Business English
Group A
Prof. Carmen Argondizzo
Tutorials: dott.Vanessa Marcella
2ndsemester 2018
Course description and content
The course focuses on the development of academic skills in L2 with the support of authentic materials related to the students’ field of study. The teaching approach is communicative and learner-centered. The lessons will be dynamic and will include the use of videos and constant collaborative group work. Moreover, students (both International and Italian) will be asked to give brief oral presentations in class in order to share cultural backgrounds.
Course objectives and skills
Knowledge and understanding
Students should approach the course with the objective of:
- expanding their knowledge of the main elements of spoken and written discourse in English;
- being able to follow presentations and academic lectures in their field of study;
- developing critical and creative thinking, while being exposed to communicative and collaborative group experiences, both in class and in everyday academic contexts.
Applying knowledge and understanding
Students should be able to develop and apply their knowledge in the following language skills and communicative functions:
Reading and textual skills
- understanding and reflecting on the content of academic texts, including articles on technical issues in the field of Business Administration.
Listening skills
- understanding the main ideas and a certain range of details of most spoken language in a business context as long as it is delivered at normal speed;
- understanding and reflecting on the content of video presentations (e.g.: academic seminars, commercials, hints on presentations and elevator pitch experiences).
Speaking skills
- explaining the main points in an idea with reasonable precision, evaluating situations, expressing opinions on a range of topics, specifically related to business and economics, while using appropriate business vocabulary and, when necessary, persuasive language;
- delivering a well-developed presentation, highlighting significant points and relevant supporting details;
- participating in discussions related to topics in the field of Business Administration.
Writing skills
- writing and completing a short text using appropriate language;
- writing and completing a business email.
Autonomous StudyCMC_E project 5 Units
March 14th
Topic 1Approaching the module: course organization. Introduction to the CLA website
March 20th21st23rd
Topic 1Warm up activity: Getting to know each other through name badges.
Topic 2Listening and enjoy: Una vita in vacanza by Stato Sociale.
Students listen to the Italian song, give feedback on emotions the song created; note down key words in English and give definitions on the keywords.
Value: Take things easy but reflect on important issues.
Topic 3Video watching: Britains’ got Talent. Students watch the video and give feedback on global content and detailed expressions.
Value: Inclusion and passion for dancing.
TutorialsAssessing competences in the English Language using as reference the self-assessment grid provided by the Common European Framework (Council of Europe); awareness of study tasks.
Business topics:Industries and companies. Types of businesses. Expanding Business vocabulary through collocations and related words.
March 27th28th (Easter Holiday)
Topic 1Reflecting on Tutorials: students are asked to recall10 words or principles that they remember about class.
Topic 2Stand up and talk to each other: introduce yourself to your new friend.
Topic 3Video watching: The Candidate. Heineken video. Students watch the video and give feedback on global content and detailed expressions.
Topic 3Corpus Linguistics (Rosalba Rizzo)
Tutorials Business Topics: Globalization. Brainstorming and creating mind maps on Globalization. Students report on Globalization and on the forces driving globalization presenting points of view in small groups.
April 4th 6th
Topic 1Reflecting on previous class: students are asked to recall10 words or principles that they remember about corpus linguistics.
Topic 2Stand up and talk: Share your idea with your friend.
Topic 3Video watching: Why Study Business Administration
Students watch the video, spot the mistakes in the script and take notes of interesting words and expressions.
Value: Getting aware of students’ specific field of study.
Topic 4A word and definition activity: Innovation. A student reads the definition of the word wit hout mentioning the it. The other students guess what the word is. Then they read the definition and focus on key words.
Excerpt from: Matthew Bishop 2004. Essential Economics The Economist Newspaper Ltd.
April 10th11th12th
Topic 1Reflecting on Tutorials: students are asked to recall10 words or principles that they remember about class.
Topic 2In-progress reflection on language skills and course objectives: The Syllabus.
Topic 3Video watching: The Basics of Business Education - What Business Students Should Study (1st part).
Students watch the video and give feedback on global content and detailed expressions.
Tutorials Business Topics:Corporate strategy and Structure, Strategy and leadership. Talking about strategic and operational planning. Talking about company structure. Listening to students’ presentation on different types of strategic alliances.
Creating collocations.
Listening: note-taking task.
April 17th18th20th
Topic 1Reflecting on Tutorials: students, in groups of three, are asked to recall10 words or principles that they remember about class.
Topic 2Video watching: The Basics of Business Education - What Business Students Should Study (2ndpart).
Students watch the video and take notes of concepts presented and detailed expressions. They watch the final part and reflect on different cultures and the different behaviours of reacting to professors’ teaching and interaction with students.
Topic 3Stand up and talk: (role play – professor/student) Ask questions to your professor about Business Education.
Tutorials Business Topics: Formal emails/letters.
