Project title:
Methodological Support for Ecosystem Services Mapping and Biophysical Valuation (MetEcoSMap)
  1. General Information on the PARTNERS

A.1. Project promoter

Full legal name in English / Ministry of environment and water
Full legal name in national language / Министерство на околната среда и водите
Abbreviation / MoEW
Organization category / Public sector
Type of organization / Ministry
Address / 22, Maria Louiza Blvd.
Postal code / 1000
City / Sofia
Country / Bulgaria
Website /
Project manager / Full name: EmiyiaKraeva
Function: Head of International programmes and projects Department and delegated representative for the current project application by means of Minister’s Order No RD-912/02.12.2014
Telephone: 00359 2940 6537
Fax: 00359 2940 6212
e-mail address:
  1. General Information on the Partner(s)

В.1. Partner 1

Full legal name in English / Norwegian institute for Nature Research
Full legal name in national language / Norskinstitutt for naturforskning
Abbreviation / NINA
Type of organization / Research institution
Address / NINA (head office)
Høgskoleringen 9
Postal code / 7034
City / Trondheim
Country / Norway
Website /
Mission of the organization, main sphere of activity / NINA is responsible for long-term strategic research and commissioned applied research to facilitate the implementation of international conventions, decision-support systems and management tools, as well as to enhance public awareness and promote conflict resolution.
Project manager / Full name: Graciela M. Rusch
Function: Senior Researcher, Department of terrestrial ecology.
Telephone: +47 93 00 85 03
Fax:+47 73 80 14 01
e-mail address:

В.2. Partner 2

Full legal name in English / Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Full legal name in national language / Институт по биоразнообразие и екосистемни изследвания Българска Академия на Науките
Abbreviation / IBER - BAS
Type of organization / Research institution
Address / 2 Gagarin Street
Postal code / 1113
City / Sofia
Country / Bulgaria
Telephone / +359 2 8717195
Fax / +359 2 870 54 98
E-mail address /
Website /
Mission of the organization, main sphere of activity / Research, expertise and training. Inform decision makers in the areas of biodiversity, ecology, ecosystems and ecosystem services, biological resources and environmental conservation.
Relevant research areas:
•Structure and function of biotic communities, ecosystems and landscapes in the present and in the past
•Diversity of organisms and their ecological and evolutionary relationships
•Assessment of ecosystem services
•Approaches and methods for sustainable management of biological resources
•Ecology and biology of species of economic and social importance
•Scientific basis of ecological risk assessment, the quality of environment and impact on it, approaches and methods for biodiversity assessment, bio-monitoring and safety systems
Project manager / Full name:DrSvetlaBratanova- Doncheva
Function: Head of Ecosystem Research Division
Telephone: +359 877 555628
Fax: +359 8705498
e-mail address:

В.3. Partner 3

Full legal name in English / Executive Forest Agency within the Ministry of Agriculture and Foods
Full legal name in national language / Изпълнителна агенция по горите при Министерство на земеделието и храните
Abbreviation / EFA-MAF
Organization category / Public sector
Type of organization / National agency
Address / 55, “HristoBotev” blvd.
Postal code / 1040
City / Sofia
Country / Bulgaria
Website /
Mission of the organization, main sphere of activity / Executive Forest Agency (EFA) is an administrationwithin the Ministry of Agriculture and Foods. It controls the implementation of sustainable forest management. EFA produces and controls the implementation of forest management plans regulating the regeneration of forests, afforestation, erosion control activities, thinning; protection of biodiversity; protection of forests from pests and diseases; sylvicultural activities; utilization of timber and non-timber forest resources.
Forests cover about 34% of the territory of Bulgaria and are important supplier of ecosystem services. They provide 85% of the water flow in Bulgaria and play important role in provisioning drinking water. Due to its importance, forestry is the first sector with specific ecosystem services assessment legislation.
Project manager / Full name: AlbenaBobeva
Function: Chief expert
Telephone: 00359 2 9045 356
Fax: 00359 2981 37 36
e-mail address: