Chapter 23 1-3 Review Sheet
1. Bismarck
2. William I of Prussia
3. Kaiser
4. chancellor
5. Austria
6. Prussia gets Schleswig and Austria gets Holstein
7. Seven Weeks’ War
8. Holstein
9. North German Confederation
I. vacant Spanish throne offered to a member of the Prussian royal family
àNapoleon III of France was already worried about Prussia’s increasing power
ànow even more concerned with the possibility of Prussian’s in power to the
East and West of France
II. Bismarck alters the Ems Dispatch (telegram) angering Napoleon
11. Alsace and Lorraine
12. Second Reich
13. realpolitik-realistic politics-blood and iron
-building up the military without approval
-fighting with Prussia’s rival Austria against Denmark to gain land to only later fight
against Austria to gain territory
-altering the Ems telegram causing Napoleon III to declare war
-After Prussia’s victory in the Austro-Prussian War Bismarck is lenient when it comes
to the treaty
àknows that he may need Austria’s help in the future
àdon’t want Austria to be bitter and seeking revenge
15. Bundestrat
16. Reichstag
17. William II
-abundant supply of natural resources like coal and iron
-growing population
-use of singular currency
19. -keep France weak and isolated
àGermany must create strong ties with Austria and Russia
20. Catholics and Socialists
21. they rallied behind their faith even more- it made their faith even stronger
22. asking Bismarck to resign
23. Cavour
24. Garibaldi
25. Mazzini
26. Sardinia
27. Risorgimento
1. common language/heritage/background
2. geography
3. economics
29. France
30. Wants to be at the peace conference that will decide the terms of the treaty because
Napoleon III of France will also be at the peace conference
àCavour wants to make a secret deal with Napoleon III
àjust as Italy was an ally of France in the Crimean War now Cavour is
asking France to help out Italy if they go to war against Austria
31. Sicily and Naples
32. Victor Emmanuel II
33. regional differences between North and South
34. Venetia and Rome
35. fall of the Roman Empire