Triple P Working Group Meeting Minutes

Friday, December 16, 2016, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit, Brockville Office, Lanark Room

Present: Cathy Millard, Marg Fancy, Emily Castle, Gwendy Lapp, Kim Charbonneau-Speck

Regrets: Brent Dalgleish, Esther Frost, Shannon Brown, Tom Turner

1.  Welcome – Cathy welcomed everyone.

2.  Approval of Agenda – Approved as distributed.

3.  Reflection on 2016 – Cathy Millard - Deferred.

4.  Data to inform planning – Shannon Brown sent the map of where clients are accessing service from by postal code, and the group reviewed it. Gillian Jackson from DSLG has expressed interest to Marg in facilitating/co-facilitating seminars/café’s. How as a group do we support planning for this to happen? OEYC has been organizing Café’s and the suggestion was made to connect Gillian with Shannon directly to discuss. Discussion around supporting co-facilitation of seminars. Anyone interested in co-facilitating seminars with the Health Unit should contact Gwendy/Emily directly. Would love to have facilitators to observe or co-facilitate.

5.  Finance Update – Cathy Millard – Marg talked to the group about a new funding stream taking applications, and how we could potentially use it toward getting more training. Gwendy had questions around who would qualify to apply for the funding. We would need to sit down with Michelle around process/eligibility. Money from last year’s MCYS grant that was carried forward was added back to this year’s funds less the funds for training that happened in 2016 – what is left $7900, hopefully to be spent in the first three months of 2017. Advertising and promotion are on track as per the media plan that Sue Healey submitted. $4803.00 dollars left in this line at end of November. We are working on a banner so that we can advertise at events we are attending. Do we want to spend money on swag? We have done the play dough – which we have given out at welcome to kindergarten nights. To our knowledge, no word has been shared yet on plans for Welcome to Kindergarten in 2017. The cost has gone up and is not covered. We did sidewalk chalk that was not as popular. We have done stress balls, mini boxes of crayons, Kleenex travel packs and bubbles. We were thinking sticky notes or magnets for the fridge and pens. Asked if we considered water bottles? The Healthy Kids Challenge just gave out water bottles but we could give them out next year. Teens like water bottles and fidget toys. We need to think of the target audience before we make a decision about what to purchase. We will get quotes for stuff and ask some teens what they would like to get.

6.  Plans for 2017 – Gwendy and Emily – We have $20,000 in Health Unit monies to help HU staff and partners get trained in the teen level(s). So please let us know if you have any people looking to be trained. There was discussion around having Triple P come here and do a refresher with the $7900 left to be spent by end of March. Emily is looking into this for end of February or the beginning of March. It would be just one day. Marg stated that we need to be aware of training on February 28th and March 23rd around service coordination. Emily asked how much time would be needed between trainings and suggested that it could be spread out. Every Kid has a community Triple P calendar and requested if we could coordinate that everyone enter in their Triple P session dates and what they are offering. This may need to be a telephone conversation by Emily/Gwendy with each agency to collect the information. Emily and Gwendy have talked about doing a teen seminar in January and or February to coincide with the nights that the schools host information sessions on transition to high school in Brockville or Kemptville. Kim is hoping to run 2 groups a year and now has 2 people trained in teen group and hoped to open it up to the public. Most workers are trained in Standard but just have not had the opportunity to use it formally. Can Kim contact Esther about what groups they can run so that they don’t over lap and then let Emily know what and when they are to be entered in the calendar. Emily will in turn contact Kelly Munro and Julie Ingleby to get dates booked for them to practice teen seminars as well. Discussion on who is needed to be contacted to coordinate. The group identified that there is a need for a transition program. Cathy had a conversation with Jenny Lane around getting staff at that CHC trained.

Suggestion made for expanding into teen Triple P services by branching out to schools and school boards? Some schools have completed training of ECE’s and CYW’s. Is this something we would be interested in bringing someone here to do this? It would have to be one level 0-12 and we could offer to other areas to pay for the cost of the day as the Boards are larger than the tri-county and suggested to contact Michelle Neville around this.

ACTION: Kim to connect with Children’s Mental Health to plan dates for F&CS group(s) around their groups and then contact Emily and Gwendy around dates for the calendar

ACTION: Emily will contact Triple P international around refresher date in February

ACTION: Emily to follow up with Jenny Lane to determine the appropriate level(s) of training for her staff.

ACTION: Gwendy will touch base with the school boards around who is a good fit/they may be willing to train.

ACTION: Marg to suggest that Gillian to connect with Shannon for café’s and with Emily/Gwendy regarding seminars.

ACTION: Gwendy to connect with Robyn Holmes around training

ACTION: Health Unit to pick dates for Teen Seminars – Emily/Gwendy to connect with Julie/Kelly.

ACTION: All Members to contact Emily/Gwendy with dates for Triple P events that they have planned (to be added to community calendar)

ACTION: Gwendy to offer Triple P presentation to Youth Justice Committee

ACTION: Gwendy to connect with Rose Garden to offer funding for training

ACTION: Marg to let Emily/Gwendy know about Welcome to Kindergarten plans when available

ACTION: Emily/Gwendy to bring back quotes for swag to January working group meeting.

ACTION: Lianne to add the data item from today to the January Agenda

Next meeting for working group was Thursday, December 22nd . It was decided that this meeting will be cancelled.

7.  Next Meeting Date & Adjournment - January 26th at 1:30pm at the Brockville Health Unit