  1. Call to Order
  2. Comments/Questions
  3. Regarding Items on the Agenda
  4. Regarding Items Not on the Agenda:
  5. Joni reported that the program outcomes workshop was well attended and received and that she would schedule a couple more during the course of the year.
  6. Approval of Minutes
Review/approval of minutes from August 29, 2014. Jeanne Marie moved to approve, Greg seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
  1. Unfinished Business
  1. End of year summary 2013-14 – Discussed at previous meeting
  2. Committee By-Laws –Greg brought a draft of the by-laws. We discussed. Joni will revise and send out with the meeting notes.
  3. Discuss Governance and Planning Manuals re: O/A Comm.—Discussed at previous meeting
  4. Review Institutional Objectives – Discussed that the committee is connected marginally to Objectives 1, 6, 7, 8
  5. Decide New Initiatives: The new initiatives for this year are:
1. Create Wall of Fame/Showcase for assessment work.
2. Revise and implement ILOs
3. Two workshops on assessment completion and good models.
4. 100% of programs to be assessed this year mapped and analyzed in TD.
5. Improving OA communication for campus.
F. Show Cause Action Plan-Discussion
Robert led a discussion about the Show Cause Action Plan and the elements that connect to Outcomes and Assessment. These were used as a consideration in creating the initiatives.
G. Dialogue Day Planning—ongoing
Joni has requested the same snacks/water and raffle baskets as last year. We should have confirmation or not by next meeting.
H. O/A Mini-grants—Create rubric for evaluation
Joni will create a rubric and send out for committee review.
I. O/A Website
Looked at the mockup of the new website structure and made some additions. Joni will begin working on the website, have a draft for the next meeting.
J. College Cup—announcement and preparation
Need to get this flyer out in the next week or so. It would be good to have actual examples of presentations so that people will get the idea.
  1. New Business
Discussion of the ACCJC Regional Assessment Workshop that COS is hosting on October 3. Joni and Greg are going. There are two more spots, but not clear if those are already taken.
  1. Adjournment