
The publication of International Secretariat of Revolutionary Confederation of Anarcho-Syndicalists by the name of N. I. Makhno

#1, July 2012


This release is a first number of a new RKAS edition, intended primarily for fellow anarchists outside of those countries in which our organization works. Newsletter “RKAS News” will publish information on the work of the Confederation, and the most interesting texts on the theory and practice of the anarchist movement, prepared by our friends. We intend to prepare the new number of the newsletter once a month or two, in Russian, English and Spanish. Feedback will be very important for us, so we ask you to feel free in expressing your opinion about the usefulness of such a project and published news.

RKAS International Secretariat



Kiev, Ukraine, March 31, 2012

As a part of global European day against capitalism, an anticapitalistic M31 march against the “anti-crisis” politics of the government took place in the capital of Ukraine. The participants marched through the streets, screaming out chants about taking down capitalism, denial of the upcoming Labor and Housing Codes, respect of freedom and human rights, stated their solidarity with their comrades in other countries of Europe. Besides the RKAS, members of “Shturmovoy Komitet”, “Priama Diya” student union and other left-winged groups participated.

Pics and video: http://rkas.org.ua/node/496


Tbilisi, Georgia, March 31, 2012

Anticapitalistic march of RKAS-Georgia, "Student Action" Union and students' group "Lab 1918".

During the European day of actions against capitalism, a march against authoritarian educational system was held in Tbilisi, Georgia.

The participants marched through one of the central streets of the city, chanting "Free Education!", "Bread and Books", "Full autonomy to the University!", "Freedom! Equality! Solidarity!"

Anticapitalistic leaflets were being spread during the march.

Pics: http://vk.com/rkas_makhno


Donetsk, Ukraine, May 1, 2012

At May Day the traditional anarcho-syndicalist march & demonstration, organized by RKAS and the “Vseobschaya Konfederatsiya Truda” union, took part in Donetsk. This year more than 70 people joined the march – students, industrial and office workers. Anarchists marched the streets of Donetsk under the black-n-red flags, chanting “Death to the capitalism – freedom to the labor!”, “Working class joins RKAS”, “Freedom, equality, anarcho-communism”, “Revolution! Anarchy! Nestor Makhno!”, etc. The march ended up in a demonstration on the central square of the city, where the special edition of “Anarchy” newspaper was spread.

"We're trying to mobilize the working men to defend their interests, all the more so the very topic of social struggle has been extremely important due to anti-people reforms, held by the government" - said Ivan Demchenko, one of the anarchists at the demo.

Video: http://rkas.org.ua/node/499

Pics: http://rkas.org.ua/node/514



Georgia, Tbilisi, May 1

Despite the possibility of repressions, brave comrades from RKAS-Georgia arranged a May Day March, that ended up with a short demo.

Pics: http://vk.com/wall167700747_37

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0DbmCgUGhc


Ukraine, Donetsk, May 1-2, 2012

Shortly after the May Day march, a planned RKAS conference was held, that gathered 51 delegates from 15 local sections of Russia (Voronezh) and Ukraine (Aleksandria, Artemovsk, Dniprodzerzhinsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zhitomir, Zaporizhya, Kiev, Luhansk, Odessa, Pervomaysk, Sumy, Kharkiv). Due to some reasons RKAS members from Bulgaria and Georgia, Ukrainian towns of Sinel’nikovo and Cherkassy couldn’t participate, along with some individual members from Russia.

The Conference was started with a leading word of some of the comrades, who stated the importance of building a united, mass and disciplined organization, social and class oriented organization of anarchists. Without such an organization anarchism can never become a significant factor of revolutionary changes in the struggle of masses against government-capitalistic system. Subculture, autonomous groups or ideological federations of such groups will never have enough will and power, or, even more often, a real desire to change the reality around themselves, to propose and realize alternative projects of free self-management socialism. That’s why we, the members of RKAS, will continue our course on strengthening and developing our organization, that’s been stated long ago. Some difficulties and problems during this process are possible, but our organization is confidently managing, which has been proven by the years of its work and experience.

During the conference the participants made reports on their work, solved a number of tasks about the inner structure of the organization and making the cooperation between its parts better, identified the major courses of work for the nearest six month. Developing of the VKT-AS anarcho-syndicalist union, social work of defending the interests of the working men, protesting against the governmental projects of reforms of Labor Code were stated as the main tasks of the RKAS. Some individual members of the RKAS along with 3 sections were excluded for not working for a long time; on the same day at the conference, some new comrades were taken to the organization. Also, the Organizational Bureau, the coordination structure of the anarcho-syndicalist work, was reelected.

