Bachelor of computer Applications

Annual Examinations-2007

Computer Fundamentals


Time: Three Hours Maximum marks: 100


1. Attempt all the objective type question given below: (20*1=20)

i. Who is known as father of computer?

ii. ______is brain of computer.

iii.What does a RAM with 512*16 specifications mean?

iv.Mother Board is also known as______Board.

v. ______deals with binary variables.

vi. Define the memory units-BIT,BYTE,Mega byte and Giga byte.

vii. Write full form of UDO,PROM,BCD,AI.

  1. A software is______or set of______which is required to use the computer.
  2. Software’s are broadly classified into ______&______software.
  3. ______was the major invention of 2nd Generation Computer.
  4. Full form of ATM is ______.
  5. IC’s were first used in ______generation of computer.
  6. Write full form of MBRand DBR.
  7. Differentiate between “Save” & “Save As” file menu options.
  8. The zoom percentage can be set between 10% and ______% of the actual size.
  9. AIandVRwhich are major emerging technologies stands for ______&______respectively.
  10. MS DOSstands for ______.
  11. What is SDLC?
  12. What is Anti virus software?
  13. In Binary 1+1=______with carry______.


  1. Attempt any six questions. All question carry equal marks.

I. Describe evolution of Computer.


What are different kinds of monitors? Make a comparison between them.


  1. How central processing unit is divided in to functional sub units? Discuss with a suitable example.


What is a cell in Excel? Explain the difference between deleting cells a complete Row.


  1. Convert (225.225)10 to binary, octal and hexadecimal number.
  2. What are positional & non positional number system?


  1. Convert (623.77)8 to decimal,binary and hexadecimal number system
  2. What is full form of BCD?How BCD is different from EBCDIC?
  1. What is client / server Architecture?Write examples of two server software and two client software’s
  2. What do you mean by different generations of Computer? How was 2nd generation Computer different from first generation.


Discuss one major feature of commonly used data base management packages.

  1. What do you mean by Input and Output devices? Give examples of two output and five storage devices.


  1. Attempt any five of the following. All question carry equal marks
  1. Describe the following:
  • Personal Computers, Main frame
  • Super Computer
  • Special purpose Computer and General Purpose Computer.
  1. What do you mean by memory unit?What are different types of primary memory and secondary memory? Discuss in detail.
  2. Write notes on Internet, Intranet and Extranet.
  3. What do you mean by buffering,spooling,Handshaking & checksum? Describe in brief with an example.


What do you mean by a batch file? What is difference between a simple batch file and an AUTOEXE.BAT file? Create down steps to create a batch file name Mohit bat to copy all files from the floppy disk to Hard disk.

  1. What are different types of processing modes? Explain in detail.


What is OOP? Give example oftwo OOP languages. Describe any five of the following basic terminologies.

  1. Object
  2. Class
  3. Encapsulation
  4. Data Hiding
  5. Data abstraction
  6. Inheritance
  7. Polymorphism
  1. Write short notes on the following.

a. Feasibility study

b. Analysis

c. Design

d. Implementation

e. Post implementation


Differentiate between system and application software. Given four example of each.

  1. Make table of Binary,Decimal,Octal and hexadecimal number system. Perform the following authentic operations.
  1. Add (10/110)2 and (11110)2
  2. Subtract (1011)2 from (100000)2


What are the main components of a computer system? Describe in brief with suitable diagram.

  1. Explain the application of IT in any four of the following fields.
  2. Entertainment
  3. Engineering
  4. Banking
  5. Business
  6. Home
  7. Medical


What is networking? What are the minimum components that you need to connect two computers? Write full form of LAN, WAN & MAN and also differentiate between them.

Bachelor of Computer Applications

Annual Examinations-2007

PC Software


Time: 3 Hours. Max.Marks:100


Answer all objective type questions

  1. In 1946 a full fledged electronic computer______was discovered.
  2. Thermometer is an example of ______computers.
  3. MICR stands for ______.
  4. A device which is used by pilots to control the flight of an aircraft, Known as ______.
  5. An internal internet is known as______.
  6. ______is a collection of programmes used to control a computer system.
  7. MS-Word pointer is Known as ______.
  8. Each excel workbook can have maximum ______worksheets.
  9. Each excel syntax for A VG function is ______.
  10. DOS is a ______based operating system.
  11. Process that starts up a computer is called______.
  12. In MS-DOS all commands which are defined in the file itself are called ______.
  13. Outlook Express is used for ______.
  14. Desktop is the area that is called ______.
  15. In spelling checking process, option is used to keep the word as it is ______.
  16. The two main documents used by word in the mail merge process are ______and ______.
  17. DBMS stands for ______.
  18. HTML stands for ______.
  19. Power point presentation is powerful managerial tool for ______.
  20. SQL stands for ______.


