Matchmaking Meeting Registration Form

Matchmaking meeting has been newly established to promote practical networking and exchange of information among cities, and cities and corporate/international organizations during the 2nd General Assembly 2012 of WeGO at 14:30-17:30 on 13 November 2012.

Matchmaking Meeting offers coordinated and pre-arranged meetings with the potential collaboration partners that you wish. The meeting can be arranged between City and City, City and corporate, or City and International organization such as World Bank. It is certain that the meeting is an efficient way to facilitate networking and knowledge sharing with the potential collaboration partners.

The list of the city, corporation and international organization that are available for the matchmaking meeting is continually uploaded on the official website( To see the list of the available counterpart, please click ‘Participant List’(


STEP 1. Visit the official website and check the list of the available city, corporation and international organization.

STEP 2. Fill out ‘Matchmaking Meeting Registration Form’ without omission.

(The counterpart you wish to meet should be in the list. Otherwise it will not be possible to arrange your meeting)

STEP 3. Send the form via email() by 5th October 2012.

The registration form will be forwarded to the counterpart you wish to meet in order to ask their interest.

The meeting will be arranged if the counterpart accepts your proposal for the meeting.

Once the meeting has been scheduled, final notice including the meeting table number and time will be informed via email.


Ø  The submission deadline is 5 October 2012. Late submission will not be accepted.

Ø  This form must be submitted to the Secretariat via email. ()


Secretariat of WeGO 2012

Mr. Jin Woo Lee

Phone : +82-2-6288-6327 | Fax : +82-2-6288-6399 | Email : | Website :

1. City Information
City / State / Country
2. Contact Person Information


/ ¨ Dr. ¨ Mr. ¨ Mrs. ¨ Ms. ¨ Other ______
Position (Job Title)
Organization / Department
First / Middle Name / Last Name
Phone / Email
3. Participant Information
The person who joins the Matchmaking meeting is the same person as the contact person?
□ Yes □ No(If no, please fill out the participant information below)
(※ The number of persons permitted in the meeting will be limited in order to prevent overcrowding.)
(※ please write the information of the representative of the persons attending.)
Number of persons attending the meeting / persons
Title / ¨ Dr. ¨ Mr. ¨ Mrs. ¨ Ms. ¨ Other ______
Position (Job Title)
Organization / Department
First / Middle Name / Last Name
Phone / Email
4. Name of City, corporate or international organization you wish to make a connection with
5. Details of Content you wish to discuss with the City, corporate or international organization
(※ A brief description should not be exceeded 300 letters limit)
6. Preferred Meeting Time
(※ Please select one of the time schedule you prefer to have meeting)
1. You will be given 30 min for your meeting.
2. The time you selected is not fixed schedule.
It can be changed in case that the available table is fully booked in the time.
□ / 14:30 ~ 15:00 / □ / 16:00 ~ 16:30
□ / 15:00 ~ 15:30 / □ / 16:30 ~ 17:00
□ / 15:30 ~ 16:00 / □ / 17:00 ~ 17:30

Thank you