More info here: http://rkas.org.ua/node/514


May-June of 2012

The statement of the RKAS about the anniversary of May 9, the day of defeat of the Nazi Germany, and the expressed gratitude to the soldier-veterans, turned in a fired up discussion on the topic of “defencism”, anarchists’ attitude towards the question of imperialistic war, etc. The discussion turned international fast, where members of RKS, Federation of Anarchists of Bulgaria (FAB), Russian marxsist “Soyuz Revolyutsionnyh Sotsialistov” (SRS, “Union of Revolutionary Socialists”) and other groups and undividual activists.

The most full positions of RKAS, FAB and Russian anarchists-defencists and the IWA during the World War 2 are expressed here: http://rkas.org.ua/node/530 (all in Russian).


Ukraine, May 2012

Comrades from Germany (one of which is a member of anarcho-syndicalist union FAU) were in Ukraine for at least 10 days. During that time they met members of RKAS in Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk and Kiev, where they exchanged information about the situation in anarchist movement in Ukraine and Germany, general political processes in our countries, history about RKAS and FAU. Unfortunately, a trip to the legendary “capital” of Makhnovschina – Huliaypole – was in vain: local historical museum had been closed for repairs...

More info here: http://rkas.org.ua/node/517 and http://rkas.org.ua/node/519

Video with comrade Gideon in “Phoenix” discussion club (Dnipropetrovsk): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmMZD1oCSws


June 1, 2012

Radio RKAS “Libertair” was established. The first program consists of the review of May Day projects of the RKAS and the interview with the member of RKAS Georgia. A regular publication of new programs on news, analysis of revolutionary and social-political processes, historical question and theory is planned.

You can listen to the radio here: http://radio.rkas.org.ua


Moscow, Russia, June 18, 2012

Member of the RKAS Anatoly Dubovik, also known as a historian of the anarchists and revolutionary movement, participated in a “round table” dedicated to the theme “Is it possible to consider the opposition of the communists in 1920-1930 as a part of antitotalitarian left-wing movement?”. The round table was organized by members of scientific-research center “Russian socialists and anarchists after October of 1917”, working with the “Memorial Society” group. During the debate, questions of history and evolution of the “leftist” (trotskist) opposition of the USSR were discussed.

More info here: http://socialist.memo.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=13282&pid=388088&st=0&#entry388088


Zhitomir, Ukraine, June 19, 2012.

Members of RKAS section in Zhitomir and fellow anarchists went on an illegal march and a demonstration to show their solidarity with the arrested Russian antifascists Alexey Sutuga and Alexey Olesinov. During this, a protest against antisocial politics of Ukrainian government was stated, followed up by leaflets and graffiti. After the demo, anarchists were pasting the agitation materials, during which one of the comrades got detained by the police for a short time.

Info and pics: http://rkas.org.ua/node/525


Russia, Kuban, Krasnodarskiy Kray, July 2012

A flood started in Kuban, first with rivers, then with mountain lakes overflowing. Informal sources say, that local gouverners ordered to open the gateways of water storage basins and fleed from the area. As a result, a wave swept away at least three settlements. The town of Krymsk, villages Nizhnebakansky and Niberdzhaevskaya were most destroyed. A comrade from RKAS-Voronezh participated in a volounteer camp near the village of Nizhnebakanska, which, all in all, had about 200 people. About 50-60 were on the the constant composition. The scope of work was enormous: collection of animal corpses, rubble removal, importation and exportation of humanitarian supplies, the protection of sites from looters, provision necessary facilities to the locals, psychological aid, etc.


In spring and early summer of 2012 sections of RKAS were doing their regular work on propaganda of anarcho-syndicalism amongst the workers, office-workers and stundents, were spreading agitation materials, visited the “Schools of Anarchism” – structures for increasing theoretical levels of organization’s activists. One of the main projects to work on was the preparation of the organization of next theoretical and training camp, scheduled for August.

The program of camp’s work of 2012 and video: http://rkas.org.ua/node/533


The publication of International Secretariat of Revolutionary Confederation of Anarcho-Syndicalists by the name of N. I. Makhno

#1, July 2012