Answer any five questions

  1. What do you mean by splitting cells and merging cells?
  2. What is the purpose of shutdown feature?
  3. Name any five major features of Microsoft Windows 98.
  4. What are the margins in word processing terminology and how much different type of margins are available.
  5. List any five features of MS-Excel.
  6. Write the steps of creating a power point presentation using MS-power point.
  7. List the Objects of database in MS-Access.
  8. Write the syntax of any five formulas in MS-excel.



Answer any five questions

  1. Discuss Menu bar in MS-Word.
  2. Write the steps of creating worksheet for any five students result record.
  3. Differentiate between
  4. Search and “Search and replace”
  5. Copy and move text
  6. Font type and font style
  7. Paragraph and line break
  8. Write a database description using MS-Access for Employee Information System.
  9. Differentiate between internal and external DOS commands.
  10. Write the steps of drawing chart using MS-Excel. Use one example to support your answer.
  11. What are the tasks performed by HTML conversion filter while converting an existing document to HTML document?
  12. What do you understand by mail merge? What are the basic steps in order to mail merge?

Bachelor of Computer Applications

Annual Examination-2007

Computer Mathematics


Time:Three Hours Maximum marks: 100

Q1.Attempt all question given below:

i. Is the set A={x:x+5=5} Null?

ii. Are the Sets ¢, {¢} and {0} different?

  1. Explain De-Morgan’s law with example.
  2. If A={1,2} and B={a,b} then list all elements of A*B and B*A.
  3. Find the sum of the series √2 +√2 (1-√2) +√2(1-2√2)……….Up to 20 terms.
  4. Find the sum of the series 3,5,7,9…….
  5. If tan²θ=1+2tan²¢, then show that

Cos²¢= 2Cos² θ

  1. Prove thatSin θ (Sec θ + Cosec θ) – Cos θ (Secθ – Cosec θ )= Secθ Cosecθ
  2. Prove that lim x→0 x² +2=2


x. Find dy, if ax²+2hxy+by²=1.


xi. Define group and ring.

xii. Find Sin 45º- Sin 30º

Cos 45º+ Cos 60º

  1. Differentaite etanx w.r.t.x.
  2. Find the distance between the points (3,5) and (1,4)
  3. Evaluate 1(x4 -1)


  1. If A = {a,b,c,d,e}and B= {d,e,p,q}.Find A-B.
  2. Define Duality of Boolean expression.
  3. F(x) = 2x and g(x)=x²+2, find gog (1).
  4. If f : x→y and g: y→z are one-one onto mapping ; prove that gof : x→z is one-one.
  5. Find parenthesized from of postfix form ABC** CDE +/-
  6. Find the order of the relation

an + an -3=5

  1. Show that PV~P is tantology.
  2. Construct truth table for ~ (p^q)^ (pˇq).


xi. Explain shortest path algorithm with example.

Q3. Attempt any five questions 5*10=50

i. Verify that sin 1 Π = sin 1 Π cos 1 Π + cos


ii. Differentiate tan-1(2x) w.r.t.x


iii. If y =x3 eax then find yx.

  1. The 5th term of AP is 11 and its 9th term is 7. Find its 16th term.
  1. Prove that tanθ+secθ-1 = 1+sinθ

tanθ-secθ+1 cosθ

vi. Find lim √(1+x)-√(1-x)

x→0 x

vii. Show that f(x)= 1 has ordinary discontinuity at x=0.


viii. Find Cos 15º.


i. If A= {1,2,3,4} B={2,3,5,6} C={4,5,6,7}

verify that

AU (B∩C) = (AUB)∩(AUC)

  1. If f : R→R and g : R→R are two mappings such that f(x) = 2x and g(x) = x² + 2,

then prove that fog ≠ gof.

  1. Draw a binary tree to represent


Bachelor of Computer Applications

Annual Examinations -2007

Principle of Management


Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100


Attempt all the questions given below:

  1. The most dependable view regarding the nature of Management is that it is science and

_____ .

2. Organizations, business or social dominate our .

3. Forecasting is a technique of .

4. Organization is treated as a dynamic

5. Historically, the oldest form of organization is .

6. Tall organizations are costly and less effective

7. If delegation is the means, then decentralization is the.

8. Delegation does not mean the transfer of authority.

9. Feedback is a form of communication.

10. need to be fulfilled for human survival.

