Resources: Viewing and Creating Folders
In this video, you will learn how to:
- view folders and sub-folders
- create folders and sub-folders
The Resources tool is used to host files for use by some or all members of a site, or the general public. Files can be organised into folders, and access to each folder can be controlled by the site owner using the standard permissions facility.
We will start from the top-level of the Resources tool. To access this page, click on the Resources link in the tools menu.
If the Resources tool is not currently visible in your tools menu, you need to use the Site Info tool to add it. Please refer to related videos for details.
1.view folders and sub-folders
This is the top-level of your site’s Resources area.
By default, this top-level folder bears the name of the site.
If you have created any folders or files, you will be able to see a list of items here.
The folders and files can be sorted by clicking on the title, the resource creator, the date last modified or the size.
To reverse the order, click any of these links again.
The Folder icon with a ‘+’ in it means that there are sub folders or files within this folder.
This can also been seen from the size of the folder.
To expand a folder and view its content, simply click on the Foldericon.
To expand all the folders, click on the Expand all button.
To collapse all the folders, click on the Collapse all button.
To enter a folder, click on the title link.
This bar helps you navigate to an upper level folder.
To go back to the top-level folder page, click on the Tool Reset button.
2.create folders and sub-folders
Before creating a new folder, you need to decide which parent folder it should belong to.
Planning the hierarchy of your folders is important, as the availability of sub-folders is restricted by that of the parent folders.
Click on the Add button next to the relevant parent folder.
A drop-down list appears.
Select Create Folders.
Give the folder a name.
You can edit your folder properties by clicking on theAdd details for this item link.
You can also use the Edit Details option to do so later. Please refer to related videos for details.
To add more folders, click on the Add Another Folder link.
To delete a folder, click on the ‘X’icon.
Click Create Folders Now.
Now the newly created folder appears in the item list.
To create a sub-folder for this folder, click on the corresponding Add button and repeat the above process.
For more information, please read our written guidance at:
3.related videos
Adding, Editing and Removing Tools (how to add the Resources tool to the site)
Editing Resource Properties (how to use Edit Details option to edit the folder properties)
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