Limited Submission Proposal
Pre-Proposal Title:
Principal Investigator (PI) name:
PI’s email address:
Primary Participants
Name / Department & College Affiliation / Relevant Research AreasProject Summary
1. Background/Statement of Need. Describe the motivation for or content of your proposed work. What is the problem that needs to be solved or the gap in knowledge that needs to be closed? How does it fit the mission of the sponsor and the program objectives as stated in the solicitation? (2000 character limit)
2. Proposed Work. Describe your solution to the problem identified in #1. What is the specific goal of this project? Why is your approach unique? (1000 character limit)
3. Methods. Describe your project design. How will you achieve the goal identified in #2? (1000 character limit)
4. Resources. What resources (e.g., collaborators, partnering entities, special facilities and/or equipment) are necessary and available to support this endeavor? (1000 character limit)
5. Assessment. Describe how you will know that your work has been successful. Will you employ a specific assessment mechanism? (1000 character limit)
6. Significance. Describe what benefits will accrue if the project is successful? What is the potential of the project for advancing knowledge? What impacts will the project have on the educational and/or research endeavors of the University, on the discipline(s) involved, or on society? (1500 character limit)
7. Integration into Individual Career/Grantmanship Strategy. Describe the impact of the proposed work on your instructional and research activities. How will you manage the distribution of your effort among your awarded and pending projects? (2000 character limit)
8. Sustainability of the Project. Describe how you will sustain the proposed research/educational efforts when the funding period of this grant ends.
9. Total Budget (only necessary when cost share is required). Describe how you plan to meet the cost sharing requirements of this project.
Required Attachments
Please attach the following items:
· PI’s and Co-I’s two-page biosketches, in the format required by the sponsor
· Reviewers’ comments and a statement of how you have addressed them (resubmissions only)