11. Job analysis consist ofand .

12. Different functional units can achievecoordination among themselves.

13. Your decision to enroll for this course can be called a decision.

14. Free rein technique the worker to act.

15. Break even analysis is an example of control.

16. The first step to MBO is

17. Cohesion means .

18. A leader and a manager the same meaning.

19. Organizational structure leads to organizational excellence.

20. The latest type of organizational design is .


Answer any six questions. All questions carry equal marks. 5*6=30

  1. What is Hertzberg’s two –factor approach to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction? Why has this approach been criticized?
  2. Leaders are not born but made, comment.
  3. Explain the quantitative techniques of decision- making.
  4. MBO has not succeeded in Indian companies.” Comment”
  5. A supervisor can be effective only if he understand fully the dynamic of the group working under his supervision. Discus the statement brining out clearly the concept of group dynamic.
  6. Authority should go with responsibility.”Discuss with reference to the internal organization of a business unit.
  7. If delegation is the means, then decentralization is the

8. Delegation does not mean the transfer of authority.

9. Feedback is a form of communication.

10. need to be fulfilled for human survival.

11. Job analysis consists of and .

12. Different functional units can achievecoordination among themselves.

13. Your decision to enroll for this course can be called a decision.

14. Free rein technique the worker to act.

15. Break even analysis is an example of control.

16. The first step to MBO is .

17. Cohesion means .

18. A leader and a manager the same meaning.

19. organizational structure leads to organizational excellence.

20. The latest type of organizational design is .


Answer any six questions. All question carry equal marks.

  1. What is Hertzberg’s two –factor approach to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction? Why has this approach been criticized?
  2. Leader are not born but made, comment.
  3. Explain the quantitative techniques of decision-making.
  4. MBO has not succeeded in Indian companies.” comment”
  5. A supervisor can be effective only if he understand fully the dynamic of the group working under his supervision. Discuss the statement bringing out clearly the concept of group dynamic.
  6. Authority should go with responsibility.” Discuss with reference to the internal organization of business unit.
  7. Discuss the techniques of co-ordination.
  8. Define direction. What are the elements?


Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 5*10=50

  1. Management is getting things done through others Elaborate.
  2. Describe the system approach to management. Explain its salient characteristics of the system.
  3. A plan is a trap laid to capture the future. Explain
  4. Write short notes on:
  5. Virtual organization
  6. Collateral organization
  7. Organization chart
  8. Delegation of authority is not a loss of power; it is an enhancement of power, Examine this statement clearly.
  9. What is the function of grapevines why do manager some times use the grapevines to convey information?
  10. Discuss the obstacles or barriers in communication.
  11. Define selection of personal. State the steps involved in selection.

Bachelor of Computer Applications

Annual Examinations -2007

Programming Fundamentals


Time:Three Hours Maximum marks:100


(Attempt any one) (20*1=20)

i. Information need of software can be determined by .

ii. Problem definition involves .

iii. Determines how correctly data is being processed by the machine.

  1. example of cost of processing.

v.means strength of relations between modules.

vi. means strength of relation nodule.

vii. Andare two information passed between modules.

viii. Each module of structured program should have point.

ix. Debugging is the process .

x. A program is .

xi. logical errors are .

xii. Programming languages can be categorized into and


xiii. Machine level languages instruction has part and part.

xiv. is used to convert high level language program to machine level language.

xv. The full form of FORTRAN is .

xvi. The full form of BASIC is .

xvii. An example of interpreter based language is .

xviii. Mixed entry form consist of features of .


i. The design approach to split large program into smaller one is called as .

ii. Machine level languages are categorized into and .

iii. Stoves address of a variable.

iv. C is level language.

v. Full form of BASIC is.

vi. is function that returns length of a string.

vii. A big is .

  1. is used to exit from switch statement.
  2. Programming in assembly language requires a .
  3. Loop executes at least ones.
  4. Range of int data type is .
  5. Algorithm is usually used for solving optimization problems.
  6. Full form of COBOL is .
  7. Full form of LISP is .
  8. ______remains unchanged during program execution.
  9. A file is opened with______.
  10. Two types of files are______and______.

Section – II

(Attempt any six) 6×5 = 30

  1. Differentiate between cohesion and coupling with example.
  2. What are basic attributes of a module?
  3. Write an algorithm to calculate average of first twenty prime numbers.
  4. How compiler is different from interpreter?
  5. What are program interfaces?Explain its importance.
  6. What are execution errors? Explain with examples.
  7. Explain side effects of maintenance.
  8. What are decision Tables? How are useful?

