Lord of the Flies English I Reading Test

Multiple Choice

1.  Jack is intent on hunting because

  1. the boys can’t survive without meat
  2. the animals represent a threat to the boys
  3. it is an appealing sport
  4. he is overwhelmed by the compulsion to track and kill

2.  In the presence of the naval officer, the boys

  1. were belligerent
  2. continued to attack Ralph
  3. were relieved, exhausted, and upset by all that had happened
  4. apologized formally to Ralph

3.  At one of the assemblies, Ralph gave orders concerning

  1. sanitation
  2. drinking water
  3. fire tending
  4. all of these

4.  The boy wit the birthmark

  1. found the conch
  2. knocked over Johnny’s castle, causing a fight
  3. disappeared during the fire
  4. both a and c

5.  The ship that passed the island didn’t stop because

  1. it was a Nazi ship
  2. they had no room for passengers
  3. they were under attack by an enemy plane
  4. the signal fire had gone out

6.  The sign that came from the world of grown-ups was

  1. a dead parachutist
  2. a beer can found on the beach
  3. the fuselage of the airplane
  4. rabid dog

7.  The conch is a symbol of

  1. law and order
  2. brotherly love
  3. warfare
  4. reason and logic

8.  What major historical event is taking place while the boys are on the island?

  1. The Great Depression
  2. World War II
  3. The Vietnam War
  4. The World Cup

9.  What does Piggy continuously remind Ralph about?

  1. Day of the week
  2. His first name
  3. Their destination
  4. The purpose of the fire

10.  Why are the kids afraid to go on the mountain?

  1. Jack, Ralph, and Simon see the beast there.
  2. The littluns are scared of the dark.
  3. There’s no food on the mountain.
  4. The mountain turns out to be a volcano.

11.  What does Jack steal?

  1. The conch
  2. Eye glasses
  3. Fruit
  4. A raft

12.  How are the assemblies called?

  1. A smoke signal
  2. Work of mouth
  3. They have set time and place
  4. Someone blows the conch

13.  What happens in the dance?

  1. The rain stops.
  2. They drink alcohol.
  3. They kill somebody.
  4. They drink blood.

14.  How do Jack and the savages change their appearance?

  1. They paint their faces.
  2. They was and comb their hair.
  3. They tattoo themselves.
  4. They dress alike.

15.  Which of these does not take place when Ralph’s group arrives at Castle Rock:

  1. A fight breaks out.
  2. Piggy is killed.
  3. The twins are captured.
  4. Ralph is killed in the forest.


_____ 1. Jack’s chief assistant A. Simon

_____ 2. Wears glasses B. Maurice

_____ 3. First designated chief C. Roger

_____ 4. Littleun who cries the most D. Ralph

_____ 5. Twins E. Lord of the Flies

_____ 6. Slit the pigs throat F. Samneric

_____ 7. Had rocks thrown at him G. Piggy

_____ 8. First to be killed H. Jack

_____ 9. Another of Jack’s choirboys who is grinning all the time I. Percival

_____ 10. Pig’s head J. Henry

Short Answer

1.  Choose one of the hunts and describe it in great detail.

2.  In the novel the leadership shifts. Who do you believe would have made the best leader? Write a paragraph explaining your answer with specific details from the story.

3.  Compare and contrast Jack and Ralph. Use specific details from the story.

4.  “Without rules, human beings would all revert to savagery.” In your opinion, do you believe the author would agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific details to support your answer.

5.  Give two examples of characters giving into peer pressure in the story.