BPK 303
Fall 2013
Instructor: Dr. Richard Ward
Office: K8630 Email:
Kinanthropometry is the study of human size, shape, proportion, composition, maturation and gross function related to basic concepts of growth, exercise, performance and nutrition. The course will focus on the use of anthropometry to monitor physique status, assess body composition, monitor growth and aid in workplace design. In addition, advanced techniques in body composition will be discussed.
The course consists of 2 hours of lecture with a 2 hour lab/tutorial session.
It will be assumed that students have fundamental skills in use of microcomputer word processing and spreadsheet applications software. Also fundamental statistical knowledge will be assumed: Normal distribution, Measures of Central Tendency and Variability, Correlation, Linear Regression.
COURSE READINGS:The text for the course will be distributed as pdf files downloaded from the course website free of charge.
Lecture: Monday 12:30PM - 2:20PM
Attendance: Class attendance is strongly recommended. You are not required to attend class. However, if you choose not to attend, do not expect the instructor to repeat announcements, to loan you her lecture materials, or to give you any handouts that might have been distributed. If you know that you are going to miss a class, you might want to ask a classmate to pick up materials for you and to borrow her notes. If extenuating circumstances (unusual circumstances beyond your control, such as death of a close family member or illness) cause you to miss a lab or other marked activity, you should contact the instructor to make alternate arrangements as soon as you can. If you will need to miss class for a religious holiday or travel related to a university function (e.g., athletic competition), please let the instructor know within the first week of the semester.
The procedure to be followed if you miss class work due to illness is explained at the following link.
If a medical note is appropriate, please bring a Health Care Provider Statement, to your physician for completion, especially if it is required for labs, midterms, the project, and final exam. The completed note should state the limitations caused by your sickness (e.g. requires bed rest, will not be able to sit for extended periods, cannot concentrate etc.)
The Health Care Provider form is available at the following link:
Academic Honesty and Student Conduct: Academic honesty is a condition of continued membership in the University community. Academic dishonesty, including plagiarism or any other form of cheating is subject to serious academic penalty, i.e., failure on an assignment, failure in a course, suspension or expulsion from the University. The University codes of student conduct and academic honesty are contained in policies T10.01 and T10.02, which are available at
Testing of Anthropometric Techniques (9th Week)
3 Lab Reports
Midterm (9th week)
Final Exam
Lecture Schedule
Week # / Lecture / Lab / Lab Reports / Readings1 / Labour Day Holiday / No Lab
2 / Introduction to Kinanthropometry / No Lab / Chap 1: Introduction to Kinanthropometry
3 / Anthropometry / Lab 1: Introduction & Landmarks
- Wear loose shorts and t-shirt
- Student Introductions
- Troika Assignment
- Informed Consent
- Landmarks
Chap 3: Assessing Validity and Reliability in Kinanthropometry
4 / Anthropometric Assessments –Allometry / Lab 2: Height, Weight & Skinfolds
Data Sheet 1 (Download and print 2 copies ready for lab)
- Bring a copy of Chap 2: Anthropometric Techniques
- Complete one Data Sheet 1 for each of your Troika members
Appendix 1: Using Excel to calculate Technical Errors of Measurement
Appendix 2: Using Excel for Data Entry and Statistical Analysis
5 / Anthropometric Assessments – Body Proportions / Lab 3: Girths & Bone Widths
Data Sheet 2 (Download and print 1 copy ready for lab)
- Complete one Data Sheet 2 for one of your Troika members
6 / Anthropometric Assessments – Weight for Height, Nutritional, Special Populations, SHAPES, Sexual Dimorphism / Lab 4: Lengths, Breadths
Data Sheet 3 (Download and print 1 copy ready for lab) / Chap 5: Anthropometric Assessments – Growth, Nutritional, O-Scale, CPAFLA, KIN-Scale, Special Populations, SHAPES, Sexual Dimorphism
7 / Remembrance Day Holiday / No Lab
8 / Anthropometric Assessments – O-Scale, CPAFLA, KIN-Scale, / Lab 5: Anthropometry – Completion of Data Collection and Practice
9 / MIDTERM / Testing Anthropometric Techniques / Lab Report 2: Anthropometric Concomitants of Performance
Lab Report 1 Due at beginning of your Testing Anthropometric Techniques session / Chap 6: Linking Structure & Function
10 / Anthropometric Concomitants of Performance / Lab 6: Physical Performance Data Collection
11 / Body Composition1 / Lab 7: Physical Performance Data Collection (cont.) / Lab Report 3: Body Composition, Sexual Dimorphism and Ergonomic Anthropometry / Chap 7: Body Composition Techniques
12 / Body Composition 2 / Lab 8: Sexual Dimorphism and Body Composition
13 / Body Composition 3 / Lab 9: Ergonomic Worksheet / Chap 8: Anthropometry and Ergonomics
14 / Anthropometry and Ergonomics / No Lab