Dear Parent/Guardian,

On behalf of over 500 Woodlawn Elementary School students, I am writing to kindly ask you to support our Woodlawn Elementary School SOAR Store, which is open for our students every other month as a reward for using our school wide eagle expectations. S.O.A.R. stands for:

S – Stay Safe O – Own Your Actions A – Actively Learn R – Respect Everyone

The SOAR Store is in its 2nd year of business to help promote school-wide positive behavior that involves teaching positive social skills and recognizing students who are engaging in behaviors that improve the school climate and allow them to learn new social skills which better equip them to become successful members of society.

This year, more than ever, your donation is crucial. In order for the SOAR Store to stay open for business, Woodlawn Elementary School is requesting donations of new or lightly used items to include: posters, school supplies, stuffed animals, holiday items, books, movies (G RATED ONLY), stickers, toys, etc. Items purchased in the store are not only bought for the student themselves, but for family and friends by using their SOAR bucks earned from “SOARing” throughout the school day!

General Request: New or lightly used items that are appropriate and of high interest for our students between the ages Pre-K through 5th grade!

Date Needed: Donations will be accepted all year long!

To make a donation, please send your items to the Woodlawn Elementary School front office. Due to transportation rules and regulations, we kindly ask you to not to send any items on the school bus with your child. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Thank you very much in advance for your consideration and generosity.


Caitlin Still

Physical Education Teacher / PBIS Committee Member

(863) 471-5444 ext. 216