Text completion: completing a business e-mail by providing missing words.
Writing a cover letter.
Students’ presentation of a SWOT analysis.
Listening: note-taking task.
April 24th 27th
TutorialsBusiness topic: Marketing – Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Describing products.
Business Topic: Discussions – Developing an argument. Talking about how to manage a discussion. Focus on linking words.
Students’ presentation on the 4 Ps.
Listening: multiple choice task.
May 2nd3rd 4th
Topic 1Video watching: The Basics of Business Education - What Business Students Should Study (3rdpart).
Students watch the video and take notes of concepts presented and detailed expressions. They watch the final part and reflect on different cultures and the different behaviours of reacting to professors’ teaching and interaction with students.
Topic 2Stand up and talk: (role play – simulation professor/student) Ask questions to your professor about Business Education.
Topic 3Video watching (sets of short videos):What’s an elevator pitch in a presentation
Extensive and intensive listening: searching for words and concepts.
Short definition
Topic 4Oral Presentation: How to present through a mind map, a poster or a business model canvas .
Tutorials Business Topics: The language of trend, graphs and figures. Understanding and describing graphs and figures. Understanding verbs of movement. Focus on synonyms, opposites and approximate figures.
Listening: note-taking task
May 8th9th11th
Topic 1Digital business discourse and Twitter
Seminar held by Othilia, visiting professor from Romania
TutorialsBusiness topics:Presentations: structure and key phrases.Getting ready for the written examination and wrap up: Focus on exam tasks. Group work
May 15th16th(RR)18th
Topic 1Stand up and Talk: share opinions on the seminar run by the visiting professor
Topic 2How to build an elevator pitch meaningfully (2nd part)
how to perfect an elevator pitch
what to do and what not to do
your personal brand (?)
Topic 2Oral Presentation: hints and suggestions, language for oral presentations, expressions students like to use.
How to present through a mind map, a poster or a business model canvas.
Tutorials Business Topics: Business and the environment. Identifying key words concepts.
May 22nd23rd 25th
Topic 1Stand up and talk: (group work, 3 students) students share their almost finalized ideas/projects with their friends and colleagues.
Topic 2International Students’ space
Listening, note-taking, questions from the group.
Topic 3Reflection timeand course wrap up: awareness of competences achieved. Re-assessing your language competences based on the Common European Framework (Council of Europe); Have you improved your competences in the English language? What should I still improve?
TutorialsBusiness topics: Working conditions, Your job, Job interview.
Getting ready for the written examination and wrap up: Focus on exam tasks. Group work
May 30th31stJune 1st
Topic 1 (to be finalized)A word and definition activity: Environmental economics. A student reads the definition of the word without mentioning the it. The other students guess what the word is. Then they read the definition and focus on key words.
Topic 2 (to be finalized)Video: The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes.
Students watch the video and take notes of key words and concepts. They share opinions with other students.
Value: Caring for the planet.
TutorialsHints on the written exam: format and activities. Exam simulation.
Further information and course requirements
Home Assignments and Autonomous Study which will enhance YOUR autonomy as a learner
For further practice visit and
We remind you that materials and facilities provided by the CLA are resources available to every student.
Suggested readings
Business English, Business Administration, Human resources: a Wikipedia perspective. Read and analyse the text by noting down interesting words and concepts.
Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
Text analysis and search for interesting terminology.
Suggested videos
Extensive and intensive listening: searching for words and concepts. Messages conveyed. Opinions on Emotional branding.
Heineken: The Candidate
Dove Real Beauty sketch: you are more beautiful than you think.
San Pellegrino commercial: Live in Italian.
Once happened quite the same to me: interview with Pierfrancesco Favino.
Grammarly: how to study grammar with pleasure.
Written and Oral Exam assignment
The written exam assesses knowledge of the following linguistic aspects: text cohesion, general lexis, specialized lexis, analysis and description of a graph, understanding and analysis of an economic or business text, completing a short text and letter. The written exam consists of both multiple choice and open-ended items. Students have 90 minutes to complete the test.
The oral exam assesses the following communicative functions: delivering an oral presentation (academic and professional task) on a topic selected by the student and expressing and defending opinions on the topic presented, following, to a certain extent, an‘elevator pitch’ style. The topic can be presented through a shorta mind map, a poster, a Business Model Canvas. Topics may include: the description of an idea or a product they would like to submit for patent validation; a start up they would like to set up; a business plan they would like to implement.
The final evaluation of competences achieved will be awarded through a grade (scale 18/ 30 Italian system) and a level based on the Common European Framework of Reference, Council of Europe 2001 (range B1+/C1).
Students who do not achieve B1+ will not pass the exam.
Dates for the exam will be given in class and posted on ESSE3.
We are available for any help or support during office hours. Keep in touch
chiave attivazione per la valutazione del corso: ETDYJM
Thank you!