Database: Agency References Related to Climate Change and Infrastructure

This list includes a variety of reports and other resources related to climate change and transportation from state, regional, national, and international agencies and organizations. Citation format: Council of Science Editors, 7th edition. Created by Ian Gaudreau (University of New Hampshire) for ICNet.

Airports Commission. 2013. Discussion paper 03: Aviation and climate change. England: Airports Commission.

Airports Council International, et al. 2014. Adapting aviation to a changing climate.

American Society of Civil Engineers. 2013. Report card for America's infrastructure. American Society of Civil Engineers.

Army Corps of Engineers. 2015. North Atlantic coast comprehensive study: Resilient adaptation to increasing risk. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Baglin C. 2014. NCHRP synthesis 454: Response to extreme weather impacts on transportation systems. National Cooperative Highway Research Program & Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. Report nr NCHRP Synthesis 454.

Baglin C. 2012. ACRP synthesis 33: Airport climate adaptation and resilience. Airport Cooperative Research Program; Transportation Research Board; Federal Aviation Administration; National Academy of Sciences. Report nr ACRP Synthesis 33.

Baxter JR, Curtis JA, Shepherd GM. 2012. Subject: INFORMATION: Eligibility of activities to adapt to climate change and extreme weather events under the Federal-Aid and Federal Lands Highway Programs. U.S. Department of Transportation.

Boots M and Patel R. 2014. President's state, local, and tribal leaders task force on climate preparedness and resilience: Recommendations to the president. The White House: President's State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force On Climate Preparedness and Resilience.

Burbank CJ, Wenger JA, Sperling D, TRB Special Task Force. 2012. Climate change and transportation: Summary of key information. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. Report nr E-C164.

California Department of Transportation, Cambridge Systematics Inc., ESA PWA, W & S Solutions. 2013. Addressing climate change adaptation in regional transportation plans: A guide for California MPOs and RTPAs. California Department of Transportation.

Caltrans. 2013. Caltrans activities to address climate change: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to impacts. California Department of Transportation.

Chafee LD. 2014. Rhode Island Executive Order 14-01.

Clarke I, Davies C, Davies S, Dora J, Golightly C, Hjerp P, Kujawa M, de Lannoy T, Marrin A, Medarova-Bergstrom K, et al. 2012. Guidelines for project managers: Making vulnerable investments climate resilient (report for the European Commission). Acclimatise; European Commission Climate Action; COWI.

CNA Military Advisory Board. 2014. National security and the accelerating risks of climate change. Alexandria, VA: Center for Naval Analysis & Solutions.

Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC). 2013. Coastal climate change: Ports and renewable energies: Impacts, vulnerabilities, and adaptation. Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC) 22(1).

Culp M. 2013. Building climate resilient transportation. U.S. Department of Transportation: Federal Highway Administration.

Dalton JC. 2014. Procedures to evaluate sea level change: Impacts, responses, and adaptation. Department of the Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Report nr ETL 1100-2-1.

Department of Transportation. 2014. U.S. Department of Transportation climate adaptation plan: Ensuring transportation infrastructure and system resilience. U.S. Department of Transportation.

Department of Transportation. 2013. CAPTool user guide: Using CAPTool to implement the "Costing Asset Protection: An all-hazards guide for Transportation Agencies (CAPTA)" methodology. U.S. Department of Transportation: Federal Highway Administration. Report nr FHWA-HOP-13-009.

Department of Transportation. 2013. U.S. Department of Transportation climate adaptation plan. U.S. Department of Transportation.

Department of Transportation. 2012. Climate change & extreme weather vulnerability assessment framework. U.S. Department of Transportation: Federal Highway Administration.

Department of Transportation. 2011. Impacts of climate change on U.S. public transportation: Intense precipitation and sea level rise projections.

Department of Transportation. 2011. Impacts of climate change on U.S. public transportation: High heat projections.

Department of Transportation and Fox A. 2015. Beyond traffic 2045. Department of Transportation: Federal Highway Administration.

Downey C, Flood M, Hyman R, Keller J, Lennon J, Leonard K, McVoy G, Smith J. 2013. Strategic issues facing transportation volume 2: Climate change, extreme weather events, and the highway system: Practitioner’s guide and research report (vol 2). Cambridge Systematics, Parsons Brinckerhoff. Report nr 750.

Farrag-Thibault A. 2014. Climate change: Implications for transport. University of Cambridge - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Federal Emergency Management Agency. 2015. Revised guidelines for implementing Executive Order 11988, floodplain management: Draft for public comment. Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Filosa G and Oster A. 2015. International practices on climate adaptation in transportation: Findings from a virtual review. U.S. Department of Transportation: Federal Highway Administration.

Gopalakrishna D, Schroeder J, Huff A, Thomas A, Leibrand A. 2013. Planning for systems management & operations as part of climate change adaptation. U.S. Department of Transportation: Federal Highway Administration. Report nr FHWA-HOP-13-030.

Government of Nunavut. 2012. Engineering challenges for coastal infrastructure/docks with regard to climate change in Nunavut. Journeaux Assoc & Nunavut Kavamat. Report nr L-11-1472.

Horman L. 2012. ODOT climate change adaptation strategy report. Oregon Department of Transportation.

Johnson I. 2012. Adapting Vermont's transportation infrastructure to the future impacts of climate change. Vermont Agency of Transportation.

Lindquist K and Wendt M. 2012. Climate change adaptation and mitigation: State transportation, regional, international, local, business, utilities, insurance strategies: Synthesis. Washington State Department of Transportation.