Section – III

(Attempt any five) 5×10 = 50

  1. Write short notes on

(a)Top down design

(b)Programming constants.

  1. Explain the activities involve in executing a high level language program. Also explain

Utility programs that are required.

  1. Explain steps involved in programming with example.
  2. Write short notes on
  3. Arrays
  4. Functions
  5. Pointers
  6. Constants
  7. Discuss different library functions related to file handling and use them to remove all occurrence of a word from a file.
  8. Write an algorithm and then make flow chart to generate list of odd numbers up to 100 that are divisible by three.
  9. Explain types of table forms with example.
  10. Explain concept of maintenance as part of software evolution.

Bachelor of Computer Applications

Annual Examinations – 2007

Operating System


Time: Three Hours Maximum marks: 100


1. Attempt all the questions in this section (20×1 = 20)

i. Define operating system.

ii. Give 1 example of single user OS.

  1. ______Calls define the programmer interface to Unix.
  2. A process may be created through the ______system call.
  3. A process state when instructions are being executed is known as______.
  4. Define content switch.
  5. Full form of FCFS is ______.
  6. ______of program is a strategy in which a routine is not leaded until its called.
  7. A ______system is where multiple users share files & storage resources.
  8. Attributes are properties of ______.
  9. Mention any one menu item displayed when user click on start button of screen in windows .
  10. The operating system of UNIX is known as ______.
  11. The UNIX command for creating a new process is ______.
  12. Define virtual memory.
  13. Segmentation causes ______fragmentation.
  14. What is non-preemptive scheduling?
  15. Mention any 1 category of system calls.
  16. Multitasking is a logical extension of multi ______.
  17. Program menu contains ______.
  18. ______Access is not possible in link allocation.

Section – II

Attempt any six question. 5×6 = 30

i. Mention characteristics of single user OS.

ii. Differentiate between long term and short term schedulers.

  1. Mention the categories of files under UNIX.
  2. Describe the functions of control panel in windows.
  3. Explain any 1 scheduling algorithm.
  4. What are file management functions?
  5. Given advantages & disadvantages of segmentation.

Section –III

Attempt any five questions 10×5 = 50

  1. Explain in detail the features of UNIX.
  2. Explain the process states and their transitions with a diagram.
  3. What is the concept of FCFS algorithm? 4 processes with Brust time as 6,8,7 and 3 arrive. Draw a Gant chart and calculate the average turn around time. Also calculate the average wait time using FCFS.
  4. Mention the 32 system services implemented through various system calls.
  5. Give the syntax of looping constructs in UNIX with an example each.
  6. Mention the menu items displayed on click of start Button of windows.
  7. Explain the concept of multi programming and multitasking in detail.

Bachelor of Computer Applications

Annual Examinations -2007

Programming in C

BCAD – 203

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100


Note: All questions in this section are compulsory and carry 4 marks each.

  1. Describe a pseudo-code to find sum of numbers from 1 to 100.
  2. What are rules for constructing a variable name C? What are the different types of constant C?
  3. What will be the output of the following program?



int i,j,k;






  1. What is the difference between getch(),getch(),and gets() functions?
  2. What is the difference between while and do- while ?
  3. How can you initialize a 2 dimensional array?How is a 2 dimensional array represented in the memory?
  4. Differentiate call-by-value and call-by-reference.
  5. What is pointer?Explain with the help of example.
  6. Write a structure for a student record,which will contain name of a student,his roll number,age,class and marks in 5 subjects.
  7. What is the difference between structure and union?
  8. Compare a linked list and array with respect to their advantage and disadvantage.
  9. Write a macro to return the maximum of 2 numbers.


Note: Attempt any four Each question is of 12 marks.

Q1. Write a program to print the following pattern:


* *

* * *

* * * *

Q2. (a)Write a function to convert all characters in an array of characters to uppercase. (6)

(b)Write a function to take print the elements of a 2- dimensional array row –by-row.(6

Q3. (a) Write a function to calculate factorial of a number recursively. (6)

(b) Now write the same function as in (a) part without using recursion. (6)

Q4. (a) What is the output of the program below? (6)



int x[4] = {4,5,9,10};

int*prt = x;

prt+ = 2;



(ii)void main()


char * prt;

char str[] = “HELLO WORLD”;

ptr = str;




(b) Write a program to reverse a string. (6)

Q5. Write a recursive function for the tower of Hanoi problem .What will be the output when n=3?

Q6. (a) Describe the various storage classes. (6)

(b) Write a function to print digits of a given number. (6)

Q7. Describe the following with examples

(a) #include (b) #if (c) #undef (d) #ifdef