Department of Business and Information Technology
ERP 346 – ERP Systems Design and Implementation
Spring 2009
MissouriUniversity of Science and Technology
Department of Business and Information Technology
COURSE PREFIX, NUMBER, AND TITLE:ERP346 - ERPSystemsDesign and Implementation
CLASS TIME AND LOCATION:MWF1:00-1:50PM, Computer Science 206
Instructor’s Name:Yu-Hsien Chiu, M.S.Office Location:Fulton Hall 112
Office Phone:573-341-6907E-mail Address:
Office Hours:Tu1:30AM – 2:30PM; Fr11:00AM – 12:00PMor by appointment
Course Description:
The course provides a technical overview of Enterprise Resource Planning systems and their impact on organizations. SAP ECC is introduced to illustrate the concepts, fundamentals, framework, general information, technology context, the technological infrastructure, and integration of business enterprise-wide applications.
Prerequisite:IST 50/141
Required Materials:
- Enterprise Systems for Management, 1e – Luvai F. Motiwalla, Jeff Thompson, Pearson Prentice Hall
- SAP Lab Instruction
Instructional Method:
Class instructions will include lectures and software operations. Classroom activities will include individual and group work on case study and lab exercises. Each student is expected to read the material before the scheduled class discussion. All assigned material may not be covered in the lecture, therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to bring up for discussion any material he or she does not completely understand.
Course Learning Objectives
By completing this course, students are expected to be able to:
Communication Skills / Critical Thinking / Use of Information Technology / TeamworkUnderstand the basic concepts, architecture and terminology of an ERP system / X / X
Understand and communicate the need and examine the capabilities of an enterprise resource planning system / X
Understand the business process view of an organization through the process of ERP system / X / X / X
Understand and communicate the impact of events, activities, and transactions across the functions of an organization / X / X
Recognize the life-cycle of an ERP implementation project / X / X / X / X
Master life-long learning ability in the area of ERP / X / X / X / X
Grading Scale
A final letter grade is to be awarded to each enrolled student in accordance with the standard grading scale system:
A: 900B: 800 – 899 C: 700 - 799 D: 600 – 699 F: < 599
Grading Plan
Tests and Final Exam35% 350 points
LabAssignments20%200 points
Project15%150 points
Quizzes10%100 points
Paper10%100 points
Knowledge Sharing & Participation10%100 points
1000 points
Grade Determination
Tests and Final Exam
During the course of the semester, there will be twoTestsand one Final Exam. Each Test accounts for 100 points, whereas the Final Exam accounts for 150 points. All tests will take place in the regular lecture room. The final exam will be scheduled during the final exam period. There will be no make-up test during the semester, unless you have a legitimate reason and you notify the instructor 5 school days before the test/exam. In such case, you must also submit paper document to prove the absence. If you miss a test for a legitimate reason, the value will be shifted and added to the final exam. .
You will spend a significant amount of time for this course on the SAP R/3 system. During the course of the semester you will be expected to do several hands-on exercises. Timely completion of these exercises is very important to be successful in this course.
The group projectis to demonstrate the master of the system processes and reports that you learn in this semester. Each project team will consist of two to three students. Details will be provided in the class.
Quizzes, consisting of true/false, multiple-choice questions, simple problems, and/or system operation, will be given several times during the semester. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. Your 4 best quizzes will apply to your course grade. There will be no make-up quizzes during the semester. If you miss a quiz with an advanced absence notice, the value missed will not be made up but will be weighted based on the total quizzes you have for the semester.
During the semester, you will have to submit a paper. The paper is meant to study thereal world ERP design and implementation case. The paperwill heavily involve with internet research or the using of library references. Details will be provided in the class. Paper must be handed at the beginning of the class period on the assigned date due.
Knowledge Sharing
The learning of ERP is a life-long task if you would choose ERP as your career. Therefore, it is crucial to build the life-long learning ability. The webcast providesrich source of latest leading solutions/technologies, which cannot be covered by textbook. In this course, you are requested to attend one webcast offered by SAP or related professional parties. You will give a presentation to share the webcast in the class.
Students are expected to demonstrate professionalism. Attendance will be taken. Absence will be excused if arrangement is made prior to the absence. Students who have four noted absences will have their final course grade reduced by one letter grade. The instructor reserves the right to drop a student if five or more noted absences occur.
Use of Blackboard
Course materials can be found on Blackboard. You will be either altered by e-mail (done through Blackboard) when there are changes, additions, or assignments on Blackboard. The announcement on Blackboard will also be served as alternate channel to communicate such changes. Discussion Board of Blackboard will be the sole window for technical problem solving. (See Supporting of SAP Lab section for detail information.)
Penalty for Missing a Deadline
For any assignment with designated due date, unless you have a legitimate reason and you notify the instructor 5 school days before the due date, a student will be penalized 25% of the value of the assignment for each class day late. No assignment will be accepted if submitted two school days after the due date.
Supporting of SAP Lab
The supporting of SAP Lab, including lab exercises and project, will be provided through the Discussion Board on Blackboard. SAP system related questions will not be answered through e-mail by the instructor. Before post a question on the Discussion Board, it is the student’s responsibility to check if same question has been posted before. To better assist you in solving SAP technical problem, additional SAP Help session can be provided by the instructor. However, please do not expect your question will be answered promptly outside of the instructor’s working hours, that is 8:30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday.
Normally, the instructor will be in class on time. However, if the instructor is late by more than fifteen minutes, students should check with the Department of Business and Information Technology located in Fulton 101 whether the class will be canceled. Students are expected to be in class on time.
