforce the organisation’s need for the adoptionof ethical behaviour by all employees and volunteers. Where it is established that anemployee or volunteer has wilfully breached the Code of Conduct or related ORGANISATIONS NAMEpolicies, they may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and includingtermination of employment.
Such action may include disciplinary action for "misconduct" or "serious misconduct"as detailed under ORGANISATIONS NAME“Grievance and Dispute Resolution Policy”
CODE of CONDUCY POLICY relates to:HSQF Standards / Standard 1: Governance and management
Indicator: 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7
Standard 4: Safety, wellbeing and rights
Indicator:4.1, 4.3
Standard 1: Human resources
Indicator: 6.1
Legislation orother requirements / -Privacy Act 1988
-Work Health and Safety Act 2011
-Industrial Relations Act 1999 (QLD)
References / -Training and Development Policy
-Performance and Development Policy
-Fit for Work Policy
-Grievance and Dispute Resolution Policy”
-Privacy Policy-Confidentiality Policy
-Work Attendance Policy
-Dress Code Policy
-Conflict of Interest Policy
-Social Media Policy
-Personal Gifts Policy
Templates / -Employee Orientation and Induction Checklist
-Volunteer Orientation and Induction Checklist
Code of Conduct Policy Organisation Name
Version 2_ September 2016
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