Dr Marshall & Partners (P88011)
Heaton Norris Health Centre
This is the second year of the Patient Participation Group (PPG) Direct Enhanced Service. The PPG allows our patients to be involved in decisions about the range and quality of the services provided and, over time, commissioned by the practice. The following report details the ongoing development of our Patient Reference Group (PRG) and the results of our most recent patient survey, together with agreed new practice developments for 2013.
1. Recruitment of PPG Members
The practice continues to recruit members and has strived to comply with Equality and Diversity legislation. We continue to try to include individuals who are under-represented and continue to use valuable resources in recruiting ‘hard‐to‐reach’ group’s i.e. new mothers by using our regular contacts with the Health Visitors and Midwives.
Recruitment methods used included the following:
· Dedicated Promotional Notice Board
· Sign up forms left on the practice reception desk and in practice waiting rooms
· Practice posters displayed within in the local chemist with sign up forms
· New Patient Registration Packs
· Practice Newsletter and Website
· Direct recruitment by talking to patients in the waiting room
· Health Promotion Events – Rise to the Challenge and Flu clinics
· Using external resources who attend the surgery: Sign Post – Stockport for Carers
and Flag
· An advert was placed in the Moor Magazine (June/July 2012 issue) in conjunction with the four practices in the Four Heaton’s Locality - Heaton Moor Medical Centre, Eastholme Surgery, Heaton Mersey Medical Practice and Heaton Norris Health Centre. The advert appeared on the Moor Magazine website www.moormag.com
It had a link to the practice web site and an application form from November 2011 to November 2012. The Moor Magazine website also advertised details of the flu vaccination campaign for 2012.
The practice has made the decision to use a Virtual PRG however paper copies of surveys etc. are sent to the members who do not have access to a computer.
The Practice website http://www.drmarshallandpartners.co.uk has a designated area where patients can register their interest in the patient group and also email direct any comments that a patient may wish to register.
2. Profile of PPG
In March 2013 the practice Population was 6797 and the PPG population 78.
Despite our best efforts our group is under‐representative of those aged 35-44 years, however the ethnic minority group members have increased slightly.
3. Agreement of Priority Areas
The practice developed a mini survey based on 6 areas and asked the PPG to identify priority areas for the practice to review. The survey was available on line at
The link was emailed to all PPG members with a recognised email address and a printed version was sent to those members who do not have access to a computer.
The priority areas identified were
· Customer Service
· Appointment Availability
· Communication
4. The Practice Survey – Patient Experience Survey
From the PPG Priorities a further survey was developed and was available in paper format for patients to complete in the practice and also on line at http://www.citizenspace.com/stockport-haveyoursay/primary-care/www.citizenspace.com/stockport-haveyoursay/primary-care/ The link was emailed to all PPG members and a printed version was sent to those members who do not have access to a computer.
We utilised question formats of the Ipsos MORI GP Patient Survey commissioned by the Department of Health as we wanted to use well validates and tested questions.
5. Results of the Patient Experience Survey
Full details of the questions asked and the results of the survey can be viewed below:
6. Practice Action Plan
The results were analysed and discussed at a practice meeting and an action plan was formulated. The action plan was sent to all PPG members by email or post for their comments / suggestions with a request that they send their responses by Friday 22 March 2013. The practice received no objections to the proposed plan from the group and no actions required PCT approval.
The main action points were:
· Continue / review customer care training for staff
· Continue to badger the PCT for the new telephone system
· Encourage patients to telephone for non-urgent requests after 11.30 am
· Inform patients of the ‘bookable telephone’ consultations
· Encourage / remind patient to CANCEL appointments
· Continue with the DNA policy
· Continue educational / training sessions for all groups of staff
· Display more patient information in the waiting areas
· Develop an information leaflet for patients titled ‘Getting the Most out of a Consultation’
· Introduce ‘On-Line Services’
A copy of the full action plan and comments can be viewed below.
7. Update of PPG Action Plan March 2012
A further survey was carried out in August 2012 covering the 3 priority areas identified by the PPG members in 2011to establish if the changes implemented had been effective. A paper survey was developed and patients were asked to complete this when they visited the surgery during August 2012. The results are as detailed below.
Practice Opening Times
· Patients were satisfied with the opening hours of the practice
· More patients were aware that the practice offered extended hours on a Monday morning and evening
· More patients aware that the practice is opened the 2nd Saturday of each month
· Patients more aware that appointments can be cancelled via text
This was achieved by publishing the opening times in the practice, practice leaflet and website. The ‘text’ number is on appointment cards
Appointment Availability
· More patients were able to see a doctor on the same day or within the next 2 weekdays
· Patients were able to book more than 2 weeks in advance
· Through the introduction of the Did Not Attend Policy (DNA) the number of DNA’s appointments for doctors has reduced by 31% and 29.74% for nurses.
This is good news however the practice will continue to monitor this
Telephone Access
· Patients found it much easier to contact the practice by telephone
This was achieved by shortening the recorded telephone message and at peak times there are two receptionist’s answering the telephones. The practice is aware that at times patients may be kept waiting despite these changes. Patients continue to be reminded to telephone after 11.30 am for results etc.
Unfortunately the new telephone system has not been installed as yet by Stockport PCT. This remains a high priority for 2013
8. Opening Hours of the Practice
The practice is open from 8.30-18.30 hours and the telephone lines are open from 8.30-18.00 hours Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays.
When the practice is closed and you need a doctor in an emergency, please call the Out of Hours Service on 0161 476 2299, who will be able to deal with your problem (it is assumed that this will change with the introduction of NHS 111)
9. Extended Opening Hours
The practice provides additional opening under the Extended Hours (DES) and these run from 7.30-08.00 a.m. and 18.30-19.30 p.m. on a Monday (except bank holidays) and every 2nd Saturday of the month from 8.00 a.m. – 12 noon.