Academic Alert System:(
MST is committed to the success of its students by providing an environment conductive to teaching and learning. To ensure that every student takes full advantage of the educational opportunities and support programs on campus, the University has implemented an Academic Alert System, a web-based application. The purpose of the System is to improve the overall academic success of students by:
- Improving communication between students, instructors, and advisors;
- Reducing the time required for students to be informed of their academic status;
- Informing students of actions they need to perform in order to meet the academic requirements in the courses they are taking.
To assist you, I will initiate an academic alert for students who are not meeting academic course requirements through poor performance on assignments or poor attendance. When an alert is initiated, an email is immediately sent to the instructor, student, and advisor. You are encouraged to respond quickly to all academic alerts. If you fail to open the alert within one week, email notification is sent to your advisor.
Academic Integrity Statement:(
Violations of the University's academic code include, but are not limited to, possession of or use of unauthorized materials during quizzes or tests; providing unauthorized information to another student; or copying the work of another person. Violations may result in academic penalties in addition to receiving an "F" on the assignment in question. (See page 30 of MST’s “Student Academic Regulations” handbook for further details about student standards of conduct relative to the system’s Collected Rules and Regulations section 200.010.)
Disability Support Services:(
If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, you are strongly encouraged to meet with me early in the semester. You will need to request that the Disability Services staff send a letter to me verifying your disability and specifying the accommodation you will need before I can arrange your accommodation. If you have a disability that might require academic accommodations, please visit Disability Support Services in 204 Norwood Hall (341-4211; ) very early in the semester.
The following is our tentative schedule for the semester. The Instructor reserves the right to modify course schedule and/or procedures in the event of circumstances beyond her control.
Wk / Date / Lecture Topic / Assignment1 / Mon.,1/12/09 / Introduction – Course objectives and requirements
Wed., 1/14/09 / Chapter 1 – Introduction to Enterprise Systems for Management
Fri., 1/16/09 / Chapter 3 – Enterprise Systems Architecture
2 / Mon.,1/19/09 / MLK Day – no class
Wed., 1/21/09 / Lab 1 – SAP R/3 Navigation / Lab 1 Given
Fri., 1/23/09 / Chapter 3 – Enterprise Systems Architecture
3 / Mon.,1/26/09 / Lab 2 – Purchase to Payment / Lab 1 Due
Wed., 1/28/09 / Lab 2 – Purchase to Payment
Fri., 1/30/09 / Lab 2 – Purchase to Payment / Lab 2 Given
4 / Mon.,2/2/09 / Chapter 4 – Development Cycle
Wed., 2/4/09 / Chapter 4 – Development Cycle
Fri., 2/6/09 / Chapter 4 – Development Cycle / Lab 2 Due
5 / Mon.,2/9/09 / Lab 3 – Production Planning and Execution
Wed., 2/11/09 / Lab 3 – Production Planning and Execution
Fri., 2/13/09 / Test 1 – Chapters 1, 34; Labs 1 2
6 / Mon., 2/16/09 / Lab 3 – Production Planning and Execution
Wed., 2/18/09 / Lab 3 – Production Planning and Execution
Fri., 2/20/09 / Lab 3 – Production Planning and Execution / Lab 3 Given
7 / Mon.,2/23/09 / Chapter 5 – Implementation Strategies
Wed., 2/25/09 / Chapter 5 – Implementation Strategies
Fri., 2/27/09 / Lab 4 – Order to Collection / Lab 3 Due
8 / Mon.,3/2/09 / Lab 4 – Order to Collection
Wed., 3/4/09 / Lab 4 – Order to Collection / Lab 4 Given
Fri., 3/6/09 / Chapter 6 - Software and Vendor Selection
9 / Mon., 3/9/09 / Chapter 6 - Software and Vendor Selection
Wed., 3/11/09 / Chapter 6 - Software and Vendor Selection / Lab 4 Due
Fri., 3/13/09 / Spring recess – no class
10 / Mon., 3/16/09 / Review for Test #2
Wed., 3/18/09 / Test 2 – Chapters 5 & 6; Labs 3 & 4
Fri., 3/20/09 / Lab 5 – Financial Management
11 / Mon., 3/23/09 / Spring break – no class
Wed., 3/25/09 / Spring break – no class
Fri., 3/27/09 / Spring break – no class
12 / Mon., 3/30/09 / Lab 5 – Financial Management
Wed., 4/1/09 / Lab 5 – Financial Management / Paper Due
Fri., 4/3/09 / Lab 5 – Financial Management / Lab 5 Given
13 / Mon., 4/6/09 / Chapter 8 – Program and Project Management
Wed., 4/8/09 / Chapter 8 – Program and Project Management
Fri., 4/10/09 / Chapter 8 – Program and Project Management / Lab 5 Due
14 / Mon., 4/13/09 / Chapter 9 – Organizational Change and Business Process Reengineering
Wed., 4/15/09 / Chapter 9 – Organizational Change and Business Process Reengineering
Fri., 4/17/09 / Chapter 9 – Organizational Change and Business Process Reengineering
15 / Mon., 4/20/09 / Chapter 7 – Operations and Post-implementation
Wed., 4/22/09 / Chapter 7 – Operations and Post-implementation
Fri., 4/24/09 / Chapter 7 – Operations and Post-implementation
16 / Mon., 4/27/09 / Chapter 10 – Global, Ethics and Security Management
Wed., 4/29/09 / Chapter 10 – Global, Ethics and Security Management
Fri., 5/1/09 / Chapter 10 – Global, Ethics and Security Management
Mon., 5/4/09 / Chapter 11 – Supply Chain Management / Project Due
17 / Wed., 5/6/09 / Chapter 12 – Customer Relationship Management
Fri., 5/8/09 / Review for Final Exam
18 / Thu., 5/14/09 / Comprehensive Final Exam (10:30 – 12:30)