Staff feedback session on draft K-10 PDHPE syllabus

Step 1: Watch the NESA PDHPE Draft Syllabus Consultation video

Go to and watch Karen Ingram’s introduction and overview of the draft syllabus.

Step 2: Download the draft syllabus documents from the NESA website

The documents available on the NESA website introducing the draft syllabus are designed to assist with engaging with the new syllabus and completing consultation feedback. They provide background and an overview of the key features of the draft syllabus, including the proposed course structure and course content.

Introduction to the draft syllabus

Draft syllabus (PDF format)

Step 3: Read through the information in the content section (page 23-33)

Key discussion questions for formulating feedback

1.Can you easily identify the expectations of the syllabus?

2.Is it easy to identify what you must teach (the required learning) for each year/stage?

Step 4: Explore the expected achievement described by the objectives and outcomes

Go to pages 14-18 in the draft syllabus and read through the sequence of objective and outcomes for K-10.

Key discussion questions for formulating feedback

3.Does the sequence of objectives and outcomes reflect the achievement that you believe is relevant and appropriate for your students?

4.Does the required achievement represent a developmentally appropriate sequence across stages?

Step 5: Select a Stage of learning to explore in more detail.

Depending on the number of teachers you are meeting with you could break into groups and each group explore a different stage. Read through the Content for your selected stage for each of the three strands and the Overview of subject matter.

Key discussion questions for formulating feedback

5.Do the syllabus outcomes and content align for this Stage?

6.Does the syllabus content represent the learning you believe is relevant for your students?

7.Do the key inquiry questions match the learning described in the content?

Step 6: Think ahead – programming from the draft syllabus

As a group explore how easily the structure of the draft syllabus will support programming and planning. While looking through the document consider whether you could effectively and efficiently plan and develop an engaging, innovative and future-focused PDHPE program from the draft syllabus.

Key discussion questions for formulating feedback

8.What elements or aspects of the draft syllabus promote effective and efficient planning?

9.What elements or aspects of the draft syllabus pose difficulty for effective and efficient planning?

10.What concerns might you have about your ability to plan effectively from the draft syllabus?