Lindquist K and Wendt M. 2012. Climate change adaptation and mitigation: State transportation, regional, and international strategies: Synthesis. Washington State Department of Transportation.

MacArthur J, Mote P, Ideker J, Figliozzi M, Lee M. 2012. Climate change impact assessment for surface transportation in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium; Washington State Department of Transportation. Report nr OTREC-RR-12-01; WA-RD 772.1.

Manchester Airports Group. 2011. Climate change adaptation report for East Midlands Airport and Manchester Airport. Manchester Airports Group.

Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership. 2013. Climate change and the UK marine leisure industry. Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership.

McFarlane BJ and AICP. 2012. Climate change in Hampton Roads Phase III: Sea level rise in Hampton Roads, Virginia. Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (Virginia).

McMillan T. 2011. Letter from Therese McMillan. U.S. Department of Transportation.

Meyer M, Flood M, Keller J, Lennon J, McVoy G, Dorney C, Leonard K, Hyman R, Smith J. 2013. Climate change, extreme weather events, and the highway system (vol 1). Transportation Research Board: National Cooperative Highway Research Program.

Meyer MD, Rowan E, Snow C, Choate A. 2013. Impacts of extreme weather on transportation: National symposium summary. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

Meyer MD, Rowan E, Savonis MJ, Choate A. 2012. Integrating extreme weather risk into transportation asset management. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

Meyers WS. 2012. Rail transportation vulnerability and resiliency to impacts of climate change and recommendations for objective measurement methods. SYSTRA Inc.

Miller JD. 2013. Infrastructure 2013: Global priorities, global insights. Washington, D.C.: Urban Land Institute; Ernst & Young.

Nadeau G. 2014. FHWA order 5520: Transportation system preparedness and resilience to climate change and extreme weather. U.S. Department of Transportation: Federal Highway Administration. Report nr FHWA Order 5520.

Nemry F and Demirel H. 2012. JRC scientific and policy reports: Impacts of climate change on transport: A focus on road and rail transport infrastructures. European Commission; Joint Research Centre. Report nr JRC72217; EUR 25553 EN.

Nemry F. 2012. Impacts of climate change in Europe: A focus on road and rail transport infrastructures. European Commission; Joint Research Centre.

Newman P and Hargrove C. 2012. The future of roads: Reducing environmental pressures, managing carbon, and considering future scenarios. Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre (Australia).

Olson JR. 2015. Adapting infrastructure and civil engineering practice to a changing climate. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers.

O'Malley M, Gill JP, et al. 2014. State of Maryland: Climate change and coast smart construction infrastructure siting and design guidelines. Maryland Commission on Climate Change, Adaptation and Response Working Group.

Oslakovic Irina Stipanovic, ter Maat Herbert, Hartmann Andreas and Geert Dewulf Geert. 2013. Risk assessment of climate change impacts on railway infrastructure. Engineering Project Organization Conference 2013, Devil's Thumb Ranch, Colorado, U.S.A. Engineering Project Organization Conference.

Overmoyer R. 2014. Understanding the economic development opportunity & impact of climate change. Rhode Island Commerce Corporation.

Peet K. 2012. Chicago transit authority (CTA) climate adaptation pilot:2012 Sustainability and Public Transportation Workshop.

Rutgers University. 2014. NJ Climate Adaptation Alliance: A summary of climate change impacts and preparedness opportunities for the transportation sector in New Jersey. Rutgers University.

Staudt A and Curry R. 2011. More extreme weather and the U.S. energy infrastructure. National Wildlife Federation.

Sturgis CLA, Tucci CAE, Smythe DTC. 2014. Port recovery in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy: Improving port resiliency in the era of climate change. Center for a New American Security.

The White House. 2015. Findings from select federal reports: The national security implications of a changing climate. Washington, D.C.: The White House.

The White House. 2015. Executive Order 11988: Establishing a federal flood risk management standard and a process for further soliciting and considering stakeholder input. EO 11988.

The White House. 2013. Executive Order: Preparing the United States for the impacts of climate change. EO 13653.

The White House. 2013. The President's climate action plan. Washington, D.C.: Executive Office of the President.

Transportation Research Board. 2013. TCAPP and integrated ecological framework pilot projects: Synthesis of lessons learned. Transportation Research of the National Academies: Highway Research Program. Report nr S2-C41-RW-1.

U.S. Government Accountability Office. 2014. Energy infrastructure risks and adaptation efforts. U.S. Government Accountability Office. Report nr GOA-14-74.

U.S. Government Accountability Office. 2013. Climate change: Future federal adaptation efforts could better support local infrastructure decision makers. U.S. Government Accountability Office.

Vergereau H. 2013. Economics of climate change adaptation and risks: Final report. Highways Agency (United Kingdom).

Wall TA and Meyer MD. 2013. Climate change planning in the transportation sector: A synthesis of practice. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. Report nr E-C181.

Wilbanks TJ, Fernandez SJ, Backus G, Garcia P, Kirshen PH, Savonis M, Solecki W, Toole GL. 2014. Climate change and infrastructure, urban systems, and vulnerabilities:Technical report for the U.S. Department of Energy in support of the National Climate Assessment. Washington, D.C.: Island Press.

Zamuda C, Mignone B, Bilello D, Hallett K, Lee C, Macknick J, Newmark R, Steinberg D. 2013. U.S. energy sector vulnerabilities to climate change and extreme weather. U.S. Department of Energy. Report nr Pl-0013.