Revised 6/14/2010


Student Name: / Advisor:
Address: / Graduation Date:

The Associate of Arts Degree in General Studies is a two-year degree program that provides a student the opportunity to complete a curriculum in traditional fields of study. The curriculum offers a broad and varied background in general education as well as opportunities to explore a number of disciplines as a basis for entrance into a four-year degree program. Completion of the AA Degree will fulfill the general education requirements for a baccalaureate degree at the state universities of South Dakota. Approved general education courses from other state universities may be used to satisfy the SDSM&T general education requirements. The program of studies is:

General Education Requirements

I.Written and Oral Communication

A minimum of 9 semester hours is required. This requirement can be met by taking one of these sequences of courses.

Students who intend to continue at or return to Mines for a B.S. degree should take the first sequence—ENGL 101, 279. 289.


Course / Title / Credits / Semester
Completed / Transfer/Comments
ENGL 101 / Composition I
ENGL 279 / Technical Communications I
ENGL 289 / Technical Communications II
Total / 9 sem. hrs. required


Course / Title / Credits / Semester
Completed / Transfer/Comments
ENGL 101 / Composition I
ENGL 201 / Composition II
SPCM 101 / Fundamentals of Speech
Total / 9 sem. hrs. required


Courses in history, literature, philosophy, non-English languages, art, music and theater may be used. **A minimum of 6 semester hours in 2 disciplines i.e. two different course prefixes or a 2-semester sequence in a foreign language is required.

Course / Title / Credits / Semester
Completed / Transfer/Comments
ART 111/112 / Drawing & Perception I & II
ARTH 211 / History of World Art I
ENGL 221/222 / British Literature I & II
ENGL 241/242 / American Literature I & II
ENGL 250 / Science Fiction
GER 101/102 / Introductory German I & II
HIST 121/122 / Western Civilization I & II
HUM 100 / Introduction to Humanities
HUM 200 / Connections: Humanities & Technology
MUS 100 / Music Appreciation
MUS 110 / Basic Music Theory I
PHIL 100 / Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 200 / Introduction to Logic
PHIL 220 / Introduction to Ethics
PHIL 233 / Philosophy and Literature
SPAN 101/102 / Introductory Spanish I & II
Total / **See statement above for required sem. hrs.

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Revised 6/14/2010

III.Social Sciences

Courses in anthropology, geography, history, political science, psychology and sociology may be used. A minimum of 6 semester hours in 2 disciplines i.e. two different course prefixes are required.

Course / Title / Credits / Semester
Completed / Transfer/Comments
ANTH 210 / Cultural Anthropology
GEOG 101 / Introduction to Geography
GEOG 210 / World Regional Geography
GEOG 212 / Geography of North America
HIST 151/152 / US History I & II
POLS 100 / American Government
POLS 250 / World Relations
PSYC 101 / General Psychology
SOC 100 / Introduction to Sociology
SOC 150 / Social Problems
SOC 250 / Courtship & Marriage
Total / 6 sem. hrs. required


A minimum of 3 semester hours of college algebra or a math course with college algebra as a prerequisite is required.

Course / Title / Credits / Semester
Completed / Transfer/Comments
MATH 102/102L / College Algebra
Total / 3 sem. hrs. required

V.Natural Sciences

A minimum of 6 semester hours in the natural sciences is required including 1 semester hour of laboratory. The following courses in biology, chemistry, earth science, geology, and physics may be used.

Course / Title / Credits / Semester
Completed / Transfer/Comments
BIOL 151/151L / General Biology I & Laboratory
BIOL 153/153L / General Biology II & Laboratory
CHEM 106/106L / Chemistry Survey/Laboratory
CHEM 108/108L / Intro. Organic & Biochemistry/Laboratory
CHEM 112/112L / General Chemistry I & Laboratory
CHEM 114/114L / General Chemistry II & Laboratory
GEOL 201/201L / Physical Geology/Laboratory
PHYS 111/111L / Introduction to Physics I & Laboratory
PHYS 113/113L / Introduction to Physics II & Laboratory
PHYS 211 / University Physics I
PHYS 213 / University Physics II
PHYS 213L / University Physics II Laboratory
Total / 6 sem. hrs. required including 1 sem. hr. lab

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Revised 6/14/2010


Total semester hours required to graduate is 64. ***The number of elective credits will vary depending on the courses selected in humanities, social sciences, mathematics, and natural sciences. All elective courses must be approved by the student’s academic advisor.

Course / Title / Credits / Semester
Completed / Transfer/Comments
Total / ***sem. hrs. will vary – see statement above


  1. Written and Oral Communication
/ (9)
  1. Humanities
/ (6)
In 2 disciplines ______
  1. Social Sciences
/ (6)
In 2 disciplines ______
  1. Mathematics
/ (3)
  1. Natural Sciences
/ (6)
  1. Electives
/ Variable (24-30)
Total / 64 Sem. hrs. required

Other Degree Requirements

Students are required to pass the CAAP proficiency examination. For additional information on this examination contact the Office of the Registrar and Academic Services at 605-394-2400.

Students must have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 in order to graduate with this degree.

Students completing this degree must meet the Institutional Credit Requirements, which include completion of a minimum of sixteen (16) credits from School of Mines. Additionally, eight (8) of the last sixteen (16) credits counted toward the degree must be taken from School of Mines.

After completion of 48 credit hours, students may register for up to 9 hours of 300 level courses.

If planning to pursue a baccalaureate degree from SDSM&T students should consider taking 2 credits of approved physical education courses.


This form may be found at